+234-(813) 834-4425 (Nigeria).



July 2008: D. B. A. (Marketing). Argosy University; Sarasota, FL.

Doctor of Business Administration

May 2007: PGCIB – Professional Graduate Business Certificatein International Business, Argosy University, Sarasota, FL.

June 1984: M. B. A. (Marketing Research).Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA.

June 1982: B. A. (International Marketing). Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA.


July 2016- Present: Head of Department - Business Management.

Responsible to the Dean of the College. Serve as the Chief Academic Officer of the Department by developing a plan to achieve academic excellence.

Oversee the implementation of all administrative and academic plans of the University Senate, Management or Board as it concerns the Department.

Collate and coordinate Department’s academic programs, decision-making strategies and policy formulation and implementation processes.

Coordinates the academic activities of the Department including teaching, examinations, grading etc. for the purpose of achieving stable and excellent academic culture and experience of the Department.

Perform any other assignment that may be given from time to time by the Dean or Management.

July 2014- July 2016: Sub Dean, College of Business and Social Studies, Covenant University, Nigeria.

Responsible to Dean College of Business and Social Studies, Covenant University

General Purpose: Oversees coordination of activities of the Departments as it relates to the College Vision and Goals to ensure its foremost growth and development.

1. Provides leadership and oversight for all academic programs of the Departments with respect to the following particularities -

a. Oversees Strategic planning matters of the Department and ensures that it is in absolute tandem with the vision of the University.

b. Continuous improvement of programs and curriculum;

c. Promotion of Department, College and University Community service activities in the external context.

d. Ensuring efficient Teaching and Quality delivery as it relates to the Vision and Goals of the College and University.

e. Monitoring of class attendance, student evaluation reports as it relates Department's context, teaching and learning environment.

2. Administers the Department's resources in ensuring compliance with various regulatory provisions as well as University, College and Department Policies and Procedures.

3. Quality Assurance and Academic standards mandate with respect to policies, procedures, regulations and monitoring.

4. Performs advisory responsibility in the recruitment, training and development of both staff and students of the Department.

5. Manage, collate and monitor the Department's budget implementation and resources.

6. Represents Department in Management Committee Meetings of the College, Chairs Department Management Committees comprising of Departments Heads of Department and promotes community service activities of the Department.

7. Coordinates research activities, programs and grants; plans and report research activities with respect to the research focus of the Departments.

8. Any other duty that may be assigned from time to time

July 2014- Present: Senior Lecturer, Covenant University, Nigeria.

Contribute to the development and growth of the Department, College, and the University, by engaging in quality research, teaching, and scholarship to meet with international standard.

  • Courses taught include: Marketing, Introduction to Business, Principles of Management, Human Resource Management, Business Ethics, International Business, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, Organizational Behavior, Research Methods, International Marketing, Marketing Research, Product Development, E-Marketing, Policy and Strategy in regular day and evening adult classes.
  • Direct and develop a personal research program leading to publications in High Impact (HIJ) International peer-reviewed academic journals and to other appropriate forms of research output;
  • Lead or participate in research teams or other collaborative research initiatives, departmental and/or inter-departmental;
  • Identify opportunities and apply for substantial grants for new research projects, individual and/or collaborative;
  • Play a leading role in the teaching of the Department’s existing undergraduate courses in Business Administration (especially: Marketing, International Business, Management, Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, and in other areas appropriate to my research expertise and wider scholarship;
  • Lecture Undergraduate, MBA, M.Sc., and PhD students;
  • Play a leading role in developing new courses or modules, individually and/or collectively taught, and participate in ongoing development of aspects of course structure, delivery, assessment, etc.;
  • Play a leading role in the Department’s academic and in-local parental care of students and to the enhancement of their learning, personal development and achievement;
  • Supervise Undergraduate projects, Masters and PhD dissertations;
  • Participate in the Department’s and University’s various Committees;
  • Assume various administrative tasks and responsibilities (junior and/or more senior) as requested by the Head of Department;
  • Communicate effectively with students and colleagues, using face-to-face, telephone, written and electronic communication (including email) modes as appropriate;
  • Provide cover for colleagues on sabbatical where necessary;
  • Undertake other duties as required by the Head of Department or Dean of the College.

September 2009-June 2014: Lecturer I, Covenant University, Nigeria.

