Amended 17 Aug 12


The RAF Sailing Association is a Registered Company No: 07030163, VAT No: 348 023 665, Registered Charity: 1132197


1.  The company shall be known as the Royal Air Force Sailing Association (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Association’ or ‘RAFSA’ as appropriate).


2.  The objects for which the Association is established are to promote the efficiency of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces by increasing physical fitness, fostering the esprit de corps and raising morale of members of the Royal Air Force and other services, in particular (but not by way of limitation), through promoting, encouraging participation in and providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for sailing.[1]

a.  To provide sailing facilities for members of the Royal Air Force and Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service (PMRAFNS) in the United Kingdom.

b.  To promote, foster and facilitate an interest in the art of sailing and boat management in the Royal Air Force and PMRAFNS both at home and abroad.

c.  To promote and manage competitions and encourage participation by members in the individual sailing championships and inter-station, inter-formation and inter-Service racing.

d.  To recruit, train and develop instructors, coaches, officials, skippers and crew; and provide the environment for individual members to develop a wide range of personal skills and attributes essential to a modern military force including leadership, management, planning, teamwork, self-discipline, self-reliance, hardiness and courage.


3.  The following are entitled to be members[2] of RAFSA, with equal rights and entitlements[3]:

a.  All serving and retired personnel of the Royal Air Force and Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service.

b.  Members of the other Armed Forces of the Crown serving with the Royal Air Force.

c.  Personnel of Commonwealth and Allied Forces during any period in which they are serving under Royal Air Force command.

d.  Members of the Regular reserve of the Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Royal Auxiliary Air Force (and any successor Reserve organisations), RAF Full Time Reserves, and University Air Squadrons.

e.  The dependants of serving personnel. Dependents under the age of 18 are entitled to free membership.

f.  MOD Civil Servants, serving in RAF related appointments.

g.  Other civilians who provide a demonstrable benefit to RAFSA, eg instructors. Such members shall need the prior approval of the Trustees.

4.  Termination of Membership. The Trustees shall have the right to terminate the membership of any member whose conduct is considered to be unworthy of a member or otherwise injurious to the prestige and interests of the Association provided that before membership is terminated the member shall be accorded full opportunity of making an explanation.

5.  Army SA and Royal Navy SA Members. ASA and RNSA members shall be treated as RAFSA members.


6.  The Ensign of the Association shall have the design and dimensions recommended by the College of Arms and approved by Her Majesty The Queen on 11 Jun 86. Since initial approval, in order to ensure that the defacement is large enough to be clearly identifiable, in accordance with good heraldic practice and the approval of the College of Arms, the design has been subject to minor changes. The current legal version of the RAFSA Ensign is defined in Royal Navy Book of Reference 20 (BR20) and is reproduced below.

7.  The Burgee of the Association shall have the following design:

8.  The design for Flags and Pennants for the Association’s Flag Officers shall follow the conventional shape and design for such flags with the design of the burgee providing the detail for the devices and colours.


9.  General. The Association shall consist of the Board of Trustees (BoT) and 4 operating divisions: the Offshore Division, the Dinghy Division, the Windsurfing Division and the Safety Division. To be quorate, any divisional meeting must include a trustee, either in person, or by teleconference.

10.  Appointment of Sub-Committees. The BoT and Divisions may appoint such sub-committees as they deem necessary, and may delegate, in writing, such powers as they think fit. The TORs and delegations of any sub-committees are to be advised to the BoT.

11.  BoT. The BoT comprises:

a.  Admiral (see para 13).

b.  Commodore.

c.  Vice-Commodore.

d.  Rear-Commodore (Offshore).

e.  Rear-Commodore (Dinghy).

f.  Rear-Commodore (Windsurfing).

g.  Rear-Commodore (Safety).

h.  Honorary Secretary.

i.  Honorary Treasurer.

j.  Deputy Honorary Secretary. (If all other of the above posts are filled by different individuals who are also elected as Trustees, this post shall not be a Trustee)

The appointment or re-appointment of one Trustee who shall be the Commodore must be endorsed by the RAF Sports Board. The Trustees are responsible for appointing the remaining BoT members. Note: there shall be a maximum of 9 Trustees appointed to the Board at any one time. From the first meeting of Trustees held after 3 years from the date of incorporation (25 Sep 09) and at subsequent meetings of the Trustees held at similar time each year, one third of the trustees must retire from office, those longest in post retiring first and the choice between any of equal service being made by drawing of lots. A retiring Trustee who remains qualified may be immediately re-appointed.

