Addendum #1 to

IFB 11-024 Concrete Drainage

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RFP NO.: 12-064 DATE:December 11, 2012



DATE OF ADDENDUM: December 4, 2012

THE ATTACHED addendum shall become as fully a part of the above named RFP as if therein included and shall take full and complete precedence over anything contained to the contrary.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Each proposer shall indicate acknowledgment of receipt of this addendum by signing below and submitting this addendum signature page with the proposal.

Each proposer shall be responsible for reading every item on the attached addendum to ascertain to what extent and in what manner if affects the work being proposed.

No attempt is made to list these addendum items in any special order.

The result of this addendum will affect the RFP opening date as follows:


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IFB 12-064 Addendum #1

Fuel Equipment Upgrade

Page 1

RFP NO.: 12-064 DATE: December11, 2012



The following is a clarification to this Request for Proposal (RFP):

1.Question: The Specifications on page 3 indicate the following: “Akerslocation: 13 fuel dispensers, 3 with 2 dispensing nozzles each for Gasoline and 5 single nozzle dispensers with slave dispensers, and 1 single nozzle bulk dispenser for Diesel with 3 control pedestals”. Could you please clarify the total number of hoses to be controlled at the Akers location?

ANSWER: There are 12 total dispensers that will register gallons pumped.

2.Question: Regarding Access Controls and Data Collection, can you tell me how many vehicles will require RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)for pricing purposes, or should the RFP reflect per unit pricing to facilitate El Paso County’s decision to be made later?

ANSWER: Per unit pricing please. Keep in mind our initial purchase will be approximately 150.

3.Question: Regarding Access Controls and Data Collection, can you tell me if non-RFID vehicles will be identified by a manual key pad entry or if the County of El Paso is interested in memory chip keys for identifying these vehicles?

ANSWER: We currently plan to have any equipment or vehicle without RFID to use the key pad for data entry. However if you have a more efficient method such as a memory chip, please include it as an option priced individually.

4.Question: Regarding Access Controls and Data Collection, can you tell me if personnel who are fueling non-RFID vehicles/equipment will be identified by a manual key pad entry at the fuel island pedestal where the operator would normally identify his vehicle and himself, prior to dispensing fuel from the pump? [ie, typically operators insert a vehicle memory chip key for vehicle ID and enter a Personnel Identification Number to identify themselves.This is probably the most reliable means, since they will only need to remember their PIN and not the vehicle ID. If you prefer, however, both can be identified by a key pad entry.]

ANSWER: Yes, each authorized person will be entered into the system database and will then be required to enter their assigned number. (All new authorized personnel are entered into the computer at the fleet office and are assigned an identification number. When using the control pedestal [at the pump] the individual enters their assigned ID Number into the keypad to activate the pump.)

5.Question: Regarding the bulk lubrication system at Calhan and Akers Garage, can you tell me how many lubricant reels/hoses are at each?

ANSWER: The Bulk Lubricant systems are located at the Akers and Calhan garages only. We have 70 dispensers for 7 different products. Akers Garage has nine separate stations, seven of which having six dispenser, one having seven dispensers and the last having three dispenser. The Calhan Garage has three separate stations, two of which have seven dispensers and one having four dispensers.

6.Question: Regarding the bulk lubrication system at Calhan and Akers Garage can you tell me if each bulk lubrication system will be controlled by its own control pedestal or are the reel systems located at or near the islands to be controlled by the fuel pedestals?

ANSWER: Each shop Calhan and Akers will be able to use two control pedestals. One inside centrally located; that can control each of the stations throughout the shop and one outside to control the station located outside the shops.

New questions/answers from pre-proposal meeting:

7. Question: Do you want completely new software, or just upgrade the existing PetroVend?

ANSWER: No new software, upgrade the PetroVend on our stand-alone computer.

8. Question: You have a host computer and the Motorola?

ANSWER: Yes, the Motorola is the handheld MC 390.

9. Question: If we put a hardbox onto a lube truck, how does the info get into JDE?

ANSWER: We need some sort of non-manual, technical data transfer, from the hardbox into the stand-alone computer, not JDE. Even something as simple as a thumb-drive could be acceptable.

