Humanities and Social Sciences (formerly SASOSE Council)
2015hass sa Conference
- Australian Curriculum:
History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship,
Economics and Business
General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum priorities
UN Year of soils
For all educators R-12, newand pre-service teachers
Sat 28thFeb 2015, 8.30am-4.00pm at EDC, Milner Street, Hindmarsh
Sun 1st March 2014 –field trips
Choose sessions then register at
Keynote presenters and professional launch of their new book
Jane Jolly and Sally Heinrich, author and illustrator of ‘One Step At A Time’
One Step at a Timeis a touching story about a young boy, Luk, and his baby elephant, Mali. When Mali accidentally steps on a landmine what follows is a story of courage, bravery and true love.
‘Author, Jane Jolly, has had three Notable picture books in the Children’s Book Council Australia Book of the Year awards. Jane strongly believes in the fight to rid the world of landmines and cluster munitions. On the road to getting this story published she has met with the Safe Ground group in Adelaide and a representative from Medical Association for the Prevention of War.
Illustrator/author, Sally Heinrich, has been recognised through fellowships from the Asialink Foundation, The May Gibbs Children’s Literature Trust, Varuna – the Writers’ Centre, Arts SA and the Ian Reed Foundation, and her original artwork and linoprints have been exhibited in Australia and Asia including in the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize. Sally believes that picture books are a powerful tool to communicate ideas and build bridges of understanding between people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Sally and Jane are Adelaide-based and have both been visiting schools talking about writing and illustration. If you are interested in having either or both of them come to your school or other group to talk about One Step at a Time,please contactCarole Carroll <.
Publisher, MidnightSun Publishing, wants to challenge, excite, enrage and overwhelm.’
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2015 United Nations International Year of Soils
“Maintaining healthy soils required for feeding the growing population of the world and meeting their needs for biomass (energy), fiber, fodder, and other products can only be ensured through a strong partnership.
This is one of the key guiding principles for the establishment of the Global Soil Partnership
2015HASS SA Conference program – 28 February – 1 March 2015 (updated181114)page 1
Conference Program
Saturday 28thFebruary 2015
8.30–9.00 Registration
9.15 – 9.30SASOSE awards
9.30–10.30Keynote presentation
10.30 –11.00Morning tea & book launch
11.00–12.30‘A’ series of workshops
12.30– 1.30Lunchand musical performance
1.30–2.45‘B’ series of workshops
2.50 – 3.55‘C’ series of workshops
4.00Refreshments in the gallery
Sunday 1st March 2015 – various sites
E2 National Trust sites including Ayers House
E3 Zoobot (Adelaide Zoo and Botanic Gardens)
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Workshops A series 11.00 –12.30
2015HASS SA Conference program – 28 February – 1 March 2015 (updated181114)page 1
A1 Years R-12EUREKA!!: Technology in the 1800s
Ben Gallagher and Fairlie Pritchard, MeredithPrimary School (Victoria). Rethinking our excursion experiences. Hear about how MeredithPrimary School worked alongside Ballarat’s famous SovereignHillMuseumto build a successful community partnership that culminated in students spending an exciting, fun filled day at their site with iPads in tow. Starting with our students’ iLearning topic looking at changes in local society, following a design thinking approach, the students created individual projects to answer their own BIG QUESTIONS. Very adaptable to local SA settings.
A2 Years R-7
What are our stories and how do they connect to the stories of others?
Claire Wood, Primary Australian Curriculum Implementation Officer and Thomas Harvey, Deputy Principal at HampsteadPrimary School.Development of an integrated HASS unit, which was originally designed for students in the Anangu Lands schools. It will be collaboratively developed in the workshop so all teachers can design HASS learning to suit their context.
A3Years R-7
Geography fieldwork in the local area-a practical approach
John Butler, presents geography fieldwork inquiry and techniques. Activities for all levels of primary schools will be discussed. We will go outside to nearby streets to practise some real field work. John was lead writer of the primary section of GeogSpace, co-author of Teaching Primary Geography for Australian Schools, and lead writer of the Pearson Primary: Discovering Geography program.
