Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rdApril 2017

719 / Present: Councillor Kent (Chair)
Councillor Simpkin ( Vice Chair)
Councillor Phillips
Councillor Robbins
Councillor Moyes
Councillor Webb
Councillor Tierney
One member of the public and
720 / Apologies received fromDistrict Councillor Bateman.
721 / The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13thMarch2017 were taken as read and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Councillor Robbins and seconded by Councillor Simpkin.
722 / One declaration of Interest, both personal and prejudicial regarding itemson the Agendawas received. Councillor Simpkin has an interest in the Planning Enforcement item.
723 / One public participation in respect of items on the agenda requests has been received.
724 / Clerk to add District Councillor Bateman to the mailing list for future Agenda.
725 / Matters Arising from the previous minutes - in future this item will be recurring items
  • Clerk has received contact from John Kemp at HDC. New bins will be installed after the new HDC budget in April. Clerk has reported the broken signpost to Highways. Check this is actioned by Highways/HDC waste next month.
  • The letter has been delivered to the Newsletter Group.
  • Gilmorton Wood- Work is now completed on the pull in. Thanks were given to Councillor Simpkin for her time arranging this and to the contractors Broughton-Hall for completing the work. The wood is always open for pedestrian use and only the vehicle access gate is locked. Access can be via Flat Lane and then the footpath across the field towards the old Windmill.
  • Councillor Kent is to contact Bruntingthorpe Airfield regarding the recent disturbance to the village (Dacia Event)
  • Chairman is to contact Tom Collins regarding new development on behalf of NDP.

726 / A
j. / Councillor Reports
Chairman’s Report. No additional items.
General Correspondence.
Jonathan Bateman e-mailed and wishes to attend future Parish Council Meetings where possible.
The Local Government Boundary Commission proposals involve no changes for Gilmorton Parish Council which will remain in Misterton Ward.
e-mail from Leicestershire Constabulary advising us of increased use of ANPR in their patrol cars and static use as well.
Financial Report- Parish Clerk.
The Tennis club have been in contact following our letter and require an invoice for rental due and in future to be invoiced in June each year. The missing rental for Town Close has been chased. The item held in Safe Custody at NatWest has been charged for, £25 a year. Councillors Moyes and Phillips will arrange to check what the item is and advise if we should remove and close the facility. No bill has been received for the dog waste collection and clerk is to chase HDC by e mail as the bins have not been emptied as requested.
The balances at the end of March 2017at NatWest are as follows:
Current £788.97
Surplus funds £19591.07
Windfarm Account £2147.13
Charity £5365.55
NDP funds £2986.00
G-Pip funds £18227.08
It was agreed to pay the following cheques:
Proposed by / Seconded by
001254 / Planit X (NDP) / £2823.96 / Cllr Moyes / Cllr Webb
001255 / Broughton Hall Fencing / £1758.00 / Cllr Phillips / Cllr Robbins
001256 / RS Compact Services / £172.80 / Cllr Kent / Cllr Moyes
001257 / Mrs Y Walters / £315.97 / Cllr Kent / Cllr Phillips
001258 / HMRC / £25.00 / Cllr Kent / Cllr Phillips
001259 / LRALC / £254.31 / Cllr Phillips / Cllr Robbins
001260 / J Simpkin / £23.92 / Cllr Kent / Cllr Moyes
Gilmorton Web Site- Parish Clerk. Chairman and Clerk have been through the web site and amendments will be made in due course. Clerk will contact 2 Commune for some changes to be made. All changes to be made by next meeting if possible.
Gilmorton Playground Improvement Project- Councillor Simpkin. The park clean-up wascompleted on 18th March leaving little work left for the Tree surgeon to do later. The RoSPa inspection was completed and the report is due shortly. Some suggestions were made regarding the position of equipment and a barrier is recommended or moving the swings. Parish Council are happy to leave the decision with the GPIP committee and further costings are to be sought. It was agreed to place an order for further equipment after the RoSPa report is received.
Neighbourhood Development Plan- Councillor Phillips. A housing needs survey has been completed and sent to HDC as a pre-curser to our NDP. It was agreed to consult with developers with regard to future housing plans and a draft NDP is soon to be produced. The housing needs survey is good evidence for our plan and includes all houses built since 2011.
Parish Land and Rental Agreements- Councillor Simpkin. We have instructed Andrew Granger to act on our behalf and notices of review have been issued.Clerk to deliver the standing orders to the solicitors. In order that land registration can continue.
Footpath Development and Maintenance- Councillor Simpkin.Councillor Simpkin has spoken to Piers Lindley at LCC and the kissing gate has been reported. Stiles were mentioned and although funds are tight we offered to contribute to replacements as a Parish Council and this was favourable received. It was agreed that Councillor Robbins will produce maps of the paths and stiles.
Grass Cutting. Clerk. This has now been started for the current season. Clerk to e-mail a list of the areas to the Chairman.
Junior Sports Funding. Councillor Kent. Waiting for the remaining Junior Football Club funds to be finalised.
727 / a)
b) / Planning.
Planning Application 16/00066/FUL Mr Nigel Matthews. Change of use to Dog Day Care Centre at The Chase, Lutterworth Rd, Gilmorton. Further information provided regarding numbers of dogs and parking etc. Harborough DC will make a decision on this shortly.
Enforcement case has been opened by HDC regarding 17/00084/COMS land East of Mill Lane Gilmorton for works commencing with protection on wildlife.
728 / New Business
  1. Dog Fouling. There is a problem on Main Street at the moment and Councillor Kent is chasing the dog warden for signs and spray stencil kits.
  2. It was agreed that 15 minutes should be allowed at the start of each meeting for public participation.
  3. Councillor Simpkin will enrol us for the NALC Tree Charter.
  4. Councillor Kent is to compile a list of Village Contacts for insertion on the web site and the noticeboard.
  5. The second draw of the G-PIP Lottery. Councillor Phillips has arranged for this and numbers were picked by a random generator at the end of the meeting. The first winner was number 69, the second was number 68 and the third prize went to number 16. Well done to the winners and thanks to all those who have entered.
  6. The gates are to be ‘looked at’ by our contractor for the Children’s Playground as one is sticking.
The date for the next meeting was set at 8thMay2017.At 7p.m. which will be the Annual Meeting and AGM.
729 / There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.