10. Question: Which manual inputs of data are the main issues?

ANSWER: Odometer numbers or equipment hours, vehicle number. If cost allows, driver ID number.

11. Question: How would the system operate without power? Are there generators at all sites?

ANSWER: If the pumps are running, the other equipment should be running. There is a generator only at the Akers and Calhan sites.

12. Question: Are there dedicated phone lines at all sites?

ANSWER: Yes, all the sites have phone lines (analog) dedicated just to data.

13. Question: Would the County group sites together in order to get better pricing?

ANSWER: Proposals can certainly offer pricing discounts for “grouped sites”. At a minimum all proposals should price each site individually, in the priority order listed in the specifications, to facilitate any phasing that may be needed.

14. Question: For sites without tank monitors, that log the data on paper, manually, how often do you get the data?

ANSWER: We send a person out every Thursday to manually dip the tanks. We want some sort of gauge/monitor for every site.

15. Question: There are different ways to reconcile the data, how does the County reconcile the data?

ANSWER: The manually “dipped” sites are typed into the office computer. Reports are run and reviewed before the data is then allowed to be moved into the JDE database.

16. Question: Are the pumps at each site suction or submersibles? What size and power requirements?

ANSWER: Underground Storage Tanks (USTs). Calhan, Blackforest, and Akers have Pressurized Fuel Pumps at 230 Volts, both for gasoline and diesel.

Above Ground Storage Tanks (ASTs).

Transportation Truckton and Fountain have Suction Pumps at 115/230 Volts.

Transportation Peyton and Ellicott have Suction Pumps at 120 volts.

Transportation Fox Run have Suction Pumps at 115/230 Volts.

Parks Fox Run have Suction Pump at 115 Volts.

Parks Fountain have Suction Pump at 208/230 Volts

Parks Bear Creek have Suction Pump at 208/230 Volts

Additional questions received:

  1. Calhan location there are 3 dispensers and 2 card readers, but in the specs, you are only wanting to remove and replace 2 dispensers and 1 card reader?

ANSWER: At Calhan we have one (1) gasoline dispenser with two (2) dispensing nozzles. We want to replace this dispenser with the two (2) nozzles. At Calhan we have two (2) diesel dispensers with two (2) each dispensing nozzles for a total of four (4) dispensing nozzles. We want to use one (1) card reader for the gasoline and diesel dispensers.

  1. What is the current petrovend software (Version) and equipment (Model)?

ANSWER: It is a Petrovend, Phoenix OPW, Version kpp 2.0 System. The system uses Analog Modem through phone line for communications.

  1. Please provide more specification on what is to be accomplished at the Calhan and Akers locations regarding the bulk lube systems.

ANSWER: Currently we have Bulk Lubrication Systems at Calhan and Akers garages ONLY. We want to track and capture Petroleum Products and Antifreeze (gallons) dispensed from the reels located at the two garages.

  1. Are NEW dispense valves being requested and refered to when stating new lubricant dispensers? (This has nothing to do with fluid management)

ANSWER: NO new dispense valves for bulk lubrication system.

  1. Can you provide the addresses for the following sites?

Fox Run Transportation: 16490 Roller Coaster Road, Black Forest, Co. 80908

Fox Run Parks: 2110 Stella Drive, CS, Co. 80921

Fountain Parks: 310 Duckwood Road, Fountain, Co. 80817

Ellicott, Transportation: 23975 Highway 94, Ellicot, Co. 80808

Peyton, Transportation: 13525 Railroad Street, Peyton, Co. 80831

Parks Bear Creek: 1802 Creek Crossing, CS, Co. 80905

NOTE: Please use this link for a map that shows the locations:

All terms and conditions of the original RFP shall remain unchanged and the subsequent proposals received as a result of this solicitation shall be opened and evaluated in accordance with those terms and conditions. Please sign the addendum signature page and return it (signature page) with your proposal. Failure to acknowledge this addendum in writing may be cause for rejection of your proposal. Questions regarding this RFP Addendum should be directed to Brenda Gordon, Procurement Specialist, Contracts and Procurement Division (719) 520-6392, preferably emailed to or faxed to (719) 520-6396.

Brenda Gordon
Brenda Gordon, CPPB, Procurement SpecialistIII