Name ______PD ____

Chapter 10 Lesson 1

Directions: As you watch the video lecture from the wikispace, use this space to take notes on what you are watching… as well as complete the questions the video is asking of you.

Video Lecture Notes:

Defining Public Opinion:

Key Role in Democracy (4 and what they mean):

Factors that Influence Public Opinion (3 and what they mean):

Features of Public Opinion (3 and what they mean):

Reflection Questions (4 questions and write out the question before answering):

Public Opinion Polls (who, what, when and why? Pros and Cons as well – from video and lecture notes):

Name ______PD ____

Video Quiz:

_____ 1. True or False Opinion Polls have always been relied upon during elections and passing legislation.

_____ 2. Public Opinion Polls are almost ALWAYS right.

3. Which candidate was siad to have won the 1948 presidential election based upon exit polls?______

_____ 4. Group of people that respond in a public opinion poll are know as the ______.

_____ 5. True or False A polls quality relies mostly on its location.

6. A poll needs to be careful so that it is not too small, too narrow or too ______.

7. The person doing the asking in the polls must be careful not to be ______.

8. To avoid confrontation, many people will give ______instead of honest opinions.

_____ 9. True or False The wording of questions that lead people to a certain reposne are known as pull polls.

_____ 10. True or False Although there are known flaws, public opinion polls are still widely used as it can provide government with the thoughts and moods of large groups of Americans.

Pro or Con Question: (write the question here and answer it):

What do you notice about this cartoon? Explain what the designer of this cartoon means: