Wren High School
Physical Science CP Course Syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Courtney Samuel
Room #: 414 Email: Phone: 864-850-5900
Required Materials:
iPad Folder with Prongs Notebook Paper Highlighters Stylus Pencils only
Earbuds (only with permission) Colored Pencils *These materials are needed each day.*
Units of Study
1st Quarter 3rd Quarter
Scientific Method/Lab Safety Speed/Acceleration
Matter Newton’s Laws
Atoms Work/Power
Periodic Table Energy
Fuel Cells
2nd Quarter 4th Quarter
Chemical Bonding Electricity/Magnetism
Chemical Reactions Waves
Acids Bases Sound/Light
Nuclear Chemistry
Classroom Procedures: Classroom Expectations:
Beginning Class: 1. Be punctual and prepared
1. Come in Quietly 2. Respect others
2. Sit down in your seat; be seated by the tardy bell 3. Be polite
3. Begin “Science Starter” assignment on the board 4. PARTICIPATE
4. Take out your iPad, pencil, and assignments needed 5. Take Charge of your own learning
5. Work quietly
Offense Consequence
1st Warning/Teacher Conference (before or after school/before lunch)
2nd Parental Involvement
3rd Office Referral
**Lunch detentions will be given for students who do not complete homework assignments. This will take place each day. **
Note: Any serious infraction of the classroom procedures or other school rules or guidelines will be dealt with immediately and seriously.
No food or drink in class. Clear water bottles with a lid are allowed in class, but not near the computers and never in lab.
*Students are not allowed to take pictures or videos without teacher’s permission in ANY CLASS!! No exceptions!
* Silence iPads and make sure notification sounds are off when in the classroom.
***Please remember, iPads can and will be confiscated if used inappropriately in class at anytime!
Apps you need to download, create an account, or join my group. We will be using these apps throughout the year. This is not an all inclusive list, but rather, a place to start. As the year progresses other applications will be introduced and used as needed. Please do not sign up with any app using social media information. (ex: facebook or twitter)
Notability Pic Collage ChatterPix Showbie Inigma Thinglink
Remind Doodle Buddy Google ClassroomGoogle Drive
Course Grade 90-100 A
Major (Tests/ Projects/Major Labs) 60% 80-89 B
Minor (Minor Labs, Quizzes, & Daily Assignments) 40% 70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F
Students (CP and Honors) who fail a major assessment will have the opportunity to re-mediate and retest within a two- week time frame in order to achieve a minimum passing grade.
The minimum passing grade is a 60%.
** Honors students are only able to do one per nine weeks. **
Students’ grades may be viewed via Power School’s website. Please contact the main office to receive your personal password to gain access. There will be no printed progress reports, so please stay connected via Power School.
IF A STUDENT IS ABSENT…it is the students’ responsibility to check with classmates for notes and me for any missed handouts. It is the students’ responsibility to seek out missed information, and to ask me questions about any assignments. It is the students’ responsibility to complete assignments missed during school absences.
Sign and return to Ms. Samuel.
Student Name: ______Parent(s) Name(s):______
Check ONE Please: Internet Access at Home No Internet Access at Home
Parent(s) Email: ______
Parent Contact Phone Number(s): ______
Students - please write out this statement and sign below.
I understand that I will receive a zero for turning in any work that is not my own. I will also receive a zero for allowing another student to use my work. Either offense will result in a referral to the office.
I have read the above information, and I understand what is expected in this physical science class.
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Success in Ms. Samuel’s Class
In addition to the syllabus, I want to make sure that I go over a few things that will help ensure that this year runs smoothly.
Please sign at the bottom and return to Ms. Samuel, along with the signed syllabus.
General Academic and Classroom Policies and Procedures
1. Parents and students can see the grade book and progress at any time online. Please utilize the Parent Portal and the Student Portal. All students are expected to check their own grade. Please remember the following:
a. Empty grade (--) means the item has not yet been graded and has no effect on the average.
b. A one grade (1) means the assignment needs to be completed. Student has failed to turn in or complete the assignment and still must do so. Chances are this one is greatly impacting the average in a negative way and the average should recover if completed. This is time sensitive.
c. A zero grade (0) means the assignment was not completed and it is too late to complete it at this time. This is definitely having a negative impact on the average. Please refer to the grade percentages on the previous page.
d. Extra credit is only offered once or twice a year. What I do offer is help with the assigned work - just ask!
e. Grading
i. Gradebook Setup
1. Major (tests, projects, major labs) 60%
2. Minor (quizzes, minor labs, daily grades) 40%
ii. Grading Scale (please note that the grading scale has changed)
1. 90-100 A
2. 80-89 B
3. 70-79 C
4. 60-69 D
5. Below 60 F
iii. Make-up Policy
1. Students (CP and Honors) who fail a major assessment will have the opportunity to remediate and retest within a two-week time frame in order to achieve a minimum passing grade.
