Mental Health, Dementia & Neurological Conditions
Meeting Notes – Mental Health Improvement Group 19/11/2014
Mental Health, Dementia & Neurological ConditionsMental Health Improvement Group Meeting19th November 2014
South West House, Taunton
Meeting Notes
Adrian James (Chair), Justine Faulkner (Network Manager), Anna Bilham, Fay Beck, Tim Francis, Lin Walton (on behalf of Gavin Thistlethwaite), Sarah Oke, Jo Hammond, Amanda Fisk, Wayne Lewis, Sandra Miles, Tracey Marsh, Rob Gough, Lee Colwill, Ellen Wilkinson
1. Welcome & Introductions
Adrian James (AJ) welcomed the group and introductions were made.
2. Minutes of last meeting
Action carried forward: Ruth Hall (RH) to circulate framework to commissioners and flag as being applied to physical and mental health
The group confirmed that all other actions following the last meeting had been met or were to be discussed at this meeting.
3. Mental Health Intelligence Network and Data – Anna Bilham (Quality Improvement Project Manager, South West SCN and Fay Beck (Information and Quality Improvement analyst, South West SCN)
Anna Bilham (AB) and Fay Beck (FB) presented the Mental Health Intelligence Network to the group, and gave an insight into some of the information available about mental health. The group discussed which indicators the group felt would be important in developing a Mental Health dashboard for the South West.
It was agreed that FB and AB will provide mental health data updates at meetings going forward.
Action: FB & AB to liaise with PHE (Debbie Stark) re: access to the following additional indicators:
Demographics- Deprivation (advice on which markers most relevant to SW), rurality, domestic violence, ethnicity.
Anxiety prevalence
Dual morbidities – thinking substance misuse Number of suicides - (fingertips reports suicides and undetermined intent as a mortality rate).
Action: FB & AB to link in with Amanda Fisk and Local Criminal Justice Board re: Crisis indicators:
· S136 (how we can access this data?)
· % in custody (broken down by age)
· Data about discharge, 7-day follow ups, follow up by crisis and home treatment teams and 111.
4. Target Resilience Funding Update – Justine Faulkner (JF)
JF informed the group that the South region received £6.2 million extra funding for Crisis and Early Intervention. The SCN worked with the regional office to organise a panel to screen bids and increase timescales for bid applications; £2.8 million of South West bids were shortlisted.
Additional funding has also been received and the SCN have circulated an invitation to bids for moneys for projects aligned with 111 and emergency care. SWAST are keen to progress a cross-CCG bid, to support the deployment of mental health professionals in their control rooms, to provide clinical advice to crews, and the SCN are working on co-ordinating a collective bid with CCGs.
In addition, based on feedback from service users, the SCN are progressing the development of a patient-related outcome measure (PROM) of crisis services. JF asked the group to feedback any views or interest in submitting a partnership bid.
JF and AJ encouraged the group to send in previously unsuccessful bids and also have bids ready to go for possible new sources of funding that might arise.
5. Implementation of the Mental Health Tariff
Action: JF to set up a tariff focussed event in the New Year
6. Achieving Better Access to Mental Health Services by 2020 – Implications for Services and the SCN
The Department of Health have released a report announcing what action the government is taking to provide better access to care in mental health services within the next year, including national waiting time standards for the first time. It also sets out its vision for further progress by 2020.
The waiting time standards for mental health that come into effect from 1 April 2015 are:
· treatment within 6 weeks for 75% of people referred to the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies programme, with 95% of people being treated within 18 weeks
· treatment within 2 weeks for more than 50% of people experiencing a first episode of psychosis
7. IAPT services in the South West
JF updated the group in Alex Stirzaker and Gayle Bridgman’s absence. The IAPT expert reference group has been re-established and met on 13th November 2014. Work streams include the SCN supporting the South West in delivering IAPT training and workforce planning with Health Education South West, and developing an IAPT dashboard.
Action: GB to present IAPT mapping and work plan at the next Mental Health Improvement Group meeting
8. The new focus on Early Intervention in Psychosis
JF informed the group that EI is attracting funding, and as a result the SCN will be developing a regional map of EI services.
9. SCN Work Streams and Development
Zero Suicide Project (AJ)
The launch event held on 8 October 2014 was well attended and feedback has been positive. 3 two day learning events are being organised for the New Year.
Action: SCN to circulate dates for learning events
Crisis (SO and AB)
AB is currently mapping crisis services across the South West.
The SCN are holding a process mapping event on 5 December 2014; attendees include emergency consultants, police and ambulance service.
A Crisis Collaboration event will be held in the New Year.
Crisis Concordat action plans and declarations submission deadlines are the end of December 2014.
CAMHS Update (JF)
The Commissioning Better CAMHS document was launched on 15 October 2014. The CAMHS Commissioners Forum will meet on 20 November 2014 to discuss how to co-commission and implement the document.
Parity of Esteem (JF in GB absence)
The Smoking Cessation Conference has been reorganised to 24 February 2015.
Perinatal Mental Health (AJ)
An event was held by the Maternity and Children’s SCN on 6 November 2014 where stakeholders discussed opportunities to improve the quality and safety of Perinatal and Infant Mental Health in the South West. A Meeting is being held in December to decide whether an inpatient mother and baby unit should be commissioned.
10. Any other Business
Chief Medical Officers Report
The headlines include evidence around wellbeing and recommendations around people with mental health returning to work.
Dates for future meetings
The group suggested 14 January 2015 for the next meeting. Meetings will continue to be held bi-monthly on Wednesdays and dates will be circulated in due course.