September 12th, 2016


PRESENT: Board members present were Keoni Wells, Erika Wolter, Wes Sanders, Sarah Hotchkiss and Pat McAdoo. Homeowners Diane Miller and Susan Cook was present. Representing Snow’s Management was Deborah Allen.

EXCUSED: Eric Holloway and Pat Parsh

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm in the Library of the Temple Beth Shalom.

MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING: The minutes dated August 1, 2016 were presented for review. Erika Wolter made a motion to approve the minutes. Sarah Hotchkiss seconded the motion. The motion carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report dated July 31, 2016 was presented for review.

OWNER FORUM: Diane Miller asked if she could put a window. Erika Wolter noted that most of the other units have a window on the wall where Diane is requesting to put a window in. The Board of Directors approved her window. (See design review section of minutes)

Home Owner Susan Cook asked what the protocol is for getting homeowners to keep their property Maintained. Erika Wolter responded that the Association has form letters that are to be used for violations and requests of owners to comply with the Association rules.


Painting Doors: Pat McAdoo made a motion to pay the invoice for the painting of the doors. Erika Wolter seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Bids: The Board of Directors chose to use Northern Greens with a 3 year contract as long as they understand that there is to be no grass blown into the drainage ditch. Pat McAdoo made a motion to accept the Northern Greens winter and summer Proposal with a 3 year contract. Keoni Wells seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Code of Ethics: A draft for the Directors and Committee Members was presented for review by the Board. Wes Saunders will check his original resale certificate for the Code of Ethics that originated with the first set of Declarations and Bylaws.

Procurement Policy for Cimarron Circle Homeowners Association Directors and Committee Members: The Procurement Policy was presented to the Board of Directors for approval. The Board of Directors will review this document again after changes in the wording have been completed.

Code of Conduct Policy for Cimarron Circle Home owners Association Members: The Code of Conduct Policy for Homeowners was presented to the Board of Directors for approval. Pat McAdoo made a motion to approve the Code of Conduct Policy for Homeowners. Sarah Hotchkiss seconded the motion. The Motion carried.

Cimarron Circle Home owners Association House Rules Revised and Adopted Draft August 2016: The new house rules were submitted for review and approval by the Board of Directors. Sarah Hotchkiss made a motion to approve the new House Rules. Keoni Wells seconded the motion. The Motion carried.

Moss: Erika Wolter made a request that American Roofing inspect the roofs that have moss on them and to submit a proposal for removing moss only on the roofs that need moss removal. Pat McAdoo made a motion to approve a proposal for moss removal. Keoni Wells seconded the motion. The motion carried. Erika Wolter abstained.

Unit 6634: Management will write a letter to ask them to bring in their trash can.

Unit 6519: Management will write a letter to ask the owners to repair their concrete.

Design Review: Unit 6515 window: Erika Wolter made a motion to approve the addition of a window under the condition the window was rectangular in shape to match the windows on all of the other units. Sarah Hotchkiss seconded the motion with the same conditions. The motion carried.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The delinquency report dated September 12th was presented for review.

NEXT MEETING: November 7th Annual meeting

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah Allen

Association Manager