A4 Years R-7
Students connecting with the Asia
Sharing of ways that schools can connect HASS with learning about Asia in authentic ways. An opportunity to workshop ideas, share what has worked, how it can be improved, and how links can go across learning areas.
A5 Years 5-7
Sandra Siladj, Deana Cuconits and Raelene White from Parafield GardensR-7 School havecreated resources and activities to help simplify the language and concepts of economics forstudents in the primary years. Their resources includea collation ofwebsiteswith suitable lesson ideas andactivities to helpto support teachers in planning for concepts in Economics and Business involving consumerism, needs and wants, scarcity, pricing information, bankingand analysing nutrition labels on products.
Economics and Business weebly
What is Justice? weebly
A6 Years 6-10
The skill of decision making
Megan McCrone, Australian Electoral Commission. Making decisions is a life skill. Voting is decision making. In the classroom voting can be used very effectively and often as a decision making tool. In this interactive workshop participants will find out how to use the voting process to empower students to make decisions while equipping them with a valuable citizenship skill. There will be discussion of a variety of strategies and ideas for teaching electoral education as relevant to the new Australian Curriculum in Civics and Citizenship. A comprehensive teaching resource will be provided to all workshop participants along with classroom election materials.
A7 Years R-12
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Katie Silva, teacher-librarian, WildernessSchool and HASS SA President. So… you’re familiar with the curriculum you’ll teach, you’ve thought through your pedagogy, context, planning and resources. So you can survive and thrive, we’ll identify some giants (networks, associations, resources and mentors) and make some connections. Not all giants are friendly, so we’ll set some heffalump traps too.
A8Years 8-10
Radical Dream
Jenny Scott, Content Services Librarian, State Library of South Australia.
South Australia was founded as a Radical Dream, and has continued in the same spirit at the forefront of social reforms such as Women's Suffrage, Aboriginal Land Rights and Equal Opportunity. The State Library has curated a fascinating collection of online resources which give a local perspective to the Freedom and Rights curriculum strand.
A9 Years 8-10
Global citizens for the 21st century?
Trish Newport, AC Implementation Officer. What does global citizenry for the 21st century really mean? Does international travel always broaden the mind and can we assume that all young people will have opportunities to travel and become active and global citizens?
Learn how we can use the general capability intercultural understanding in the Australian Curriculum to deepen young people's understanding of culture and enrich their lives.
Workshops B series 1.30 – 2.45
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B1 Years R-3Aboriginal Dreaming stories across the Curriculum
Gary Passmore, Aboriginal teacher, co-writer of the Aboriginal Cultural Studies curriculum, presents hands-on ways to incorporate Aboriginal Dreaming stories across a range of subjects and learning areas such as Geography, History, Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Media Arts, and English.
Resources include Songs for Aboriginal Studies and Reconciliation by Buck McKenzie and more.
B2 Years R-12
Using ICT to integrate HASS and English
Paul Huebl - English has always been a natural integration subject with the humanities. This workshop will showcase some ways in which ICT can facilitate this in innovative and engaging ways. Using examples from the Australian Curriculum, participants will be exposed to some proven examples of how technology can enhance learning in both disciplines. Both 1:1 and shared device environments will be catered for.
Participants should join the Edmodo group at
B3 Years R-5
About Time: SA history festival
Allison Russell: Senior Curator, Community Engagement:History SA.
‘About Time’ is South Australia’s history festival. Each year approximately 500 events are presented all around the state, dealing with a huge range of history topics. Come and meet the manager of the festival and get a sneak peek at some of the 2015 highlights. This session will also include a chance to workshop ideas about how these events can link to the Australian Curriculum: history.
B4Years R-7
Isn’t HASS an avocado?
Mandi Dimitriadis, DECD Manager Pedagogy and Learning Areas
This hands-on workshop will introduce the new Australian Curriculum: HASS subjects of Civics & Citizenship and Business & Economics. Participants will be lead through unpacking the strands, structures, content and essence of both subjects, and explore ways they can work with them in their classrooms. This workshop will also focus on the connections that can be made within the Learning Area of HASS and integrated approaches teachers might take in teaching History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship and Business & Economics.