  • Courses taught include: Marketing, Introduction to Business, Principles of Management, Human Resource Management, Business Ethics, International Business, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Product Development, E-Marketing, Policy and Strategy in regular day and evening adult classes.
  • Supervises undergraduate independent study as well as academic advising of students.
  • Participates in department and university committees and extracurricular activities.
  • Collaborate with faculty across the University to build unique and innovative discovery and learning programs.
  • Lecture MBA, M.Sc., and Ph.D. students. Supervise projects.
  • Conduct quality research.


  • Director of Global Marketing & Research - Taught multiple courses in Marketing and Management. Course settings included traditional, fully online, and Hybrid (combination of traditional and online).
  • O2 Global Business Institute is also a firm engaged in the practice of Marketing and Management consulting. It has been in the forefront of promoting excellence and integrity in the education profession. The Institute promotes better understanding of the profession with the business community, government, academia and the general public.

January 2009 – August, 2009: VISITING PROFESSOR OF MARKETING

The Institute of International Studies - Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand. (Taught in: Korat, Bangkok, and Hat Yai).

Responsible for teaching various marketing classes, such as Marketing Management, Current Issues in Marketing,Marketing Channels Management, Product Management,Consumer Behavior, and Marketing Research, at Undergraduate, M.B.A., and Ph.D level. Advise Graduate students and supervise Independent Studies for graduate students. Member of Dissertation Committee for MBA and Ph.D Business Students.



Responsible for supporting each LOB Sales, the development and implementation of marketing strategies and programs against plans/programs at Beta One Solution. Responsible for supporting all marketing programs and strategies against agreed upon promotion activity.

Established and strategically manage formal inbound and outbound communication with partners to ensure a timely dissemination of marketing information and plans between partners. Develop and execute account marketing plan that drives overall business. Plans include detailed market research, advertising and promotion, public relations and funding plans.

Creates and maintains a complete marketing communications concept. Worked with all levels of management and functionaries in the Company; especially in the development of all marketing plans and activities. Coordinated marketing programs, research/promotional materials and implemented all relevant corporate promotion campaigns.

Analyzed market conditions and composition behavior of consumers. Supported respective sales managers in the development strategy and managed proposal development as appropriate

Ensured that plans are consistent with overall business strategies. Researching and identifying key insights/information regarding assignments, development and management of project timetables, ensuring accuracy for all assignments information. Supervised many marketing staff.

April 1993 – January 2001: REHOBOTH ENTERPRISES INC., HOUSTON, TX.


Responsible for the day to day activities of the company that provided personal care to people with mental retardation and handicapped (MHMR). Tasks include preparing marketing materials for the company; in form of literature, flyers, and advertising materials.

Coordinate the development and implementation of consumers Individual Service Plan (ISP) and Oversee the delivery of each consumer's Individual Plan of care (IPC). Conducted marketing research and presented findings to Texas State officials.

Coordinated and monitored the delivery of waiver and generic services and consumer rights, the training of new and current staff and integrating various aspects of service delivered under the waiver and review consumer's progress notes.

Evaluated and addressed the satisfaction of consumer and/ or their legally authorized representative. Handles any consumers' complaints and ensure continuous quality improvement audit by TXMHMR and responsible for all supply materials, procurement, and inventory control. Motivated, coached, and disciplined employees in accordance with the Company’s policies and procedures. Provided training and presentations as needed in a positive and professional manner.

Sept. 1987- Sept. 1994. United States Army, Service Member – Sergeant (Retired)


Duty Station: Ft. Polk, LA. 4th Battalion 1st FA (Bravo Battery). Cannon Crewmember: 13B : Supervisedand served as a member of field artillery cannon section and ammunition section. Handled artillery rounds to include: smoke, light, battery, and nuclear. Also served as the Battery Administrative officer. I also served as a member of Texas National Guard.


  • Member of America Marketing Association
  • Member Academy of International Business (AIB).
  • Member of International Association of Nigerian Studies and Development. (IANSD).
  • Member of International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD).


