January 08, Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord
Pro Negritis: Remittances will be forwarded to Rome to support the missionary endeavorsof the Church in Africa.
January 15, Feast of the Sto. Niño
Sancta Infantia or Holy Childhood Day: Remittances will be forwarded to Rome to support the work of the Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood (nurseries, orphanages, scholarships, food, etc.).
January 29, 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
National Bible Sunday: Remittances will be appropriated as follows: 40% for the Diocesan Biblical Apostolate; 30% for the Regional Biblical Center; and, 30% for the CBCP Episcopal Commission for Biblical Apostolate.
February 11, Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes
World Day of the Sick: Remittances will be forwarded to the CBCP to support the work of the Episcopal Commission on Health Care.
March 5, 1st Sunday of Lent
National Migrants’ Day: Remittances will be appropriated as follows: 70% for the Diocesan Migrants Ministry; 30% for the CBCP Episcopal Commission on the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples.
April 9, Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Alay Kapwa Sunday: Remittances will be forwarded to the CBCP to support the work of the Episcopal Commission on Social Action, Justice and Peace(National Secretariat for Social Action).
April 14, Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
Terra Sancta: The only collection for the day – done during the Veneration of the Cross – will be remitted to Rome in favor of the humanitarian and religious activities of the Catholic communities and institutions in the Holy Land.
May 28, Solemnity of Our Lord’s Ascension
Catholic Communication’s Sunday: Remittances will be forwarded to the CBCP to support the work of the Episcopal Commission on Social Communications and Mass Media.
July 2, Sunday Nearest to June 29,Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
Opus Sancti Petri: Remittances will be forwarded to Rome to support the work of the Pontifical Work of St. Peter the Apostle (formation of seminarians, novices, clergy and religious all over the world).
July 30, 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fil-Mission Sunday: Remittances will be forwarded to the CBCP to support the work of the Mission Society of the Philippines (MSP).
August 06, Sunday nearest to August 4, Memorial of St. John Mary Vianney
St. John MaryVianney Sunday: Remittances will be forwarded to the CBCP to support the work of the Episcopal Commission on Clergy (ongoing formation of the Filipino clergy).
September 17, 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
National Catechetical Week: Remittances will be forwarded to the Diocese of Parañaque to support the Diocesan Catechetical Ministry.
October 8, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Indigenous People’s Sunday: Remittances will be forwarded to the CBCP to support the work of the Episcopal Commission on Indigenous Peoples.
October 22, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Mission Sunday: Remittances will be forwarded to Rome to support the missionary efforts of the Churchad gentes.
October 29, 30thSunday in Ordinary Time
Prison Awareness Sunday: Remittances will be forwarded to the Diocese of Paranaque to support the work of the Diocesan Prison Ministry.
December 16,First Day of Simbang Gabi
National Youth Day: Remittances will be appropriated as follows: 70% for the Diocesan Youth Ministry; 30% for the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth.
December 31, Feast of the Holy Family
Holy Family Day: Remittances will be forwarded to the Diocese of Paranaque to support the work of the Diocesan Family Life Ministry.
Date to be announced by the CBCP
St. Peter’s Pence (Obolo Sancti Petri): Remittances will be forwarded to Rome to support the charities of the Holy Father.
Nota Bene:
- Unless otherwise noted, the collections are to be done after Communion (as a “second collection”) in all Masses of the Sunday indicated, including anticipated ones.
- All Special and Second Collections are to besent to the Office of the Bishop within fifteen days.
- The fourth Sunday of every month is “Pondo ng Pinoy Sunday” in the Diocese of Parañaque. It is “a time for offering the ‘crumbs’ for recalling the graces received from our Diocesan projects and for deepening our understanding of Pondo ng Pinoy’s message of love” (DOPC 2007-046). “…all 25 cent collections from parishioners will be offered during the celebration of the Mass” (DOPC 2010-039).
- In addition to the above-mentioned collections, the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese of Parañaque may also contribute voluntarily to the Church’s mission ad gentes. This collection, named after Pope Paul VI’s Apostolic LetterEcclesiae Sanctae issued motuproprio, will be remitted to Rome.
Appendix: Universal and National Observances (with no special collection)
February 2, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
World Day of Consecrated Life and Religious Life
February 5, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pro-Life Sunday
September 24, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
National Seafarers’ Day
October 15, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday for Cultures
November 27, 1st Sunday of Advent
World Day of People with Disabilities