B5 Years 3-7
One Step at a Time with “One Step at a Time”!
Jane Jolly, author and Sally Heinrich, illustrator of One step at a time. Using the Australian Curriculum and the Teachers’ Notes for One Step at a Time, teachers can plan a unit of work for Geography/History/English etc based on the book for their Year level. They can work in teams or individually and hopefully there will be time to share ideas.
B6Years 6-10
Taking Care of Business
Anne Glamuzina, Business and Enterprise Teachers Assoc. (BETA)
You are probably already teaching all of the skills and knowledge involved in a business plan if your students sell goods at your school fete or mission day. This session will look at the thinking, language and presentation of a business plan for students in Years 6 – 10. We will look at the Disney business plan and connect it to a school business.
This workshop is complemented by workshop C6
B7Years 6-10
Students as Global Citizens
Annalise De Mel, Schools Program Coordinator, Oxfam Australia, Victoria.
Teaching students to be Global Citizens.A practical workshop where teachers will have the opportunity for hands-on activities to explore the ideas for teaching students to be global citizens.
B8 Years 7-8
Teaching and learning HASS across Years 7-8
Shelly Brown, HASS Coordinator at Charles Campbell College shares ways the school is planning to include HASS curriculum across Years 7-8 to fit Geography, History, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business and no doubt several General Capabilities and Cross-Curriculum Priorities.
B9 Years R-10
Concepts and assessment in geography
Malcolm McInerney, immediate past-president of the Australian Geography Teachers’ Assoc. and Executive Director of GeogSpace will build understanding of geographical concepts and their relationship to assessment and achievement standards as well as resources that support teaching and learning.
Workshops C series 2.50 – 3.55
C1 Years R-7Walk in the steps of the Prince and Princess
Considerhow theAustralian Curriculumcan link to the 2015 UN International Year of Soil theme (see top of p. 2) by exploring the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and Nature Play space at KilkennyPrimary School, places visited by the Royals on their recent visit to Australia. Possible curriculum links may include Geography, Science, Sustainability, Business and Economics, and Health,
Participants meet inside the EDC front door to arrange car pooling to travel to the school at Jane Street, West Croydon where you’ll meet school representatives for your ‘royal’ tour and to share learning links.
C2 Years R-6
What is the best way of teaching Geography at each year level?
John Butler focuses on developmental stages and pedagogy for geography, using examples from GeogSpaceand other new resources. John was lead writer of the primary section of GeogSpace, co-author of Teaching Primary Geography for Australian Schools, and lead writer of the Pearson Primary: Discovering Geography program.
C3Years R-6
Experiential Learning at Heritage Places
Dr. Darren Peacock and Jill MacKenzie will share some of the exciting new education resources developed by the National Trust of South Australia. These mobile applications and web-based resources encourage active learning and engagement with Adelaide’s heritage places and are fully aligned to the Australian Curriculum.
Participants in this interactive workshop will engage with the Adelaide City Explorer mobile app, Living History website and exciting new programs out of the magnificent heritage building Ayers House. Bring your own device.
Darren and Jill are also hosting an excursion visit to Ayers House on Sunday March 1st (E2)
C4Years R-7
Developing a Resource Wallet for Civics & Citizenship and Economics & Business
Kate Beeson and Sheralee Trebeck, school-based Coordinators of Primary Australian Curriculum (CPACs). Identifying hands-on and real life experiences and resources that teachers can effectively use in their class for C&C and E&B and how they align to the AC Content Descriptions and Achievement Standards. Come along and hear about how Kiva, Grill'd, Pinterest and many more exciting resources can be used in your classrooms to excite and engage students.
C5Years 4-12
History on Film
Ash Starkey : Starkeyz Digital Film Production, and Mandi Dimitriadis: DECD Manager Pedagogy and Learning Areas.Ash is an award winning digital filmmaker whose films have been screened around the world in cinemas and on commercial television.
