Approved February 10, 2006
Services Committee
January 13, 2006
Ackerman Union 2412
Members Present: Matthew Bukirin, Undergraduate Representative; Gustavo DeHaro, Undergraduate Representative (CHAIR); Melanie Ho, Graduate Student Representative; Craig Kaplan, Non-Student Representative; Dorothy Kim, Graduate Student Representative; Jerry Mann, Student Support Services & Student Union Director; Robert Naples, At-Large Member; Lisa Raigosa, Recording Secretary; Robert Williams, Executive Director
Members Absent: Werner Hirsch, Non-Student Representative;
Guests: Cindy Bolton, ASUCLA Food Service Associate Director; Rich Delia, ASUCLA Finance Director; Janine Tchilingirian, UCLA Facilities Management Project Designer
I. Call to Order
Mr. DeHaro called the meeting to order at 12:04 pm.
II. Approval of the Agenda
Mr. DeHaro asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Mr. Williams stated that there would be several items for the committee during Executive Session.
Mr. DeHaro called for consent. There being no objections, the agenda was approved by consent.
III. Approval of the Minutes
Mr. DeHaro asked if there were any changes to the meeting minutes of December 9, 2005. There were no changes. The December 9, 2005 Services Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by consent.
IV. Executive Director’s Report
Cooperage Design
Mr. Williams introduced Janine Tchilingirian to the committee as the UCLA Facilities Project Designer who is working on the Cooperage design project.
Ms. Tchilingirian proceeded to discuss the various boards and materials she had brought with her to demonstrate to the committee the colors, fabrics, seating, lighting and basic design for the new Cooperage.
The main walkway, called Main Street, will take the customer down the main corridor which leads to the main commissary area. The ”Main Street” walkway will be covered in 24”x24” stone tiles and the main commissary will have a mix of stone, carpeting, and wood flooring. The south and west walls will be covered in backlit glass to imitate natural lighting and will include both patterned and frosted glass. Ms. Tchilingirian indicated that the lighting of the space will be very important to creating the feel of the room. Therefore, a lighting consultant will be hired to help with these plans.
As for seating, the room will have a mix of banquette style seats as well as tables and chairs. There will be a combination of fabric, vinyl, and durable plastic used for seating. The ceiling will be drywall, acoustic tile, and exposed original ceiling.
The stage will be located adjacent to where it currently is and will be flush with the floor. Wood flooring will call it out as the stage and it will have flat screen panels behind it. Lounge-like seating will be used in the space during times when the stage is not being used.
Ms. Kim asked what the plan is for the doors to the space. Ms. Tchilingirian answered that the doors would remain in the same place but would either be made of painted wood or Herculite glass.
Mr. Naples asked what the timetable is for getting the project started. Ms. Tchilingirian believed that the goal is to start construction in June. Mr. Williams added that several other projects need to fall into place including the Greenhouse and Jamba Juice.
Mr. DeHaro asked if there were additional questions for Ms. Tchilingirian. There were none. The committee thanked the presented for her time and thoroughness.
Mr. Williams stated that December had strong results. There have been some utility expense issues but Jerry Mann is working with University Facilities to solve the problems.
January has seen a slow start to book sales but the Association should end the month close to budget.
Distinctively UCLA
The latest results show that the Association has had $48,000 in sales from the Distinctively UCLA catalog, with $21,000 spent in the production and marketing of it. The biggest seller has been the Ashworth golf sweatshirt. Both the robes and the polo shirt have also sold well.
Krispy Kreme
Krispy Kreme is no longer being sold in the Cooperage. The wholesaler of the product is no longer wholeselling in this area. The sign has been taken down and a new vendor has been brought in to provide donut products.
Mission/Vision Board on A-Level Ackerman Union
A temporary version of the Mission/Vision Board has been mounted in the corridor leading to the Cooperage on A-Level Ackerman Union. Mr. Williams suggested that the Board members take a look and let him know if they have any suggestions.
Kerckhoff Hall 75th Anniversary
This special event will take place on Friday, January 20 at noon in the Charles Young Grand Salon. A Retrospective has been put together and will be on display in the Kerckhoff Hall Art Gallery beginning Tuesday, January 17 and will be part of the celebration. Special event souvenirs were made for the occasion and include a calendar of photos of Kerckhoff Hall during the last 75 years, a commemorative poster, chocolates, and a Kerckhoff Coffeehouse mug. All members of the Board are encouraged to attend.
Mr. Naples asked who is on the guest list. Mr. Mann said that members of the Campus Student Affairs Directors group, the Executive Management Group, the Community Programs Office, the Center for Student Programming, current and former USA and GSA members, current and former Board members, and members of the Kerckhoff family have all been invited.