2. The minimum passing grade is a 60%.
3. ** Honors students are only able to retest once per nine weeks. **
2. Students are expected to do their own work. If a student is caught copying another student’s work, both students will receive zeroes for the assignment and referrals will be written for both students. This includes all homework, class work, quizzes, tests, etc… Please refer to your agenda for consequences and policy.
a. Plagiarism: Any project, essay or student work of any kind that has been plagiarized on any level will receive a zero. This
includes, but is not limited to, cutting and pasting from the internet and sharing individual student work on the iPads. This is NEVER acceptable.
3. Students are encouraged to keep an agenda and can be done so using the iPad or a standard, paper agenda. The expectation level of responsibility and accountability has just been raised.
4. A Science Starter activity/your daily assignment will be on the board regularly when you enter the room. Students are expected to enter the room, sit down, and begin working.
1. Tests are cumulative and require application of the concepts and skills learned.
2. Quizzes are more retention of content material with smaller amounts of application.
*We will have regular quizzes*
3. Review materials on a nightly basis. Science is not a subject that can be learned overnight. (When there is no “assigned homework,” that does not mean you should not review notes or practice concepts)
Make Up Work:
1. If absent it is the student’s responsibility to find out what was missed and to make arrangements to get it done.
2. Any handouts missed will be in Google Classroom. It is your responsibility to see Ms. Samuel if you have any questions.
3. Students will be expected to take all scheduled quizzes and tests.
4. If you miss a quiz or test due because of an absence, you are expected within the same amount of time as days missed. For example, if you missed two school days, you will have two school days to make up the assignment upon return. It is your responsibility to come to me and makeup your assignment during AE.
5. All due dates set prior to absence are still observed, as stated in the student agenda.
6. If you need help with something you missed, please do not ask for help while I am teaching the other 30 students in the room. I want to help you. Talk to me before/after school or class. Do not wait just for AE – you may be too late.
Homework (HW):
1. Read the board - homework will be written here and may not always be announced. All assignments will be posted in Google Classroom.
2. Put all paper homework in the appropriate tray in the back of the room. Do this upon entering the room. If you need to print your homework, please do this before school and not during class. This means that printing in the library or using the printer in the classroom is acceptable BEFOREHAND.Do not wait to ask on the day of to print.
3. HW will be checked often,summative or formative. Always do your best work.
4. STANDING HOMEWORK. (not necessarily assigned but encouraged EACH NIGHT)
a. Notes - read or rewrite your notes for homework. Take 5-10 minutes to review notability and stay organized. Make sure that everything is labeled correctly and in its place, but in your folder and on your iPad.
b. STUDY - if no pencil/paper homework is assigned on any given night, you still should study your notes, practice problems, terms, etc. Make flashcards, workout practice problems, and watch tutorials etc. Do not wait for the night before the test or quiz. If you do not know how to study – you are not alone!!! Ask for help. You should expect quizzes regularly. Again, science is not a subject that can be learned overnight.
c. If an assignment is started in class, but needs to be completed as homework the rules above still apply in regards to lunch detention.
5. If it is homework that must be submitted on the iPad, make sure you do so prior to class. You are responsible for submitting your work to the appropriate app.We will not take CLASS time to submit HOMEwork.
Ipads in my Classroom
1. Students are not allowed to take pictures or videos without teacher’s permission in ANY CLASS!! No exceptions!
2. Turn volume down or notifications off prior to entering class.
3. Ear buds are only in use when the teacher has given permission. Otherwise, they should remain in your backpack - out of sight. If given permission, you must have only ONE earbud in your ear for safety reasons. Do not enter the classroom with earbuds in your ears.
4. iPads may not be left in my room unattended.
5. No games/no movies. If you play a game on your iPad in my room I will delete it, and perhaps others. If you have time after you finish your assigned work then review your notes, read a book, work out practice problems or organize your folder or Notability notebook. NO games. Game playing or movie watching does not get a warning - this is your first warning. You will immediately be assigned a detention.
Behavior Management
Offense Consequence
1st Warning/Teacher Conference (before or after school/before lunch)
2nd Parental Involvement
3rd Office Referral
**Serious misbehavior or disruption to class will result in immediate referral.
I have read and understood the above information. Sign and return to Ms. Samuel, along with the syllabus signed.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______