Lease Agreement August 6th, 2014

This Lease Agreement is made between and among:

Myron Soik and Sons (“Landowner”); 2014 Host Committee and Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Incorporated (collectively, “Lessee”) for the purpose of hosting the 2014 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, August 12-14, 2014, in the town of Plover, Portage County, Wisconsin. This Lease Agreement is for the use ofthe 246 acre parcel located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Kennedy Avenue and 5TH Street in the town of Stockton, Portage County, Wisconsin.

This Lease Agreement permits Portage County Farm Technology days to use the described parcel(s) for field demonstrations during the show (August 12-14, 2014). Field demonstrations may include harvest tour of crop and tillage. In entering into this Lease Agreement, Landowner understands and acknowledges that vehicular and pedestrian traffic upon said land is likely to cause some degree of soil compaction and damage to vegetation. Notwithstanding said knowledge, Landowner waives any claim for property damage or economic loss arising out of the use of the subject property for the purpose specified herein and covenants not to sue Portage County Farm Technology Days, Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Incorporated, or attendees for any such property damage or economic loss arising out of the use of the subject property for the purpose specified herein. The Lessee also reserves the right to install a new access drive(s) to described property, or widen existing access drives, if deemed necessary. Any changes to access drives will be made in the road right-of-way and with prior approval of the presiding town board. The Lessee will be responsible for the removal of any additional access drives after the show.

Portage County Farm Technology Days and Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Incorporated agree to indemnify, save harmless, and defend Landowner against claims of third parties arising out of negligence of Portage County Farm Technology Days and/or Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Incorporated in connection with the use of the subject property for the purpose specified herein.

Myron Soik & Sons

6213 Cty TK HH
Stevens Point, WI 54482
