January, 2013

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (Chronologically)



1. Kenneth, N. and J. Katan (eds.). 1972. Production of Healthy Plants by Therapeutic and Other Methods and their Maintenance and Use. Symposium. Int. Soc. Hort. Sci. Tel-Aviv. 115 pp.

2. Grinstein, A. and J. Katan. 1979. Diseases of Vegetable Crops. Academon, Rehovot, 61 pp (Hebrew).

3. Sztejnberg, A. and J. Katan. 1979. Introductory Plant Pathlogy: Laboratory Manual. Academon, Rehovot, 78 pp (Hebrew).

4. Katan, J. and J.E. DeVay (eds.). 1991. Soil Solarization. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 267 pp.

5. Sztejnberg, A., N. Eshed, A. Dinoor, J. Katan and R. Kenneth. 1992. Introductory Plant Pathology: Laboratory Manual (revised edition). Dept. Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Rehovot. 119 pp. (Hebrew).

6. Katan, J., N. Aharonson, E. Cohen and B. Rubin (eds.). 2000. Selected Topics in Plant Protection. Special issue of Plant Protection 19:531-915.

7. Gullino, M.L., J. Katan and A. Matta (eds.). 2000. Chemical and Nonchemical Soil Disinfestation. Acta Hort. 532, pp 1-260.

8. Gamliel, A., A. Vanachter, J. Katan (eds.). 2010. Chemical and Nonchemical Soil and Substrate Disinfestation. Acta. Hort: 883, pp. 1-429.

9. Gamliel, A. and Katan, J. (eds.). 2012. Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press. St Paul, pp. 1-266.

10. Garibaldi, A., J. Katan and M.L. Gullino. 2012. Fusarium Wilt of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. APS Press. St. Paul, pp. 1-243.


11. Kenneth, R., R. Barkai-Golan, M. Chorin, J. Katan, D. Netzer, J. Palti and Z. Volcani. 1970. A Revised Checklist of Fungal and Bacterial Diseases of Vegetable Crops in Israel. XI. Intern. Hort. Congr. Tel Aviv, 35 pp.

12. Katan, J. and Y. Eshel. 1973. Interactions between herbicides and plant pathogens. Residue Reviews 45:145-177.

13. Katan, J. 1974. Crop protection education in Israel. Symposium on Higher Education in Crop Protection in Europe. Br. Crop Prot. Monogr. 13:20-24.

14. Katan, J. 1975. Production of fruits and vegetables with minimal chemisation. Proc. XIX Inter. Hort. Cong. 3:383-394. Warsaw.

15. Henis, Y. and J. Katan. 1975. Effect of inorganic amendments and soil reaction on soil-borne plant diseases. In: G.W. Bruehl (ed.) Biology and Control of Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens. The American Phytopathological Society, pp. 100-106.

16. Eshel, Y., J. Katan and A. Grinstein. 1977. Interactions between soil-applied herbicides and soil-borne diseases. In: M. Horowitz (ed.). Behavior of Pesticides in Soil. Proc. Israel-France Symp. Publ. pp. 83-84.

17. Fuhremann, T.W., E.P. Lichtenstein and J. Katan. 1978. Binding and release of insecticide residues in soils. In: M.V. Kennedy (ed.). Disposal and Decontamination of Pesticides. American Chemical Society pp. 131-141.

18. Katan, J. 1979. Solar heating of soil and other economically safe methods of controlling soilborne pests for increasing food production. In:T. Kommedahl (ed.), Proc. IX Int. Congr. Pl. Prot. Vol. 1:26-30. Washington D.C.

19. Katan, J. 1980. Solar pasteurization of soils for disease control: status and prospects. Plant. Dis. 64:450-454.

20. Katan, J. 1980. Polyethylene mulching for the control of soilborne pests. Plasticulture 46:2-5.

21. Katan, J. 1980. Survival of soilborne plant pathogens with special reference to their control: short and long-term effects. Proc. 5th Cong. Medit. Phytopath. Union. The Helenic Phytopath. Soc. pp. 77-80.

22. Katan, J. 1981. Solar heating (solarization) of soil for control of soilborne pests. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 19:211-236.

23. Katan, J. 1982. Pototoes in hot climate: fungal diseases. Potato Res. 24:453-454.

24. Katan, J. 1983. Soil disinfestation: solarization. Acta Horticulturae 152:227-236.

25. Katan, J. 1984. The role of soil disinfestation in achieving high production in horticultural crops. Br. Crop. Prot. Conf. 1189-1196.