Participants in this workshop will discover the unique South Australian perspectives and stories Ash has captured on film. We will view some of his short films and investigate ways that they can be used as engaging and thought provoking resources for teaching Australian Curriculum: History.
C6 Years R-12
Muslim diversity in SA, myths, inclusion
Learn from Muslim Women’s Assoc. the basic tenets of Islam. Find out about the diversity of Muslim people in South Australia. Dispel misconceptions of Islam and Muslims in the wider community. Gain an understanding of Muslim students in our schools.
Email re a visit to your school.
C7 Years 6-10
Small Businesses, Big Dreams
This workshop is complemented by workshop B6
Francine Smith, formerly Global Education Centre. What’s involved in running a small business or ‘micro-enterprise’? Can micro-enterprise be a hand up out of poverty? This workshop explores how students can become entrepreneurs: writing a business plan, making goods and services and running a Bazaar Day at school, and learn about global efforts to reduce poverty along the way. Consider links to curriculum in Economics and Business, Civics and Citizenship, Geography, English, Numeracy, Arts, Technology.
C8 Years 6-10
Geocaching – the fun side to Geospatial ScienceCelina Bolding is with theUniSA College Connect team,the outreach arm of the UniSA that provides engaging programs for secondary school students linked to the Australian Curriculum and SACE. Their Geospatial Science geocaching activities are an engagement tool to link mapping and the science of GPS systems.
C9 Years 8-10
Civics and Citizenship teaching and learning
Robin Aukett, HASS curriculum expert, shares ways that schools can actively involve students in Civics and Citizenship before, after, and during visits to Courts, Parliament and Local Government. Robin will provide activities using artefacts, images and maybe practise debating. Education Officers at Parliament House and the Courts assist with visiting school groups.
Sunday 23rd February 2014
Morning activities
E1TempleTourVisit the oldest mosque in Australia located in Little Gilbert Street, Adelaide. Next travel on to the SA Zhu-Lin (lit. BambooForest) BuddhistTemple at Ottoway to learn a little about Buddhism and have lunch. Finally visit the Beit Shalom Progressive Synagogue at Hackney.
Meet Pauline Hansford, Council of Australian Secondary Tourism Teachers, at EDC entrance, Milner St. Hindmarsh to board bus departing at 10.00am and returning by approx. 4.00 pm. Cost $40 per person. Lunch provided. Please dress modestly. Headscarves appreciated at the mosque and men should wear a hat(can be sun hat) at the Synagogue. Remember to bring a water bottle and hat if hot.
E2Experiential learning at heritage places
Meet at Ayers House 288 North Terrace, Adelaide
Meet Dr. Darren Peacock and Jill MacKenzie at the last of the grand mansions of Adelaide’s North Terrace boulevard and step back in time to colonial Adelaide. Engage with the exciting new mobile and web-based applications developed by the National Trust of South Australia to bring heritage to life, enjoy morning tea in grand heritage style and explore other grand houses in Adelaide’s east end.
10.00am -12.00pm
Cost: $25 per person with the option of joining us for lunch at a heritage hotel.
E3ZooBotLearn from Jonathan Noble, DECD Education Manager, Adelaide Zoo, Zoos SA(morning and lunch time), and Michael Yeo, DECD Education Manager, Botanic Gardens, Botanic Gardens of South Australia(afternoon).
Middle Years teachers participate in and learn about how multidisciplinary programs can be designed and delivered using the resources of the Adelaide Zoo and Botanic Gardens.
Jonathan, then Michael, show you around their respective facilities and provide an opportunity to share ideas and design and plan programs usinglearning designwith resources from these amazing locations. Focus will be on the integration of learning areas, general capabilities and cross curriculum priorities.
10am – 2.30pm Meet Jonathan Noble at the main Adelaide Zoo entrance, Plane Tree Drive. Bring your lunch or purchase at the Zoo. After lunch Jonathan will walk you over to the Botanic Gardens to meet Michael Yeo.No cost.
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