12.  Advisors. The following advisors shall be appointed by the Trustees and act on their behalf. They attend BoT meetings; however, they cannot vote:

a.  Membership Advisor

b.  Public Relations Officer Advisor

c.  Representative of the RAF Sports Board.

d.  Retired & Honorary Membership Advisor

e.  Corporate Sponsorship Advisor

13.  Admiral. The role of the Admiral is to provide senior guidance to the BoT. It is not essential for the Admiral to be a Trustee to carry out this role, although it is preferable. The decision as to whether the Admiral shall become a Trustee will be taken on a case by case business by the other Trustees and will largely depend on the willingness of the Admiral to assume the responsibilities of a Trustee.

14.  Governing Committees. The detailed powers and responsibilities of the BoT are described in the Memorandum and Articles of Association for RAFSA. The duties of the Trustees and Advisors are at Annex B. The terms of reference and constitution of the governing committees are as follows:

a.  BoT. The BoT are responsible for the execution of the Association's affairs and shall meet periodically to review and agree policy, approve expenditure, monitor subordinate committee activity and make executive decisions.

b.  Offshore, Dinghy, Windsurfing & Safety Divisions. Day-to-day direction of sailing and safety activities shall be delegated to the subordinate Offshore, Dinghy, Windsurfing and Safety Divisions.


15.  All sailing clubs constituted by RAF units within the UK are to be constituted in accordance with Annex C. All Station Sailing Clubs are required to submit to RAFSA oversight and conform to RAFSA bylaws as well as the regulations, guidance and codes of practice of the NGB appropriate to the sport. They shall be entitled to receive RYA Proficiency and Coaching Certificates from RAFSA. RAF Sailing clubs are entitled to seek assistance from RAFSA and may rent equipment from RAFSA.

16.  RAF and Joint Service clubs overseas obtain boats and equipment through their Command Sports Boards including bids on the Nuffield Trust and therefore shall not receive financial assistance from the Association. They shall be able to seek the Association's advice on technical matters and on the purchase of boats and equipment. They shall be entitled to receive RYA Proficiency and Coaching Certificates from RAFSA. RAF serving members shall be entitled to use the Association Burgee.


17.  The administration of RAFSA will be in accordance with the rules of the Charity Commission, Company Law, and such direction as received from the RAF and the RAF Sports Board.


18.  RAFSA Members who represent the RAF in an RAF Sports Board recognised and authorised Inter-Services event shall be entitled to the award of RAF colours. These events will normally be the: Services Offshore Regatta; Inter-Service Dinghy Championships; Keelboat Championships (Conningham Cup) and the Inter-Service Windsurfing Speed, Slalom, Wave and Course Championships. Rear-Commodores Offshore, Dinghy and Windsurfing are responsible for advising the last BoT meeting of each year of the names of such Members, who will then be notified to DSB(RAF) by the Hon Sec. New Colours recipients will have a Colours tie or broach funded by RAFSA. The Hon Sec shall distribute the Colours certificates.

19.  The BoT shall approve the award of Admiral’s Commendations, from time to time, to those Members who have regularly, and with distinction, either represented the RAF in other racing events, or have performed other RAFSA duties that merit recognition. Names are to be forwarded to the BoT by the respective Rear-Commodores for consideration at the first BoT meeting of each year. Upon ratification of the Commendation, the Admiral will write to the member’s Stn Cdr[4] enclosing the certificate for presentation.

Honorary Membership

20.  Persons who have performed distinguished services for the Association may be granted Honorary Membership by the BoT. Such persons will have to fall within the scope listed at Sub-para 3a. Honorary Members shall enjoy lifetime free membership. Nominations for Honorary Membership shall be made at the first BoT meeting of each year.


