Hill PTO October 20, 2008
Meeting Minutes
7:07pm Call to order
In Attendance:
Beth CulpJen ManciniAnna Colletti
Jackie SchellmatKerry SchmidtAnna Loree
Renee ZaitsAnnmarie DeVitoDanielle Clippard
Denise BlockiDanielle BuserChristine Garrett
Lori MouranieAlex BalliosKathy Liskey
Stacey BettelonAmy KoontzPadma Kuppa
Debbie Ballios
Janice BrzezinskiLora Herbert
Is everyone signed in?
Meeting minutes:
Minutes from September meeting-no questions Alex Ballios motions to approve, Lori Mouranie seconds/ All Ayes-motion passes
Treasurer’s Report:
JAT income$28,499 deposited
JATexpenses 2,381 expensed
26,486 revenue
Budgeted 20,000
Over 6,486
* does not reflect the income from advertising ($500) in school directory
Expenses to date:
1) Bucket Filler
2) Safety Bear 1850
Board Status:
Presidents Report:
Head Lice
1)what happens when discovered?
a)Student sent to office
b)Parent usually has called and incident has already been taken care of
2)Some buildings have recurring issues with head lice
a)long gestation period of eggs
b)letters are sent home per individual case/case specific
Streetwise Parenting:
1)Renee Mahalik
a) would like her to come and talk to us
Foreign Family involvement:
1)cultural connection newsletter
a) promotes tolerance
b) informational for all to understand
c) promotes community building
* could be an expansion to the third grade study program (Kelli Jones is the contact – maybe we could get her to come and visit)
Police Report:
- If you don’t get it, you should there is so much information about our area that can be useful to every parent.
- Events are covered in addition to any mischief
Lora Herbert:
Field Trips:
K- Blake’s Cider Mill1st – Cook’s Dairy Farm
3rd – GreenfieldVillage4th – DIA (November)
Skate World:
1)Jan. 28th
a)Mrs. Newingham doing video
b)Pre-buy tickets at a discount
Student Council:
1)elections are this week
2)council meets every Thursday during lunch.
Halloween Parade/Parties:
1)Thursday the 30th
2)No School on 31st-end of marking period
Election Day:
1)Mock voting via computer systems on Nov. 4th 3/4/5 grades
2)Ballots for grades K/1/2
*party/candidate education has taken place in each class per teacher discretion
1)Student network
Mrs. Brzezinski:
JAT Thanks:
1)Successful fundraiser-well done
2)Closing assembly Friday (10/25) at 10:30
1)starting 2nd round
- math is completed
2)M/W finishing English
3)W Science
Fire Safety:
1)Grades 1/3/5 visited two times per year by fire department
a)home safety
b)smoke trailer
Bucket Filling:
1)Bucket Filling at home
a)parent evening assembly
Safety Bear:
1)New Assembly for grades 1/2
a)sexual harassment
b)inappropriate touching
2)Grade 1 9-10am
3)Grade 2 10:15-11:15am
- in LGI room 10/22/08
Nosh’s Night
1)Huge success
a)Nosh’s made enough money to stay in business a couple more months
Playground Equipment:
a)1 tree removed
b)Adjust sandbox
c)Adding more swings
2)Upper L:
a)getting more climbing equipment
b)getting orbitals
c)adding permanent soccer nets
d)removing wooded area equipment
3)Lower L:
a)removing structure from sandbox, but keeping sandbox
b)adding to swings
c)adding entirely new structure closer to blacktop
*All work to begin October 15th. Obviously behind schedule by a week, hoping to start by the 25th. Will do in sections so we can have some equipment to play on in the meantime.
Kathy Liskey:
1)Safe Homes Representative
a)presentation of Safe Homes
b)Asked for $100 donation
*meets 1st Wednesday of the month 9am at the troy administration offices-however call in case meeting has changed prior to attending
Debbie Ballios:
1)Closing assembly October 25th 10:30am Cafeteria
2)Thank you notes to be hand delivered to each vendor
3)Students will wear their JAT shirts on Fri for the assembly
Diana Petrinko:
1) Major purchase requests:8183 requested
2500 proposed
2) motion to approve budget as it stands with 2500 proposed – Lori Mouranie, Padma seconds – All Ayes – motion passes
3) motion to increase major purchase line item by 500 – Lori Mouranie, Danielle Buser seconds, All Ayes- motion passes
4) approved $3000 in major purchases
a) Karen Hurst 250
b) Sara Zimmerman154
c) Strosahl/Hurst/Mundle294
d) Heidi Apol400
e) Charla Lau 1500
f) Martha Babcock400
g) Care 150
= 2998
5)Diana Petrinko motions to allocate $100 to safe homes, Stacey Bettelon seconds – All Ayes – motion passes
6) Diana Petrinko motions to allocate $50 to George Ku fund – Stacey Bettelon seconds- All Ayes – motion passes
Danielle Buser:
Game Night:
1)Free fun night
a)K/1 hyperdash in Gym
b)4/5 are you smarter than a 5th grader LGI
c)2/3 win lose draw in Art room
d)Minimal snacks in cafeteria along with board games and coloring station
2)Original date was Nov 14th
a)same as hunting season opener
b)changing to the 21st 7-9pm
Healthy School Award:
1)pace program did this originally
2)we should apply again
3)winning school receives $1000
Target Card:
1)attaching information to school website – Christine
Padma Motions to Adjourn, Danielle Buser seconds – All Ayes – motion passes
Adjourns: 10:11pm
*Raffle drawing was won by Stacey Bettelon