7th Grade Social Science

U.S. History I

Michelangelo House

Mr. Brian Tell


Class Description

Students in 7th grade Social Science will study the history of the United States from its native inhabitants through the War of 1812; with an emphasis on civics and government as well as current issues/events. The information will be viewed from a variety of perspectives, including: politically, socially, and geographically. Students will analyze primary source documents throughout each chapter of study. The start of the school year will concentrate on the mastery of geographic themes, map reading, and United States political geography. Current event assignments will be completed regularly throughout the year. These assignments will challenge students to find relationships between past and present while improving their writing skills. All students will complete a cross-curricular research project/presentationin celebration of Black History Month as well as participate in a Mock Congressional Hearing.


Grades will be based on, but not limited to:

- Tests

- Quizzes

- Current Event Submissions

- Projects

- Homework

- Classwork/Do Now Prompts

Formal Assessments( Tests, Quizzes, Current Event Submissions and Projects) will make up 70% of your trimester grade.

Practice and Reinforcement (Homework) will make up 15% of your trimester grade.

Classwork(In class activities/Do Now Prompts) will make up 15% of your trimester grade.


This class will primarily use one text throughout the school year; Holt McDougal’s United States History and a student workbook. (Replacement workbooks will cost $7) All students will receive access codes for electronic versions of this text (my.hrw.com). Students will be expected to complete reading and homework through the use of the electronic textbook. If internet access is a problem, please let me know so that appropriate arrangements can be made to complete all assignments.

We will also use two supplementary texts: History Alive! The United States and The Center for Civic Education’s – We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution.


Coming to class

-Make sure to be in class on time and prepared with ALL class materials. Not being prepared for class three times during the trimester will result in a move down.

- Line up outside of the room quietly until you are instructed to enter.

- Proceed to your assigned seat in an orderly manner and begin the Do Now assignment. The expectation is that all students are at zero noise during the Do Now unless otherwise instructed. At this time students should also be recording their homework into their agenda. The Do Now will be completed in student notebooks. These will be collected periodically during the year.

-If you have completed the Do Now and recorded your homework, sit quietly and read over the class agenda/objectives for that day. These items will always be displayed in the same area on the front board.

-Lateness: If you enter the room after class begins, please quietly proceed to your assigned seat and leave your signed agenda on your desk.


-Please reference the Upper School Student Handbook for all behavioral policies that will be followed in this class as well as your other classes. This includes but is not limited to; late arrival to class, the move down chart, referrals, detentions, the electronics' policy, and dress code. These guidelines will be followed in the classroom at all times.

Formal Assessments

-If a student receives below a 60% on any test they will be required to 1) have the test signed 2) attend two remediation sessions (during lunch) and 3) retake the assessment. The student’s final recorded grade will be the average of their first assessment and the retake. If the student does not attend remediation and complete the retake within next 5 school days, they will forfeit the opportunity to retest.

-Current Event submissions are also formal assessment grades and will not be accepted late for credit unless it is due to absence.


-Homework will be assigned at least once/week.

-Late homework assignments will be accepted for full credit during the next class or if due on a Friday, the following Monday. After three late homework assignments in a trimester, additional late assignments will result in a zero. It is your responsibility to submit the late assignments to me in person for credit.

-It is also the expectation that students, as well as parents, are frequently checking Infinite Campus for both current grades and short/long-term assignments.

Absent/Late Projects

-In the event that you miss class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to see me to get the work you missed.

-You will have until the second class after your absence to hand in any missed homework. If it is not submitted in that time it will result in a zero.

-If you miss a test/quiz, you will have one week to take the test/quiz. It is your responsibility to schedule with me a time to make-up the assignment. If the quiz or test is not made up within one week it will result in a zero.

-If you missed an assigned project due date due to absence it is expected you submit it upon your return. For every day a project is late (not due to absence), you will receive a 5% deduction.

Book Policy/ Class Resources

-Hard copies of the textbooks are not assigned to each student. Each student will receive access to an online version of the main class text. In the event a hard copy is needed, it can be signed out through me. You are then responsible for any damages to the book.

-All students will also have access to an on-line version of the Junior Scholastic Current Event magazine. Students will sign-in at and use the student password – history1617.

-I will also have my own resources that will be available for you to use at any time. The same policy will apply in regards to sign out and student responsibility.

IMPORTANT: The syllabus is subject to change throughout the year based upon feedback and effectiveness. Please remember to regularly check your grades and assignments by logging onto Infinite Campus.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to approach me at any time. I’m looking forward to having a fun, productive, and successful 16-17 school year!!!


Brian Tell

Michelangelo House

610-983-4080 ext. 216

Please Keep In Your Binder

I have read over the syllabus and will do my best to follow the guidelines presented to ensure a successful school year. I understand that failure to do so will result in the specified consequences.

Student Name ______

Signature ______Date ______

Parent Name ______

Signature ______Date ______