  • Member, Editorial Board: Issues in Business Management and Economics.
  • Member, Editorial Board: Covenant Journal of Business & Social Sciences.
  • Member, Editorial Board Global Scholars Journals of Management Sciences


  • Iyiola, O. O.: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A marketing and legal tool for business
  • Osibanjo, A. O., Oni-Ojo, E. E., & Iyiola, O. O.: A Modeling relationship of Employees Involvement in Decision Making and Organizational performance: A study of Nigeria Independent Petroleum Company (NIPCO). Submitted: January, 2014.
  • Iyiola, O. O.: Understanding consumers through e- Marketing Conflict Resolution. (Upcoming Book Chapter).


  • May 2014: Participant - 1st International Conference on African Development Issues (CU-ICADI) Key Note Speakers are two Nobel Prize Winners in Economics. Conference Team - “Rising Opportunity for Investors in Africa and the Prospect of an Economic Miracle”.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2011). Arbitration: An Alternative Dispute Resolution, A presentation at Littoral University, Porto Novo, Republic of Benin. (A training workshop on Alternative Dispute Resolution).
  • Iyiola, O. O. & Chinonye, O. (2011). Sustainable Marketing: Philosophies, Economies and Strategies for New Consumers’ Value Creation. Marketing Educator’s Conference: Covenant University in collaboration with National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria. Creating Value for National Transformation; February 14-15, 2011
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2010). Perceptions as Influencer of Consumer Choice Behavior: The Case of Tourism in Nigeria.Presentation at International Academy of African Business and Development Conference, University of Lagos, Nigeria. May 19-22, 2010.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2008). The role of marketing in constructive engagement with the Homeland: Issues and challenges for Diaspora Africans. A Panel Presentation at the International Association of Nigerian Studies and Development at University of Portland, Portland, OR. – Sept. 18-21.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2007). Explaining the Growth and Expansion of Private Companies in Nigeria, 5th Annual Academy of International Business (AIB)/Journal of InternationalBusiness Studies (JIBS)Conference on Emerging Research Frontiers in International Business,Miami, FL, November 2007.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2007). Promoting tourism industry in Nigeria through integrated marketing - A Panel Presentation at the International Association of Nigerian Studies and Development 2007 conference at the Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA. Sept. 20-23.
  • Doctoral Consortium - Academy of Management, 2008, Social Issues in Marketing.
  • Doctoral Consortium - Academy of Marketing, 2007, Consumer Behavior Issues.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2006). The role of Church in community development -A Panel Presentation at the International Association of Nigerian Studies and Development 2006 conference, Minneapolis -St. Paul, MN. September 21-24, 2006


