18thAugust 2017
Wind Farm Community Benefit Funds
BBC Children in Need Curiosity Fund
Steps to Employment Course
Gannett Grants
IAPT Stress Management Workshops
Greggs Foundation: Environmental Grant Scheme
Hate Crime Project Funding
Wind Farm Community Benefit Funds
Two Wind Farm Community Benefit Funds managed by Essex Community Foundation (ECF) are open for applications:
Middlewick Farm Community Benefit Fund supports voluntary and community organisations who work to improve the lives of local people living in Dengie and the general Maldon District. Applications are invited until 25th September with decisions end of October.
Bradwell Wind Farm Community Fundsupportscommunity projects in Bradwell-on Sea and Tillingham. Applications are invited until 13th Octoberwith decisions early November.
Please use ECF’s online application process via the website by clicking here
Grants of up to £10,000 are considered though the two panels particularly want to encourage small community and not-for-profit groups in these areas to apply where a small grant can make a real difference to their community.
Help and support is available through the application process – please call the Grants Team on 01245 356018 or locally Sarah Laskar at Maldon CVS on 01621 851891
BBC Children in Need Curiosity Fund
Curiosity is a new fund from BBC Children in Need and the Wellcome Trust which aims to use science activities to create change for children and young people experiencing disadvantage in the UK.
Grants of up to £10,000 will be made to fund projects that engage young people in science based activities. The grant does not want to support formal learning programmes but rather activities that encourage curiosity and informal learning that will make a positive difference to their lives such as building confidence and self-esteem and developing life skills.
Find out more online by clicking here
Applications will close on the 22nd September 2017.
Steps to Employment Course
Maldon Job Club is starting a new “Steps to employment” course on the 12 September. The 8 week course offers help with cvs, interviewing, applications and general self-confidence. There is no charge.
Venue is FullbridgeChurch, 10:30am on Tuesdays.
To book a place – please telephone Andrew Mugford on 01621 842175 or the national office on 0800 328 0006.
Gannett Grants
The Gannett Foundation is the charitable arm of Gannett Co Inc, the parent company of Newsquest Media Group, one of the UK's largest publishers and owners of your local newspaper. They provide funding to registered charities in the areas where they operate local newspapers and websites.
They support registered charities with projects which take a creative approach to fundamental issues such as education and neighbourhood improvements, economic development, youth development, local problem-solving, assistance to disadvantaged or disabled people, environmental conservation and cultural enrichment.
Typically grants are between £5,000 and £10,000
Applications must be submitted on the approved application form, which can be downloadedhere.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 9th October 2017.
IAPT Stress Management Workshops
Stress is one of the primary causes for sickness or absence from work; the HSE Labour Force survey shows that over five years nearly 56 million working days have been lost to stress-related illnesses.
The local NHS IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) service is offering free Stress Management Workshops to employers within Mid Essex (Chelmsford, Braintree, Witham, Maldon) for their employees/volunteers to attend. They offer a one-off workshop lasting an hour and a half at the place of your work to reduce time taken out of the working day for employees. They are offering these workshops Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm. There is no charge for the workshop; they simply ask attendees to complete an attendee form, which includes basic demographic information and a short selection of questions regarding mood and anxiety.
For more information or to book a workshop please contact either Hannah Hickman or Katie Quayle on 01376 308704.
Greggs Foundation: Environmental Grant Scheme
The Greggs Foundation has fundingavailable for projects by non profit organisations and schools that aim to:
- Improve the local environment
- Insure the involvement of local communities
- Deliver a sustainable and measurable difference
- Support people in need
The funding can also be used to cover small capital projects, salary costs and equipment.
Maximum Grant: £2,000
Deadline: 29 September 2017
For more information and an application form please click here.
Hate Crime Project Funding
The second year of the hate crime community demonstration projects scheme has launched, and the application window is now open. The aim of the scheme is to work with affected communities to fund the development of partnership projects aimed at tackling hate crime.
All information about the scheme and how to apply can be found by clicking here. Applications must be submitted online by the 15 September 2017
The views expressed in this E-Bulletin are not necessarily endorsed by Maldon and District Community Voluntary Service. Whilst every effort is made to promote accurate information, we accept no liability for error or omission. Member groups are welcome to reproduce or forward items appearing in this Bulletin