Chabot College

Course Outline for Political Science 1, Page 2

Fall 2004

Chabot College Fall 2004

Course Outline for Political Science 1


Catalog Description:

1 – Introduction to American Government 3 units

Introduction to the historical development of American political ideals and institutions including the Federal and California Constitutions, civil liberties, civil rights, citizenship duties, political parties, participation and elections. . Strongly recommended: Eligibility for English 1A. 3 hours.

[Typical contact hours: 52.5]

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:

1.  distinguish between direct democracy and representative democracy;

2.  explain the basic principles of a republican form of government;

3.  discuss the concept of federalism and evaluate its impact on the American political system;

4.  explain the basic principles of the Federal and California Constitutions and place the values expressed in the context of American history;

5.  discuss the separation of powers and identify the roles of the three branches of government;

6.  discuss the expansion of suffrage and its impact on government and society;

7.  describe the historical context of the United States Constitutional Amendments;

8.  identify and explain the concept of civil liberties and their civil rights and its application in American society;

9.  describe the development of the Federal and California political party system and evaluate the role of political parties in American government and politics;

10.  apply general knowledge gained in the class to every day events that take place locally, nationally and internationally.

Course Content:

1.  The role of democratic theory on American and California state political institutions

2.  The influence of democratic institutions on national and California state and local governments institutions

3.  The Constitutional sources of American ideologies

4.  The History of American Federalism including Federal/State Relations and conflicts between states

5.  The expansion of the Federal Constitution and amendments

6.  The development of the California Constitution

7.  The development of California’s political institutions

a.  The Plural Executive

b.  The Legislative

c.  The Judiciary

8.  An analysis of the unique characteristics of Californian’s politics

9.  The origins of the American political process including:

a.  Role of political parties, special interests, public opinion and the media

b.  Role of rights and duties of citizenship

c.  Importance of the initiative referendum and recall for California politics

10.  The development of political institutions including:

a.  The Congress

b.  The Presidency

c.  The courts and judicial review

11.  The implications of Civil Liberties and Civil Rights including:

a.  The Bill of Rights

b.  Constitutional Amendments

c.  Due Process and Equal Protection of Law

d.  History of Civil Rights Movement

12. The ramifications of economic and social policies for national, California and local governments

Methods of Presentation:

1.  Lecture – discussion

2.  Audio and video presentation

3.  Computer assisted instruction

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1.  Typical Assignments:

a.  Provide a comprehensive written analysis of the Federal Constitution showing how it meets the requirements of Popular Sovereignty, Political Liberty and Political Equality

b.  Provide a critical written analysis and summary of a leading Supreme Court decision showing its relationship to a principle of Constitutional Law

c.  Provide a detailed written evaluation of an observation of a City Council or Board of Supervisors meeting

d.  Provide a critical written evaluation comparing California’s Political Parties’ values and philosophies

2.  Methods of Evaluating Student Progress

a.  Midterm exams and quizzes

b.  Written assignments

c.  Oral presentations

d.  Final exam

Textbook(s) (Typical):

Democracy Under Pressure, Cummings and Wise, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishing Company, 2001, or latest edition.

Government by the People, Burns, Peltason, Cronin and Magleby, Prentice Hall Publishing Company, 2001, or latest edition.

The Challenge of Democracy, Janda, Berry and Goldman, Houghton Mifflin, 2001, or latest edition.

California: Politics of Diversity, Lawrence, West Publishing Company, 2001, or latest edition.

California Government, Kory, New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1999, or latest edition.

Governing California, Giventer, McGraw-Hill, 2004, or latest edition.

Special Student Materials:


tf : Word\PolSci 1.doc

Revised 12-5-03