21.  All Association craft and equipment on loan to associated Clubs, Centres and individuals shall be comprehensively insured at the expense of RAFSA, the Club, Centre or individual; where appropriate, this will be carried out under a fleet policy negotiated and controlled by the Rear-Commodores and the Honorary Treasurer. Fleet managers are to ensure the Honorary Treasurer is kept informed of fleet changes to enable the insurance policy to accurately reflect holdings.

22.  Limitation of Liability. Contracts between the Association and third parties shall emphasise that no responsibility or liability, other than those set by law, shall be accepted by the Association or its members for damage to property, as a result of entering on Association property or whilst embarked in any of the Association craft. All Association sailors are advised to consider the need to indemnify themselves against third party claims.

23.  Limitation of Members Liability. The BoT, or any person or sub-committee delegated by them to act as agent for the Association or its members, shall enter into contracts only so far as expressly authorised, or authorised by implication, by the Trustees.

Association assets

24.  Craft and equipment on loan to, or bought by, Clubs or individuals with funds supplied by RAFSA shall remain the property of the Association. The BoT may in its absolute discretion re-allocate craft and equipment when it is warranted due to changes in the activities of the Association, Clubs or Centres. Association craft shall be operated only in the charge of, or under the supervision of, a member of the Association who is qualified to the appropriate standards as set by the relevant sub-committee. Craft and equipment on loan shall be maintained in good order and condition and Class rules observed. Annual buoyancy tests shall be undertaken where applicable and Class certificates shall be safeguarded and kept up to date. Clubs, Centres or individuals as appropriate shall be responsible for loss or damage of any craft in their care which is either wholly or partly owned by RAFSA, whether such loss or damage be due to accident or neglect. The Association has the right to call on any Association craft for use in RAFSA organised activities or RAFSA representation in other events.

25.  Subscription and Charges. The Association subscriptions shall be the property of the Association and the rates thereof shall be decided from time to time by the BoT. Association subscriptions shall be collected by Direct Debit, and will be collected annually, either on 1 May or 1 Oct each year. Charges for the use of Association equipment shall be determined by the appropriate subordinate committee.

26.  RAFYC Membership Concession. The Royal Air Force Yacht Club, a wholly civilian private yacht club on the River Hamble, offers a number of memberships at considerably reduced rates to RAFSA members. These memberships are administered by the RC(O) via the offshore committee. In the event that there are more applicants than available memberships, RC(O) will allocate RAFYC memberships on merit - the basis of which will be the applicant’s proven contribution to RAFSA activities.

27.  Hamble River Moorings. RAFSA owns a number of yacht moorings on the River Hamble, which are administered by the Offshore Division.These are available for rent to RAFSA members at a favourable rate in comparison to current market rents. Application for these moorings should be made via RC(O) or the Offshore Secretary.In the event that there are more applicants than available moorings, RC(O) will allocate moorings on merit - the basis of which will be the applicant’s proven contribution to RAFSA activities.

Station Officer in Charge of Sailing

28.  Station sailing activity shall be conducted under the supervision of an Officer in Charge (OIC) responsible to the Station Commander. The Station Commander may appoint an OIC Sailing to cover all sailing activity, or divide the duties into categories of sailing according to the demand and resources. Specimen terms of reference for the OIC Sailing are at Annex D.

Training and levels of proficiency

29.  Sailing Organisation. The Association has adopted the RYA Proficiency and Coaching Schemes applicable to offshore, dinghy and windsurfing. Racing shall be in accordance with the rules of the ISAF, as amended by RYA prescriptions.

30.  Power Craft. Except when trainee drivers are under instruction, Association powered craft shall be driven only by persons holding a RYA Power Boat Level 2 certificate and who are authorised to drive by the Safety Officer or his authorised Deputy.

Water safety

31.  RAFSA Policy on the water safety is at Annex E.

Child protection

32.  Although the number of children[5] involved with RAFSA is small, RAFSA is obliged to ensure that children are suitably protected when engaged in activities with RAFSA. RAFSA Child Protection Policy is at Annex F. The essence of the policy is that RAFSA shall not engage in Regulated activity, ie that that is frequent, intensive or overnight, as defined in SVGA 2006 (greater detail in the Enclosure)