Blackburn with Darwen Child & Family (CAF) Closure & Evaluation form
Section 1: Details of child or young person
Surname / Forename / Alias / DOB/EDD / Gender / CAF IDSection 2: Details of person completing the CAF closureform
Name / Job title / TelAgency / Email
Section 3: Closure details
Closure date:Are you the Lead Professional? / Yes□ No□
If not, please state your role in the CAF process:
Has a home visit been completed prior to closure? / Yes□ No□
If yes, please provide the date of the last home visit:
If not, then when was the last home visit completed (date):
Please tick the reason for closure and then identify all unmet needs and risks and evidence how these have been addressed within the closure summary
Plan completed: □Please evidence: (ensure you highlight where you have signposted to other agencies and/or where the child/family continue to access ongoing support via single or other agencies)
Step up to social care (referral accepted): □
Name of allocated social worker:
Please evidence reason for step up to social care:
Withdrawn consent: □please confirm whether you have:
Stepped the case up to social care as a result of withdrawn consent / Yes□ No□
Stepped the case down (signposted to other agencies) as a withdrawn consent / Yes□ No□
Moved out of area□
Have the relevant professionals in the new area been notified that there is a CAF in place for this child/young person? / Yes□ No□
Please evidence
Child Death□
Level of case on the Continuum of Need and Response at point of closure:
1 □ / 2□ / 3□ / 4□
Section 4: Signatures
Lead Professional’s signature: / Date:(LP) Manager’s signature: / Date:
Parent/carer/young person signature: / Date:
Section 5: Evaluation - we politely ask that you complete this evaluation form with the family; this is now a mandatory field. Note for parents/carers/young people - The CAF team are always trying to improve and are looking for your opinions and experiences. Please help us by completing the following questions:
Not Satisfied / Satisfied / Very SatisfiedMy worker discussed with me the worries they had about my child(ren) and asked me what I thought / □ / □ / □
We agreed a plan of action, that I thought would improve things for my child and our family / □ / □ / □
I agreed who the information could be shared with / □ / □ / □
The detail of CAF/TAF consent was explained to me / □ / □ / □
Having a CAF made a difference / □ / □ / □
Additional comments:
Section 6: Young person’s feedback (please complete if applicable)
Not Satisfied / Satisfied / Very SatisfiedMy worker kept me informed / □ / □ / □
I agreed who my information could be shared with / □ / □ / □
I agree with what was in the action plan / □ / □ / □
I was asked about what I thought the problem was and what would help / □ / □ / □
Having a CAF made a difference / □ / □ / □
Additional comments:
Safe information exchange and data protection is important to us: We no longer accept hand written closure forms, and request that closure forms are sent to us electronically (PDF copies of hand written closure forms are not acceptable).
Please send your completed closure form to if you wish to encrypt your email and are unsure about this process please contact 01254 666913/666914 for advice
If you wish to use GCSX secure email; you will need to register your service with GCSX and then contact (01254) 666913/666914 for next steps.