Mr. Mann added that the restored portrait of Mr. Kerckhoff along with the newly painted portrait of Mrs. Kerckhoff will be unveiled.
Coca Cola
Mr. Williams has spoken with representatives of Coca Cola. They have offered to send a company spokesperson to speak with management on February 8 to discuss their understanding of the Columbian issue. They have indicated that they have a counterproposal that they believe with be acceptable to all parties.
Jamba Juice
Management is working with the UCLA Real Estate department on firming up the contract with Jamba Juice. Jamba is ready to submit their construction drawings to Food Service, Capital Programs, and the County Health Inspectors for review and approval.
Management has received a set of construction and fixture plans for the Greenhouse. The plans will be sent out to bid and the fixtures will be purchased as an order. Facilities will help with the electrical and the flooring.
Broad Arts Center
Management attended a meeting about the plan for the center. ASUCLA is trying to meet the Broad Arts Center request that it be a “non-coffeehouse” coffeehouse. ASUCLA has submitted some ideas and is waiting to hear if they like them.
South Campus Student Center
The project has three phases. The first is the upper courtyard, the second is the food service area (ASUCLA’s area), and the third is the front of the building. ASUCLA has received its first estimate for its section and it came in at $15 Million. The second estimate was considerably different so the estimators will be convening to determine why they were so different. The university has indicated that there is possibly one donor interested in the project which could offset the costs considerably. The design for the project is very interesting and has many “green” attributes.
Mr. Williams reported that he had met with Crystal Durham and Mike Cox campus’ sustainability coalition. In general, they are asking if ASUCLA is willing to do an assessment from a sustainability perspective.
Mr. Mann explained that this type of assessment tries to look at the entire system of the Association in an effort to balance its use of resources with reusable products and treatment of waste. It looks at waste-stream and purchasing management with a goal of saving resources.
Mr. Williams said that Ms. Durham and Mr. Cox will be contacting Mr. DeHaro about getting on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mr. Williams stated that he had also met with the Food Sustainability Coalition. To meet their request, the Board would need to develop a philosophy about using food products that are harvested in sustainable ways. The model is UC Santa Cruz who has 22% of its food products grown locally and organically.
Mr. Delia suggested that perhaps the Association could partner with a company like Whole Foods that specializes in this type of food product. Mr. Williams added that Ms. Durham had suggested a pilot program during which some products would be offered that are not significantly higher in price for instance, using organic broccoli.
The committee discussed further the idea of doing a sustainability assessment on ASUCLA. Mr. Mann was not certain how long the project would take but that, basically, it’s looking at ASUCLA as a separate ecosystem and determining how it can be better at addressing sustainability issues.
Mr. Williams stated that if the Association decides that sustainability is one of its goals, it will be important to bring in consultants and do a proposal.
Mr. Kaplan asked what is the driving force behind the sudden increase in sustainability issues. Mr. Mann answered that the campus has created a position whose responsibility it is to look at issues like this. It is likely that the Association will be involved in this more frequently.
Sudan Divestment
Mr. Williams reported that the Association, to its knowledge, has no connection with Sudan. The Regents will be going forward with a plan regarding Sudan and the student at USAC have asked if the Board can help with getting student to UCSD for the Regents meeting. Mr. Williams acknowledged that the student presentation at USAC was impressive. He asked if Services has any concerns with him sending an email to ASUCLA employees about the issue. The Services Committee did not express any concerns.
Services Committee Goals
Mr. Williams stated that, as it is budget time, it is also time to develop a few goals for submission to management. Mr. Williams listed out the prior year goals and asked that the committee consider some goals for the upcoming year. The committee agreed that the following three goals are of considerable importance:
1. Sustainability
2. Healthy Food Choices
3. Safety and Security (General and Employee)
Mr. Williams had no other items on which to report. Mr. DeHaro asked if the committee had any further questions for Mr. Williams. The committee asked how many Distinctively UCLA catalogs had been mailed out. Mr. Williams did not know but indicated that he would find that number out and send an email to the committee with that information.
V. Public Comment
VI. Executive Session
Ms. Kim moved, seconded by Mr. Bukirin, to move into Executive Session. Mr. Delia and Mr. Mann were invited to stay. The committee moved into Executive Session at approximately 1:00pm.
Ms. Kim moved, seconded by Mr. Bukirin, to exit Executive Session. The committee exited Executive Session at approximately 1:48 pm.
Ms. Kim moved, seconded by Mr. Bukirin, to approve the actions take by the committee in Executive Session. There being no objections, the actions were approved by consent.
Ms. Kim moved, seconded by Mr. Bukirin, to adjourn the meeting. There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned at 1:50pm.
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