Library Resources
The mission of the Milne Library at SUNY Geneseo is to connect the SUNY Geneseo community to information, ideas, and works of imagination: to support SUNY Geneseo as a center of excellence in undergraduate education, providing instruction and expertise in the organization, evaluation, and use of information resources. In consonance with the College Mission, College Library staff joins the entire college community in promoting the search for knowledge and a passion for lifelong learning. 6.5.2
Teacher candidates are well served by SUNY Geneseo’s Milne Library; Geneseo was named to Princeton Review's List Of 50 ‘Best Value' Public Colleges for 2011, and Milne was one of the most highly rated libraries within SUNY, according to a 2003 student opinion survey of SUNY College and University Center Libraries. Total library attendance for 2009/2010 at Milne Library was 701,229 visitors, and circulation figures for 2009/2010 totaled 81,489 items. Electronic reserves (ERES), introduced in 2000, enables 24/7 on-line access to course reserves. The Library’s 2010 collection includes 584,550 books, 24,263 audiovisual titles, 63,222 eBook titles and currently maintains subscriptions to 38,027 serials titles (includes both electronic and print).
Milne Library’s total Information Resource average annual budget is $700,000, with around 50% allocated for books, audiovisual materials and serials, 40% for electronic resources, and the rest for other information resources and services.
Information Delivery Services (IDS) provides access to research materials not found on campus, and is available at no cost to all SUNY Geneseo faculty, staff and students. IDS serves as a gateway to published material from libraries worldwide, accessed through a user-friendly web-based interface. Most materials requested by students and faculty are available within two to four days. During 2010/2011 Milne Library’s Information Delivery Services department provided 40,190 documents to faculty, staff, and students. Additionally, IDS supplied nearly 14,115 documents to other libraries. The Library also provides equipment for students and faculty to preview software, video, and audio materials individually and in groups. Digital cameras and Netbooks may be checked out for multimedia projects.
In addition to traditional walk-up reference help at the Milne Library Research Consultation area, one-on-one Research Consultations, Technology Consultations and Information Literacy Instruction is available by appointment. The faculty in Milne Library provides information literacy instruction for over 3900 students per year representing every department on campus. The faculty is made up of research and resource experts, all of whom have Masters’ of Library Science Degrees. The curriculum and instruction of the program are based on the “Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education” created by the Association of College and Research Libraries and endorsed by the American Association of Higher Education. Every day they teach students basic, intermediate and advanced research techniques.
Information literacy management instruction in Milne Library requires students to perform personal computer operations, and it meets or exceeds other general education information management outcomes. Milne Library faculty provides technology instruction in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, creating and using blogs and wikis, creating podcasts and enhanced podcasts and creating websites. During 2009/2010 thirty-seven formal technology instruction classes, a total of 737 students, were taught. This instruction is provided by a software specialist with a degree, certifications, and professional experience as a software trainer. Additionally; School of Education faculty, in collaboration with Library faculty, provides technology instruction in the use of interactive whiteboards and in using WebQuests as tools for learning.
All incoming freshman receive library instruction as an integral component of a required interdisciplinary critical reading and writing course, INTD 105. Instruction activities specifically for the School of Education are discussed below in the section, “Library Instruction for School of Education Students.”
Milne Library houses four classrooms equipped with multimedia equipment and projectors that provide flexibility to accommodate any teaching or learning style. Our largest classroom, Room 104, is equipped with its own laser printer and 40 dedicated desktop computers. At special request, the desktop computers can be removed from the room via specially designed tables to allow the space to be opened and used for a variety of purposes. Room 208 is a conference room, also equipped with computer and projector that support the Teaching and Learning Center.
The entire library is equipped with the latest wireless connectivity technology (IEEE 802.11n) that provides anyone with a laptop a high-speed internet connection. The library also has computer resources on two of its three levels including 75 general use computers, 45 circulating Netbooks, 6 catalog access stations, document scanners, and high-speed color laser printers.
The Library offers significant services and resources to the Ella Cline Shear School of Education, including the Teacher Education Resource Center (TERC) on the lower level of Milne Library. The Teacher Education Resource Center provides support and instruction for teaching and leadership activities in preschool through high school settings. The TERC staff includes a librarian and library clerk. The TERC houses two special collections of materials: the Curriculum Resources Collection and the Juvenile/Young Adult Collection. The curriculum materials are representative of contemporary teaching practice for preschool, elementary, secondary and special education, including textbooks, curriculum guides, teaching activity materials, media materials, and assessment instruments. First priority in acquisition is given to materials that support the New York State Learning Standards and Core Curricula. There is an extensive selection of high quality fiction and non-fiction books for juvenile and young adult readers. Major emphasis is given to subject areas that support the elementary and secondary school curriculum.
Library Instruction for School of Education Students
During 2009/2010, twenty-three formal instruction classes, a total of 625 students, were taught by librarians on how to identify, locate and use appropriate resources for research papers/projects in education or K-12 curriculum planning. Content and tasks of research sessions are tailored, in collaboration, by librarians and instructors to the needs of each course. Most instruction for undergraduate students is provided sequentially within three required courses. Milne Library provides support to School of Education’s distance learners through; Information Delivery Services, access to e-books, IM chat and an online learning library guide. All students have access to the library’s homepage as well as two library guides geared towards education students, one on education research and the other on lesson planning.
2010 Materials Allocation for the School of Education:
Library budget funds allocated to the School of Education include $2,210 for books and audiovisual materials, $19,241 for serials; $1,560 for the Teacher Education Resource Center (TERC) collection; and $1,560 for the Juvenile/Young Adult Collection. In addition, in FY2010, the library allocated an additional $7,500 to the TERC and Juvenile/Young Adult Collections to replace outdated and irrelevant curriculum and leisure reading materials.
List of links
Princeton Review
ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education
Milne Library’s online learning library guide
Milne Library’s classrooms
Technology at Milne Library
Milne Library’s Home Page
Milne Library’s Education Research Library Guide
Milne Library’s Education Lesson Planning Guide