26. Kaufman, D.D., J. Katan, D.F. Edwards and E.G. Jordan. 1984. Microbial adaptation and metabolism of pesticides. In: J.L. Hilton (ed.). Agricultural Chemicals of the Future, BARC Symposium No. 8. Rowman and Allanheld, Totowa, NJ pp. 437-451.

27. Katan, J. 1985. Solar disinfestation of soils. In: C.A. Parker, A.D. Rovira, K.J. Moore, P.T.W. Wong and J.F. Kollmorgen (eds.). Biology and Management of Soilborne Plant Pathogens. APS, St. Paul, pp. 274-278.

28. Katan, J. 1986. Soil solarization. In: I. Chet (ed.). Non-conventional Approaches to Plant Disease Control. J. Wiley and Sons, NY. pp. 77-105.

29. Katan, J., A. Grinstein, A. Greenberger, O. Yarden and J.E. DeVay. 1987. The first decade (1976-1986) of soil solarization (solar heating): a chronological bibliography. Phytoparasitica 15:229-255.

30. Katan, J. and N. Aharonson. 1989. Accelerated degradation of pesticides. In: B. Yaron and Z. Gerstel (eds.). Behavior of Pollutants in Porous Media. Springer-Verlag pp. 193-207.

31. Katan, J. 1989. Root - soilborne pathogens interactions. In: Y. Waizel, U. Kafkafi and A. Eshel (eds.). Roots - The Hidden Phase. Marcel and Dekker Inc. NY. pp. 823-836. [A second and revised edition, 1996, pp. 811-822].

32. Katan, J. 1989. Soil temperature interactions with the biotic components of vascular wilt diseases. In: C. Beckman and E. Tjamos (eds.). The Interaction of Genetic and Environmental Factors in the Development of Vascular Wilt Diseases of Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 353-336.

33. Katan, J., J.E. DeVay and A. Greenberger. 1989. The biological control by soil solarization. In: C. Beckman and J. Tjamos (eds.). The Interaction of Genetic and Environmental Factors in the Development of Vascular Diseases of Plants. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 493-499.

34. Aharonson, N., J. Katan, E. Avidov and D. Yarden. 1990. The role of fungi and bacteria in the enhanced degradation of the fungicide carbendazim and the herbicide diphenamid. In: Enhanced Biogradation of Pesticides in the Environment, K.D. Racke and J.R. Coats (eds.). American Chemical Society, Washington DC. pp. 113-127.

35. Katan, J. 1990. Soil solarization: a non-chemical method for the control of soil-borne pathogens, weeds and pests. In: Pesticides and Alternatives, J.E. Casida (ed.), Elsevier Science Publ. Amsterdam, pp. 457-465.

36. Katan, J. and J.E. DeVay. 1991. Soil solarization: historical aspects, principles and uses. In: J. Katan and J.E. DeVay (eds.). Soil Solarization, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 23-37.

37. DeVay, J.E. and J. Katan. 1991. Mechanisms of pathogen control in solarized soils. In: J. Katan and J.E. DeVay (eds.). Soil Solarization, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 131-138.

38. Aharonson, N., and J. Katan. 1991. Pesticide behavior in solarized and disinfested soils. In: J. Katan and J.E. DeVay (eds.). Soil Solarization, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 131-138.

39. Katan, J., C. Ginzburg and S. Freeman. 1992. The weakening effect as a trigger for biological control and criteria for its evaluation. In: E.C. Tjamos, G. Papavizas, and J.R. Cook, and (eds.). Biological Control of Plant Pathogens, Plenom Press, N.Y. pp 55-61.

40. Katan, J. 1992. Soil Solarization research as a model for the development of new methods of disease control. Phytoparasitica 20:133-1335S.

41. Katan, J. 1992. Nonchemical methods for the control of soilborne pathogens. La Difesa delle Planta. 15:41-48.

42. Aharonson, N. and J. Katan. 1993. Delayed and enhanced biodegradation of soil-applied diphenamid, carbendazin and aldicarb. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 22: 451-466.

43. Katan, J. 1993. Replacing pesticides with nonchemical tools for the control of soilborne pathogens - a realistic goal? Phytoparasitica 21:95-99.