  • Iyiola, O. O., Osibanjo, A.O., Oyewunmi, A.E., Kehinde, O. J., Igbinoba, E.E. (2016). Code Blue-Stress among Nurses in a Teaching Hospital and its Effects on Healthcare Delivery. The Social Sciences 11 (7), 1312-1317
  • Love, C. M., Iyiola, O. O., Akinbode, M. O., Obigbemi, I. A., & Eke, O. P. (2015).Women Entrepreneurship in Nigeria: Policy Framework, Challenges and Remedies. Kasmera 43(2), 2-21.
  • Oyewunmi, A. E., Oyewunmi, O. A., Iyiola, O. O.,& Ojo, A. Y. (2015). Mental health and the Nigerian workplace: Fallacies, facts and the way forward. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling7(7), 106-111.
  • Akintunde, O. A.,Iyiola O. O.,Omoluabi, E. T. (2014). ANTECEDENTS OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS IN NIGER, Nigerian Journal of Management Studies, (12, 2/2), 17-25.
  • Oni-Ojo, E. E., Osibanjo, A. O., & Iyiola,O. O. (2014). A Modelling Relationship of employee involvement in decision making and Organizational performance: A study of Nigerian Independent Petroleum Company (NIPCO). Acta Oeconomica Universitatis Selye,Vedecký recenzovaný časopis; 3(1), 165-179.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2014). Supporting Tourism Business in Nigeria via integrated Marketing. Journal of Tourism Management Research, 1(2), 27-39.
  • Iyiola, O. O. Osibanjo, O. A. (2014). e-Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance (e-HRM) in the Nigerian Banking Industry: An Empirical Study of Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTBank). Anvesha 7(1), 10-20.
  • Iyiola, O. O. Dirisu, J. (2014). Children advertisements and their effects on family purchasing behavior: A study of Cannanland, Ota, Nigeria. Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective, 3(2), 9-17.
  • Oni-Ojo, E. E. & Iyiola, O. O. (2014).Legal implications of manufacturers’ negligence and its effects on consumers: a study of Southwest Nigeria, Global Scholars Journal of Marketing, 1(1), 1-7.
  • Iyiola, O. O. Azuh, D. (2014). Women Entrepreneurs as Small-medium Enterprise (SME) operators and their roles in Socio-economic Development in Ota, Nigeria. International Journal of Economics, Business and Finance. 2(1):1-10.
  • Ibidunni, O. S., Iyiola, O. O., & Ibidunni, A. S. (2014). Product Innovation, A Survival Strategy for Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria. European Scientific Journal, 10(1):194-209.
  • Dirisu, J. I., Iyiola, O. O., & Ibidunni O. S. (2013).Product Differentiation: A tool of Competitive Advantage and optimal Organizational Performance (A Study of UNILEVER NIGERIA PLC); European Scientific Journal December 9(34): 258-281.
  • Iyiola, O. O., & Ibidunni, O. S. (2013).The Relationship between Complaints, Emotion, Anger, and Subsequent Behavior of Customers;IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) (17, 6); 34-41.
  • Iyiola, O. O. & Oni-Ojo,E. E. (2013). Attitudes toward Service Innovations in Red Meat Industry and its Consumption Effects on Nigerian Consumers, Developing Country Studies 3(9): 39-49.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2013). Social problems of tobacco marketing in southwestern
    Nigeria: A behavioral study; Issues in Business Management and Economics, 1(4),076-088.
  • Osibanjo, A. O., Iyiola, O. O., & Adeniji, A. A. (2013). Glass-Ceiling and Female Career Advancement: A Study of the Nigerian Police; Anvesha 6(1), 49-59.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2012). Socioeconomic and demographic profile of marketplace informant: The influence of market maven on Thailand shoppers; Asian Journal of Science and Technology 4 (4):44-47.
  • Iyiola, O. O. & Osibanjo, T. (2012). Assessing the value of International Workers: A case of Shell as a multinational in Nigeria; Scientific Annals of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, University of Iasi, Economic Sciences Section (1), 141-153.
  • Iyiola, O. O. & Akintunde, O. (2011). Perception as Influencer of Consumer Choice Behavior: The Case of Tourism in Nigeria, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness (5)7, 27-36.
  • Iyiola, O. O. Iyiola, O. M. (2011). Interpretations and Effect of Music on Consumers’ Emotion, Journal of Business Diversity (11)1, 56-65.
  • Iyiola, O. O. & Chinonye, O. (2011). Sustainable Marketing: Philosophies, Economies and Strategies for New Consumers’ Value Creation. Marketing Educator’s Conference:Covenant University in collaboration with National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria. Creating Value for National Transformation; February 14-15, 2011 (Book of Reading).
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2010). Assessing the Impact of Strategic Global Entry from Cultural Research Perspective in Marketing: A case of Oil and Gas Industry in Romania. Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti BULLETIN, Economic Sciences Series, Vol. LXII No. 3/2010, 14 – 26.
  • Iyiola, O. O. (2008).Influence of marketing on tobacco consumption behavior in urban and rural areas of Southwestern Nigeria. ().

Text Book:

Ibidunni, O. S., Iyiola, O. O., & Ibidunni, A. S. (2014). Comparative International Marketing; Pumark Publisher, Lagos, Nigeria.


Chair, Departmental Committee on NUC Accreditation

Chair, Departmental Committee on Budget

Member of Departmental Postgraduate Board

Member of the College External Relations Committee

Member of Local Organizing Committee – Conference

Vice Chair of Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee (Certified Facilitator)

Member Business Solution Committee (Business Clinic)

Member University Accreditation Committee

Member, Leadership Development Committee (Training)

Member of Academic Review Committee

Member of Departmental Committee on Entrepreneurial.

GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Dr. Oluwole Iyiola (Available).

COMPUTER USAGE: Capable of using: MS Office, SAP-MM, Power-point presentation, SPSS, and Internet.



  1. EWEKA, JOY: Product Differentiation: A Tool for Competitive Advantage and Organizational performance – A Study of Unilever Nigeria Plc.: March 2013.
  2. ARASOMWAN, Eleojo Patience: Effects of Stress Management on Employees’ Productivity in Nigerian Manufacturing Industry: A study of Unilever Nigeria Plc.: June 2014


Available upon request