24 JANUARY 2011
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Reference Techniques: South African Journal of Geology example (attached)
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- Bailie, R.H. & Robb, L.J. (2004) Polymetallic mineralization in the granites of the Bushveld Complex – examples from the central southeastern lobe. South African Journal of Geology, vol. 107, pp. 633-652.
- Hill, M. et al. (1996) Geochemical characteristics and origin of the Lebowa Granite Suite, Bushveld Complex. International Geological Review, vol. 38, pp. 195–227.
- Lenthall, D.H. & Hunter D.R. (1977) The geochemistry of the Bushveld granites in the Potgietersrus tin-field. Precambrian Research, vol. 5, pp. 359-400.
- Twist, D. & Harmer, R.E. (1987) Geochemistry of contrasting siliceous magmatic suites in the Bushveld Complex: genetic aspects and implications for tectonic discrimination diagrams. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 31, pp. 83-98.
- Kleeman, G.J. & Twist, D. (1989) The compositionally zoned sheet-like granite pluton of the Bushveld Complex: evidence bearing on the nature of A-type magmatism. Journal of Petrology, vol. 30, pp. 1383-1414.
- Mondal S.K. & Mathez E.A. (2007) Origin of the UG2 chromitite layer, Bushveld complex. Journal of Petrology, 48, 495-510.
- Hatton, C.J. & von Gruenewaldt, G. (1987). The geological setting and petrogenesis of the Bushveld chromitite layers. In: Stowe, C.W. (ed.) Evolution of Chromium Ore Fields. NewYork: Van Nostrand Reinhold, pp. 109-143.
- Irvine,T.N. (1975). Crystallization sequences in the Muskox intrusion and other layered intrusions II. Origin of chromitite layers and similar deposits of other magmatic ores. GeochimicaetCosmochimicaActa 39, 991-1020.
- Irvine, T.N. (1977a). Origin of chromitite layers in the Muskox intrusion and other layeredintrusions: a new interpretation. Geology 5, 273-277.
- Irvine, T.N., Keith, D.W. & Todd, S.G. (1983). The J-M platinum-palladium Reef of the Stillwater complex, Montana, II. Origin by double-diffusive convective magma mixing and implications for the Bushveld complex. Economic Geology 78, 1287-1334.
- Kinnaird, J.A. et al. (2002). Chromitites of the Bushveld Complex processes of formation and PGE enrichment. Economic Geology Research Institute, University of Witwatersrand, Information Circular Number 369, 26.
- Li, C. et al. (2005). Origin of phlogopite orthopyroxene inclusions in chromites from the Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 150, 119-130.
- Nex, P.A.M. (2004) Formation of bifurcating chromitite layers of the UG1 in the Bushveld Igneous Complex, an analogy with sand volcanoes. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 161, 903–909.
- Cawthorn, R.G. (2005) Pressure fluctuations and the formation of the PGE-rich Merensky and chromitite reefs, Bushveld Complex. MineraliumDeposita, 40, 231–235.
- Hammarstrom, J.M. & Zen, E. (1986) Aluminum in hornblende: An empirical igneous geobarometer. American Mineralogist, vol. 7, pp. 1297–1313.
- Hollister, L.S. et al. (1987) Confirmation of the empirical correlation of Al in hornblende with pressure of solidification of calc-alkaline plutons. American Mineralogist, vol. 72, pp. 231– 239.
- Johnson, M.C. & Rutherford, M.J. (1989) Experimental calibration of the aluminum-in- hornblende geobarometer with application to Long Valley Caldera (California) volcanic rocks. Geology, vol. 17, pp. 837–841.
- Schmidt, M.W. (1992) Amphibole composition in tonalite as a function of pressure: Anexperimental calibration of the Al-in-hornblende barometer. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 110, pp. 304–310.
- Anderson, J.L. & Smith, D.R. (1995) The effects of temperature and fO2 on the Al-in- hornblende barometer. American Mineralogist, vol. 80, pp. 549–559.