44. Katan, J. 1996. Cultural practices and soil-borne disease manegement. In: R. S. Utkhede and V.K. Gupta,(eds.), in "Management of Soil-Borne Diseases", Kalyani Pubglishers, New Delhi, pp. 100-122.

45. Katan, J. 1996. Soil solarization: Integrated control aspects. In: R. Hall (ed.), Strategies for Managing Soilborne Plant Pathogens, APS Press, St Paul, pp. 250-278.

46. Katan, J. 1996. Soil disinfestation: environmental problems and solutions. In: D. Rosen, E. Tel-Or, Y. Hadar and Y. Chen (eds.), Modern Agriculture and the Environment, Kluwer, London. pp 41-55.

47. Katan, J., C. Ginzburg and M. Assaraf 1996. Pathogen weakening as a component of integrated control. In: T. Wenhua, R.J. Cook and A. Rovira (eds.). Advances in Biological Control of Plant Diseases. China Agricultural University Press, Beijing. pp. 320-326.

48. Palti, J. and J. Katan. 1997. Effect of cultivation practices and cropping systems on soilborne diseases. In: R.J. Hillocks and J.M. Waller (eds.), Soilborne Disease of Tropical Crops. CAB International, Wallingford. pp 377-396.

49. Katan, J. 1997. Soil solarization for the control of diseases caused by Rhizoctonia spp. In: B. Sneh, S. Jabaji-Hare, S. Neate and G. Dijst (eds.). Rhizoctonia Species: Taxonomy, Molecular Biology, Ecology, Pathology and Control. Kluwer, London, pp. 423-432.

50. Gamliel, A., A. Grinstein and J. Katan. 1997. Improved technologies to reduce emission of methyll bromide from fumigated soil. Phytoparasitica 25 S: 21-30.

51. Grinstein, A., K.R.S. Ascher, G.A. Mattheus, J. Katan and A. Gamliel 1997 (eds.). Improved application technology for reducing pesticide dosages and environmental pollution. Phytoparasitica 25S: 1-101.

52. Cook, R.J., J. Katan and I. Chet. 1998. Management of Soilborne Pathogens: Summary and Recommendations. Phytoparasitica 26:241-243.

53. Katan, J. 1999. The methyl bromide issue: problems and potential solutions. J. Pl. Pathology 81:153-159.

54. Cohen, R., S. Pivonia, Y. Burger, M. Edelstein, A. Gamliel and J. Katan. 2000. Toward integrated management of Monosporascus wilt of melons in Israel. Plant Dis. 84:496-505.

55. Katan, J. 2000. Physical and cultural methods for the management of soil-borne pathogens. Crop Prot. 19:725-731.

56. Katan, J. 2000. Soil and substrate disinfestation as influenced by new technologies and constraints. Acta Hort. 532:29-35.

57. Cohen, R., S. Pivonia, Y. Berger, M. Edelstein, A. Gamliel and J. Katan. 2000. Various approaches towards controlling sudden wilt of melons in Israel. Acta Hort. 510: 350-358.

58. Katan, J. 2002. Traditional and non-conventional cultural practices for the management of soilborne diseases. Proc. Indian Phytopathological Society. Golden Jubilee (2000). pp. 783-788. IARI. New Delhi.

59. Katan, J. 2002. Interactions of soil-borne pathogens with roots and above ground organs. In: Y. Waizel, V. Kafkafi and A. Eshel (eds.). p.p. 949-959.

Roots The Hidden Phase Marcel and Dekker, NY (A third, revised edition).

60. Katan, J. 2003. Role of cultural practices for the management of soilborne pathogens in intensive horticultural systems. Acta Hort. 635: 11-18.

61. Katan, J. 2004. Soil solarization: The integrated approach. Summa Phytopathol. 30: 137-139.

62. Gamliel, A. and J. Katan 2004. Soil disinfestation. In: D. Hillel (ed), pages 394-400. Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. pp. 394-400. Elsevier.

63. Katan, J. 2005. Soil disinfestation: one minute before methyl bromide phase out. Acta Hort. 698: 19-26.

64. Katan, J. 2006. Strategies for the management of soil-borne pathogens: Phytopathological and environmental aspects. Proc. Mediterranean. Phytopath Union Congress. pp. 232-235.

65. Gamliel, A. and J. Katan. 2009. Control of Plant disease through solarization. In: D. Walter (ed). Disease Control in Crops: Biological and Environmentally Friendly Approaches. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford pp. 196-220.

