Taylorsville High School Cheerleading Constitution
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
These groups shall be known as the Taylorsville High School Junior Varsity (JV) and Varsity Cheerleaders.
Section 2: Purpose
This group shall support the goals and objectives of Taylorsville High School.
Academic, citizenship, and moral performance by the members will be expected to
motivate the entire school community. Membership shall encourage individual and
group initiative, achievement, and service. These goals will be met by such qualities
and activities as:
A. Performing during games, halftimes, assemblies, and at other athletic
events or school and community functions as appropriate.
B. Develop character, good citizenship, good sportsmanship, and positive
leadership skills.
C. Promote the school community by participating in activities.
D. Support and uphold the rules, policies, and traditions of Taylorsville
High School and the cheerleaders.
E. Maintain personal standards and performance consistent with the
purpose and goals of this organization.
F. Work while learning from and collaborating with other groups and
organizations of Taylorsville High School.
G. Attend all football and basketball games and any other required school
and/or athletic events.
H. Compete in all designated team cheer competitions.
I. Uphold the rules and regulations of the Utah High School Activities
Article II: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
This organization will consist of a number of members set by the advisor/coach(es) at the time of auditions. These members must satisfactorily pass all requirements and continue to maintain eligibility.
A. Cheerleaders must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher throughout the terms
of service.
1. Probation will result for any quarter GPA below 3.0.
B. Cheerleaders must maintain a 3.0 CPA or higher throughout the terms
of service.
1. Probation will result for any quarter CPA below 3.0.
C. Cheerleaders must be full-time students at Taylorsville High School.
D. Cheerleaders must not have auditioned for any other school’s
cheerleading squad prior to trying-out at Taylorsville High School.
E. If an opening occurs prior to the summer cheer camp, an alternate may
be selected from the unpublished list established by the judges at the
time of try-outs.
F. Members may be sophomores, juniors, or seniors.
G. Members may be male or female.
Section 2: Try-outs
Try-outs to select the team for the following year shall be conducted during the third or fourth quarter, when so designated by the coach(es), after a meeting has been held for prospective members to explain requirements for membership.
A. Try-outs are closed and shall be conducted by the coach(es) and the
current senior cheerleaders.
B. The coach(es) shall select the judges for try-outs.
C. Auditions will consist of teacher recommendations, packet completion,
a poster, a team treat, an interview, and the workshop/try-out.
D. Following auditions, new members are required to register for the
cheerleading class, attend all rehearsals, attend parents’ orientation
meeting, summer practices, summer camp, and any other activity
designated by the coach(es).
E. Former members desiring another year of participation must try-out.
Section 3: Financial Obligations
As governed by district rules, the total required charges will not exceed $475.00
(excluding the $225.00 cost of camp and the summer athletic fees).
A. $35.00 will be the Utah Athletic participation fee.
B. $450.00 will cover uniform fees including: two shells, two skirts,
shoes, hot pants, warm-ups and other practice wear.
C. Optional items will be offered throughout the year, but NOT required.
D. Fees must be paid on time per the dates set by the coach(es).
E. No refund will be given if a member decides not to commit to
cheerleading after the uniforms are ordered.
F. Any member attending the optional national competition will be
committed to addition non-refundable costs.
Article III: Grading System
Section 1: Absences
A. Any member who is unable to attend a designated practice or performance
must call the coach PRIOR to the practice or performance. The coach may
excuse the member for any of the following:
1. Extreme personal illness-Doctor’s note may be required upon coach’s
2. Death in the family
3. Wedding in the immediate family
4. Pre-arranged family vacation—coach must be notified 1 month in
advance of the vacation.
5. Work is NEVER an excuse!
*These absences will be considered EXCUSED ABSENCES*
B. If a member does not call or give the coach(es) notice PRIOR to the absence,
it will be considered an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE.
C. If a member is absent within 5 practice days prior to a performance, he/she
may be taken out regardless of whether the absence was excused or unexcused.
This decision is to be made by the coach(es) on an individual basis.
D. Each UNEXCUSED ABSENCE will result in a 1/3 grade drop (i.e. an A to an
A- or a B+ to a B).
E. All cheerleaders are required to attend all football and basketball games.
Absences will be recorded at each.
Section 2: Tardies
A. All members must be willing to participate at designated times.
B. Members who are not present at the time designated for roll call will be
marked tardy.
C. Members not present within 20 minutes of designated starting time will
an unexcused absence.
D. Any member who accrues 5 tardies or more will be put on probation for a 10
week period. There will be no exceptions.
E. Tardies will be given for each rule broken during class, practice, at games or
at any event that the team is required to attend.
F. A Tardy will be given on game days for each piece of uniform that the
member is not wearing or not wearing correctly. Wearing jewelry during
practice or while in uniform at any time will also result in a tardy for each infraction.
G. A tardy will be given for any reason deemed necessary by the coach(es).
Section 3: Grade Calculation
A. Each team member will begin each term with an “A”.
B. Absences and tardies will be used to calculate grades and citizenship for the
cheerleaders each term.
C. Excused absences and tardies can be made up.
1. Excused absences must be made up with two extra credit opportunities.
2. Tardies must be made up with one extra credit opportunity.
D. Unexcused absences and demerits CANNOT be made up. They will
automatically go against a member’s grade.
E. No more than 3 excused absences and 3 tardies can be made up each term.
After 3 of each, the absences and/or tardies will automatically go against a
member’s grade. Make-up opportunities are only given on request and are
only to preserve a member’s grade. This does not change the number of
tardies for eligibility/probationary purposes.
Article IV: Rules and Regulations
Section 1: Probation
A. Probationary periods will be for a 5 week period, no matter the infraction and
will begin the day the signed probationary contract is received back to the coaches.
