Chapter 13 Bentley
(1)What problems did most classical societies face after 200 CE?
(2)What was the name of the only classical society to survive? What areas did Byzantion occupy during its early days? Color (light blue) and label this region on your map. Why was this location an economic advantage?
(3)Who was responsible for establishing Byzantion as the new capital? What did he name it and why?
(4)Why did he build the new capital? Describe the extent of its growth by the late fourth century?
(5)How long did Byzantium last? ______Was it ever challenged? ____ If so, by whom?
(6)What happened to the western part of the empire?
(7)What were the two main challenges faced by the early Byzantine Empire? What were the motives of these two groups?
(8)Politically, what was the most important feature of the Byzantine state during this time? Give some examples that show the lavishness of Constantine’s new capital.
(9)What did Constantine do as the first Christian emperor?
(10)What is Caesaropapism?
(11)According to Roman law, what were the powers of the emperors?
(12)Give a couple of examples of the lofty status of Byzantine rulers.
(13)Describe the rule of Justinian (527-565 BCE).
(14)What was Hagia Sophia and what made it unique? Under whose rule was it constructed? Study the picture on page 333.
(15)What was Justinian’s Code and why was it historically important?
(16)What was Justinian’s most ambitious venture? What areas did he conquer and take into Byzantion. Using the color yellow, indicate and label these regions on your map.
(17)Was Justinian successful in his pursuit of the Western Roman Empire? Why or why not?
(18)During the late 7th century, what group threatened Byzantion? How did Byzantion resist this conquest?
(19)Discuss a military technology that helped Byzantine forces retain its hold on Anatolia, Greece, and the Balkan region.
(20)How did the imperial organization of the Byzantine Empire improve after Justinian? Describe this new theme system in detail.
(21)By the mid-11th century, what was the full extent of the Byzantine Empire?
(22)Before the conquest of the Byzantine Empire by Arab forces, what was the major source of grain for Byzantium? ______What was the major source of wheat? ______What was the result of this high agricultural productivity?
(23)How did the large class of free peasants support the empire? Describe the relationship between the wealthy cultivators and the peasant class. What were the rights of the peasantry?
(24)How did Byzantine authorities open up opportunities for the peasant class?
(25)What were the political and economic consequences of the accumulation of landholdings?
(26)“In spite of social and economic problems, Byzantium remained a ______land.” What were some of the crafts produced by Byzantine artisans?
(27)By the late sixth century, what product arrived from East Asia that changed textile production?
(28)With whom did Byzantion trade? Make a list of all its trading partners.
(29)What was the standard currency of the Mediterranean basin from the sixth through 12th centuries? What does this show?
(30)Fill in the blanks with the appropriate products: ______and ______came to Byzantium from China, ______from India and Southeast Asia; ______from Persia; ______from western Europe; and ______from Russia and Scandinavia. Use lines and arrows to show the movement of these products from their source to Byzantium.
(31)How did banks and business partnerships help to fuel Byzantine trade?
(32)How did housing show the differences in social classes in Byzantium?
(33)What were some of the attractions of Constantinople?
(34)What was one of the city’s most important attractions? How did these activity become involved in a political uprising? What was the outcome?
(35)What was the spoken language of the local inhabitants of Constantinople? What was the official language of Constantinople? What happened after the 6th century?
(36)From where did Byzantine scholars draw inspiration?
(37)Discuss specific examples (3-5) that show the influence of classical Greece on the Byzantine education system.
(38)What was the Council of Nicaea?
(39)Who were the Arians and what did they believe?
(40)What did many Christian theologians believe?
(41)As a result of Constantine’s involvement with the Council of Nicaea, what was the outcome?
(42)“Throughout Byzantine history, the emperors treated the church as a ______.” What does this mean? Give a couple of examples from your text to illustrate.
(43)“Byzantium had a long tradition of producing icons--______of Jesus and other saints, and other figures of religious significant—many of which were splendid works of ______. What was Leo’s objection to icons? What was his policy if iconoclasm?
(44)Even though the policy if iconoclasm ceased, what did this policy demonstrate?
(45)What was the relationship between Greek philosophy and Byzantine theology during this period?
(46)How did the early monasteries of the Byzantine church form? What role did St. Basil of Caesarea play in this development?
(47)Describe some of the practices of these early monasteries. What social services did they provide to their communities?
(48)Discuss the specific religious and theological issues that divided Rome and Constantinople. Be very specific in discussing these differences.
(49)What happened in 1054 that brought about the schism between eastern and western churches that exists still today? What is a schism? “In recognition of the split, historians refer to the eastern Christian church after 1054 as the ______and its western counterpart of the ______.”
(50)What brought about the period of decline of Byzantium in the late 11th century?
(51)“As its Mediterranean influenced waned, however, Byzantium turned its attention to ______and ______. Through political, commercial, and cultural relations, Byzantium decisively influenced the history of ______peoples.” Who were the “Slavic” peoples? If you don’t know, look it up.
(52)What specific social problems and foreign challenges brought about the declines of Byzantium in the late 11th century? Be specific in listing these challenges.
(53)How did Byzantium lose Anatolia? What was the outcome?
(54)How did Orthodox Christianity influence the cultural traditions of Slavic peoples?
(55)“About the mid-ninth century ______created several principalities governed from thriving trading centers, notably ______.”
(56)How did Russia become interested in Orthodox Christianity?
(57)How did Prince Vladimir of Kiev help Orthodox Christianity become an important part of Russian life? What did he do?
(58)How did Russian architecture and art reflect Orthodox Christian influences? Be specific. Identify at least two examples.
(59)Orthodox Christianity became such a large part of Russian life that Moscow became known as the “______.”