66. Katan, J. 2009. Phytopathology in Israel: nine decades of research. Phytoparasitica 37: 333-336.

67. Katan, J. and A. Gamliel. 2009. Soil solarization- 30 years on – What lessons have been learned? In: U. Gisi, I. Chet & L. Gullino (eds.). Recent Development in Disease Management. Springer pp. 265-283.

68. Gamliel, A. and J. Katan. 2010. Soilborne diseases control by physical methods. In: Encyclopedia of Agrophysics, J. Lepiec (ed.). Springer, Heidelberg pp. 813-816.

69. Katan, J. and A. Vanachter. 2010. Soil and crop health following soil disinfestation. Acta. Hort. 883: 25-36.

70. Katan, J. 2010. Cultural approaches for disease management: Present status and future prospects. J. Pl. Pathol. 92: S4.5-S4.7.

71. Katan, J. and A. Gamliel. 2012. Development and assessment of new approaches to physical and chemical soil disinfestation. In: A. Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 31-45.

72. Katan, J. and A. Gamliel. 2012. Soil Solarization for the management of soilborne pests: The challenge, historical perspectives and principles. In: A. Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 45-52.

73. Katan, J., D. Shteinberg and A. Gamliel. 2012. The integrated management concept in the context of soilborne pathogens and soil disinfestation. In: A. Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 91-97.

74. Katan, J. and A. Gamliel. 2012. Mechanisms of pathogen and disease control and plant-growth improvement involved in soil solarization. In: A. Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 135-145.

75. Shlevin, E., J. Katan and A. Gamliel. 2012. Pathogen response to elevated temperatures and modeling pathogen and disease control by solarization. In: A. Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 153-161.

76. Gamliel, A., E. Shlevin and J. Katan. 2012. Special uses and improvements in soil solarization. In: A. Gamliel and J. Katan, (eds.). Soil Solarization: Theory and Practice. APS Press, St. Paul, MN, pp. 241-249.

77. Gullino, M.L., J. Katan and A. Gamliel. 2012. The genus Fusarium and the species that affect greenhouse vegetables and ornamentals. In: M.L. Gullino, J. Katan and A. Garibaldi (eds.). Fusairum Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. APS Press, St. Paul, M.N, pp. 5-9.

78. Katan, J., M.L. Gullino and A. Garibaldi. 2012. Strategies and tactics, in Fusarium wilt management. In: M.L. Gullino, J. Katan and A. Garibaldi (eds.). Fusairum Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. APS Press, St. Paul, M.N, pp. 61-66.

79. Gamliel A. and J. Katan. 2012. Soil and substrate disinfestation in protected structures. In: M.L. Gullino, J. Katan and A. Garibaldi (eds.). Fusairum Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. APS Press, St. Paul, M.N, pp. 121-131.

80. Gullino, M.L., J. Katan and A. Garibaldi. 2012. Fusarium wilt of sweet basil. In: M.L. Gullino, J. Katan and A. Garibaldi (eds.). Fusairum Wilts of Greenhouse Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. APS Press, St. Paul, M.N, pp. 185-190.

81. Katan, J. 2013. Three decades of soil solarization: achievements and difficulties. Acta. Hort. (in press).


82. Katan, J., E. Shabi and R. Ausher. 1973. Chemical Control of Plant Diseases. The Phytopathological Society of Israel, 33 pp.

83. Katan, J. 1976. Diseases of Vegetable Crops. 1976. In: Encyclopaedia of Agriculture. 3:741-745.

84. Katan, J. 1989. Soil suppressiveness. Israel Agrisearch 3:153-162.

85. Katan, J., A. Gamliel and A. Grinstein. 1996. Control of soilborne pathogens by soil solarization without chemicals. Israel Agrisearch 8:83-100.

86. Katan, J. 1997. Introduction to Plant Pathology. In: J. Rotem and J. Palti (eds.). Plant Diseases in Israel. The ARO Publications Bet Dagan, pp. 17-29.

87. Katan, J., R. Kenneth and I. Chet. 1997. Fungal pathogens. In: J. Rotem and J. Palti (eds.). Plant Diseases in Israel. The ARO Publications Bet Dagan, pp. 31-39.

88. Katan, J. 1997. Soil disinfestation. In: J. Rotem and J. Palti (eds.). Plant Diseases in Israel. The ARO Publications Bet Dagan, pp. 177-183.