Thaxted Cricket Club

Minutes of Committee Meeting held

11th November at the Swan

Present:David Halsey, Pat Barker, Lynette Rendell,

Mark Taylor, Kevin Wood, Jan Matthews,

John Taylor, Stuart Levey

Apologies:Pete Leach, Martin Barker, Paul Furlonger

Meeting opened at 8.00pm

The minutes of the previous cricket meeting were agreed.

Pavilion Extension Work

The extension has been started. The work party which was due on Saturday 14th has been postponed until the following week the 21st due to lack of helpers and the bad weather.

JT has had to produce new plans for the council, due to changes in lay out and the fact that new outside boarding needs replacing. The costs are increasing from original quotation. This is due to additional work that needs doing, i.e. it will cost £883 plus VAT to replace the exterior boarding. The outside of the pavilion will stay the same colour, it will be painted black. The floor of the pavilion has had to be removed and needs replacing.

JT stated what the costs would be for the next phase which is to include: Disabled Toilet, Plumbing (DH to contact Derek Miles, as he has offered to help with plumbing), Electrics, Urinals/Toilets, Plaster Board, Fixings etc, Roof Shingles, Brick, Sand, Cement, Screeding, Timber, Labour etc come to approximately £13,600 plus VAT.

The following items among many still need funding = Lighting, Plastering, Showers, Tiles, Painting (PB has offered to paint), Kitchen.


PB stated that the club has received grants totalling approximately £25,000 from the following: Veridor, Yardley’s, Hunt’s, Stansted Airport, Grass Roots.

SL suggested PB contact The Thaxted Society for possible contribution to fund.

DH has sent letters of thanks to Mr Reehal, John Jossaume, Carr and Bircher, Haighs etc for all their contributions received so far.

Fund Raising

A quiz night has been be arranged by Richard Yeldham, for Friday 29th January 2010. John Smith has been booked as the Quiz Master. Hot food will be provided, i.e. Jacket Potatoes, Chilli Con Carne, etc. Ticket cost £8/Adult, £5 Children, tables of maximum eight people. Richard will produce posters for distribution after Christmas. The drink will be brought sale or return, although the beer which was left from Pavilion Bar will be sold first.

Fundraising for next year –

Cake and Plant Stall to be held under Thaxted Guildhall

Tombola to be held outside Wayletts, hopefully on a Friday (market day)

Cake Stall to be held by Boots in Walden, (preferably a couple of months after first Cake and Plant stall.

Single Wicket Competition, held by MT, any Sunday which is free.

Juniors Cricket Day

Additional Fund Raising Ideas

Compendium of cricket skills (sponsored event) for Colts

Paintball (for adults)

Juniors Fund Day (possibly end of June)

Official Opening of New Pavilion

17th April 2010 – DH has spoken to Graham Pryke, who believes he can get an Essex Cricket Celebrity to officially cut the ribbon. DH to contact Graham regarding the date. Suggestion of making it an all day event with Juniors playing a game in morning, then official opening, followed by men’s match (20/20).

Colts Cricket 2010

A meeting will take place on 8th December at the Swan regarding the position of the colts next season. DH is standing down as Colts organiser, he will only be managing the U12’s next season.

Any Other Business

DH reported we can apply for a Jack Petchey Leadership Award of £500. This is to go to someone over the age of 25. It has to be spent on something that will help improve the youngsters. Any ideas????

AGM Date – 16th February 2010 at the Bowls Club. DH to book venue.

The League requires a Division 4 Rep to attend approximately 4 meetings a year. Any takers????

SL apologies in advance that he will not be available for any events during Dec/Jan.

Bruce Munroe wishes to become a Vice-President for the Club, PB to supply details of address etc.

Newport Nets – Talks of possibly getting nets for 2 hours, the first hour being for junior coaching, followed by Adults training. KW to speak to Sean Murphy regarding booking hall.

Meeting closed at 9.35 pm