Statement by H.E.Tesfai Ghebreselassie Sebhatu
Minister of Land Water and Environment, the State of Eritrea
The High LevelJoint 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention and the26th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
20-21 November, 2014 Paris
Honorable Chairperson,
Excellencies the Ministers here present,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am honored to take the podium to deliver this statement onbehalf of the Eritrean delegation.
The Eritrean delegation takes this opportunity to express its delight to note that the ozone layer is on the track to recovery within the next few decades, as the UN Secretary GeneralMr. Ban Ki-moon has indicated in his message on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. It is our hope that international community will keep the momentum of recovery by its resolute commitment to the Montreal Protocol.
My country Eritrea, like all other LDCs, is neither a major emitter nor producer of any substances that deplete the ozone layer. However, in compliance with its commitment to both the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, Eritreahas designated a well functioning National Ozone Unit under the auspice of the Ministry of Land Water and Environment and a National Focal Person who coordinates the day-today activities of the Unit and serves as a channel of communication with Secretariat and the Ministry.
Ever since the establishment of the National Ozone Unit, we have taken appreciable measures towards the fulfillment of what is required of us by the Protocol, including:
- The first ever National Inventory of domestic consumption and importation of ODS and ODS based equipment, was conducted in 2006 and continued annually until present
- In compliance with requirements of the Montreal Protocol as of 2010 Eritrea has phased out the use of all CFCs gases.
- Eritrea has promulgated its legal notice 117/2010 to regulate the issuance of permit on Import and Export of ODS and ODS based equipment.
- Training: Eritrea has been conducting several training programs and so far has trained above 50 custom officers and more than 150 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning technicians.
- Distribution of Refrigeration Tools and Equipments: over 6o refrigeration technicians have benefited the opportunity
- Establishment of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Training Centers: Eritrean has established two training centers in the cities of Asmara and Massawa with the objective stated hereafter:
- Refrigerant Identification and Analysis Services:Since 2012 Eritrea has established a functional refrigerant identification and analysis services in Massawa and Asmara and has benefited more in terms of:
- Safe operation and reduce economic loss
- Conforming type and purity of the refrigerant
- Preventing/trackingimportation of phased-out and illegal ODS
- Protect ODS waste accumulation
Up-coming engagements
To ensure the effective implementation of HCFH-22 Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP), Eritrea will be engaged to the following but not limited to:
- Meet the 15% HCFC-22 consumption reduction target in 2015 of the base 2010
- Enhance the quota and permit system and Undertake annual inventory of HCFC-Consumption and ensure progressive reduction
- Ensure that Illegal importation of ODS and ODS based equipment is minimized to acceptable level.
- Undertake continuous training including training of trainers and awareness program
- Enhance the training of refrigeration and Air-conditioning technicians and custom officers ata greater pace
- Establish additional Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning technicians training centers
- Establish and strengthen the National Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Association
- Expand the refrigerant identification and analysis services in to more strategic entry points includingSea Ports, Airports and bolder points.
- Distribution of additional Refrigeration and Air-conditioning tools and equipments to trained licensed and certified technicians.
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