B. During a probationary period, the member is required to attend and participate
in every practice and meeting, but is not allowed to wear the day uniform.
C. A member may be put on probation under any one of the following
1. 2 unexcused absences in any term
2. 5 tardies in any term
3. Violation of any “Rules of Conduct”
4. An attitude that is considered detrimental to the organization or the
5. Receiving any GPA lower that 3.0
6. Receiving any CPA lower than 3.0
7. Any other reason deemed necessary by the coach(es)
D. For any probationary period that resulted from problems with grades or
citizenship, a passing GPA or CPA must be attained by the next quarter of the
member will be dismissed.
Section 2: Dismissal
A. A member can only be on probation once during their term of service. A
second infringement (even if it is while the participant is on probation) that
would result in probation will instead result in dismissal from the team.
B. Any time a member is referred to an administrator for disciplinary reasons, the
penalty may be dismissal from the team depending on the seriousness of the
C. If a member refuses to perform with the team, she will automatically be
dismissed from the team.
D. Failure to comply with the constitution may result in dismissal from the team.
E. If a member is dismissed from the team, that member is still responsible for all
fees owed. No refunds are given.
Section 3: Decisions Concerning the Group
A. New rules or major changes shall be discussed and voted on by the
cheerleaders as a team. The majority rule will apply.
B. The coach(es) along with the officers will have final authority over all
decisions and actions including over majority rule. The coach(es) will
coordinate with the officers when the situation warrants.
C. All members should try to consult with the coach(es) and/or officers before
taking any problem to the principal. If working within the team and with the
coach(es) is not successful, then a consultation with the principal is
appropriate. This rule applies to all parents as well.
Section 4: Travel and Outside Activities
A. When the team travels to perform, all girls must travel to and from that
destination in the designated vehicle.
B. A member is only excused from riding with the team if a parent or guardian is
present to take the member with them. Members are only allowed to leave
with their own parent or guardian.
C. All “Rules of Conduct” will be enforced while the team is traveling and at any
activity in which the team is required to attend.
Section 5: Rules of Conduct
A. All standards of Taylorsville High School policies must be upheld.
B. No drinking, smoking, attending parties or clubs where alcohol or drugs are
used, sluffing, dishonesty, disregard of any regulations in the constitution, or
immoral or unlawful conduct is allowed.
C. Be a lady or a gentleman at all times; cultivate modesty.
D. Commendable conduct in the halls, classroom, and outside of school will be
exhibited at all times.
E. No visible body markings (i.e. tattoos, belly rings, tongue rings, etc.)
F. Unhealthy dieting, use of laxatives, or improper behavior with respect to
nutrition and weight loss is strictly prohibited. Immediate dismissal may
G. Appropriate behavior while cheering and while wearing team uniforms in
public is mandatory. Display enthusiasm at games and always be a good sport
while attending games.
H. Exhibit loyalty to Taylorsville High School, the cheerleaders, and the
coach(es) at all times.
I. Proper uniform will be worn on game days and to all sports events or
extracurricular activities when assigned.
1. Use uniforms only when advised to do so.
2. Only members are allowed to wear uniforms or any other piece of
clothing purchased for team use.
3. Each member is responsible for the care, upkeep, and condition of
his/her own uniform.
4. If any piece of the uniform is lost or damaged, the member to which it
belongs will be responsible for replacing it at their own expense.
J. Acrylic nails are not allowed. This is a statewide rule and members will not be
allowed to participate with them on. Tardies will be given for each day the
nails are present.
K. No gum, food, or drinks are allowed during practice, performances, or games
except during halftime. Tardies will be given.
L. Jewelry is not allowed during practice, games, or performances. Tardies will
be given.
M. Cell phones are not permitted during games, practices, fundraisers, or
performances. If a member must have their phone with them, it should be
neither be visible nor audible during team time. Tardies will be given.
N. Inappropriate language is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Tardies
will be given for noncompliance with this rule.
Article V: Class, Practices, and Performing
Section 1: Games and Performances
The following rules shall govern all games and performances:
A. Cheerleaders are required to attend all football and basketball games and any
other games designated by the coach(es).
B. Cheerleaders are required to perform at all designated halftimes and
C. Team members who are not performing or cheering are required to be present
in their day uniform.
D. Cheerleaders should be at the appointed place at the appointed time or they
will receive a tardy.
E. Cheerleaders shall be dressed in proper attire for games and performances.
Failure to do so will result in demerits being given.
F. Cheerleaders will not talk, chew gum, eat food, have cell phones on, use
headphones, or do any other distracting things during games and
G. Acrylic nails and jewelry will not be worn at any games or performance.
H. Nail polish, other than clear, is not allowed and will result in demerits.
I. Strict discipline will be followed at all times as well as all “Rules of Conduct.”
Section 2: Practices and Classes
The following rules will govern all classes and practices:
A. All cheerleaders will be in attendance to all practices and classes unless
excused by the coach(es).
B. During all classes and practices, members are to wear acceptable gym/cheer
clothes. Members are not to wear school or street clothes. Athletic shoes must
be worn at all times.
C. If there is a disagreement or problem it will be settled by the group in private
and not in the eyes of the public or other students.
D. During all classes and practices, the coaches will be in charge. Strict attention
and adherence will be given to them at all times. Whatever decision they make
will be final.
E. When members are learning cheers or dances, the teacher will be respected.
F. Cheerleaders will not talk, chew gum, eat food, or do any other distracting
things during classes and practices. No visiting with girlfriends or boyfriends
during practice. Girlfriends or boyfriends are not allowed at practice.
G. Work is not an excuse for missing or being late to any practice or
H. No jewelry or acrylic nails will be worn during classes or practices. The
member will not be allowed to participate while wearing either.
I. No cell phones will be brought to classes or practices.