Test 3 - Units 7, 8, & 9

Side by Side 2 - ESL021

Test 3 is on pages 61-92(Units 7-9). Be prepared to answer questions similar to the following:

PageYou see:You hear:You write:

64-5map fromCould you please tell me how toSure. Go along 2nd Ave. to

p. 64& a get to the post office from here?River St. and turn left. Go up

picture River St. and you’ll see the post

showingon your left, next to the library.

your location

67Can you recommend a good Certainly. Macaroni Grill is a

restaurant?good restaurant. I think it’s
one of the best restaurants

in Goodyear.

72I think she's a beautiful singer.She certainly is. She sings very beautifully.

74They dress very sloppily.You're right. They should try

to dress more neatly.

76What are you going to eat tonight?If I'm hungry, I'll eat ______.

If I'm not very hungry, I'll eat ______.

77You shouldn’t eat so quickly.That’s right. If you eat too quickly, you might get a stomachache.

Continues on the other side…..

Study the following:

page 83 vocabulary – and know the simple past tense forms of the verbs!

pages 84-5 questions and answers – know the correct subject-verb agreement

Examples:you hear:What was your friend doing yesterday at 3 pm?

you write:She (or he) wasworking. (or whatever is logical)

you hear:What were your friends doing yesterday at 3 pm?

you write:Theywereworking. (or whatever is logical)

you hear:I saw you last night at 11 pm. You were walking into Walmart.

you write:That wasn’t me. Last night at 11 pm I wassleeping.
(or whatever is true).

page 86 questions and answers – know the correct reflexive pronouns

Examples:you see:a picture similar to those on page 87

you hear:What did Aunt Ethel do yesterday?

you write:Shewent to the circus by herself.

you see:a picture similar to those on page 87

you hear:What did your brother and sister do yesterday?

you write:They played volleyball by themselves.

pages 88-9 vocabulary, questions, and answers

Examples:you see:a picture similar to those on page 88 or 89

you hear:What happened to your parents yesterday?

you write:They got a flat tire while they were driving over a bridge.

you see:a picture similar to those on page 88 or 89

you hear:What happened to Henry yesterday?

you write:He tripped and fell while he was walking down the stairs.

you hear:You look upset. What happened to you?

you write:I …. (whatever is logical that uses past tense & past progressive actions)