Wednesday July 21st, Lelwica’s 5:30
Board Members Present: Michelle Lelwica, Lori Elfering, John Engstrom, Kristen Gangl
Guests Present: Kim Schulte, Rebecca Mesenbrink
Approval of Previous Minutes: approved
•Treasurer Report Lori Elfering presented please see report, approved.
•New Business
Lori talked to PAC about the possibility of funds for hockey and they are willing to contribute to hockey. They support all sports. They had not been asked in the past. They would like aspecific request such as practice jerseys and water bottles.
Program Ad dead line to be determined. The girl’s first home game is possibly October 15th and the boys is November 20th.
John has not talked with the Lion’s Club yet, but will. Rebecca will forward a list of players to John. He will ask for assistance with bus expenses.
•Wine Tasting fundraiser Thursday September 24th at Maucieris from 5-8PM. Coral Price designed a flyer for the event. It was suggested we add some wine glasses and $20 advanced ticket pricing and $25 at the door.
Flyers need to be distributed. Kristen and Lori can do Pequot Lakes, Kim can get them out in Crosby.
Drop off and pick up sites could be the Hallet Center, Snap Fitness and Pequot Lakes School.
Jenna Crawford could get it out to all hockey parents.
Hockey parents need to sell 5 tickets and come up with one auction item.
The ticket stub will need to be filled out and tickets tracked.
We will set up for the event the night before
The form for collecting ads will be handed out at the wine tasting on September 24th. The ads collected by the girls and boys teams last year will be listed separately so that the teams can get the same ads they had last year.
A thank you letter will be send to those who sponsor an advertisement in the program and this will be their receipt.
Action Item List - Review
•John will talk to Lions and the Bridge Tavern
• John’s mother will make an auction bid sheet
•Lori will talk to PAC and will hand out tickets packets to families at the fall sign up
Michelle will talk to Coral about updating flyer and will make a letter to the hockey parents
•Kristen will e-mail parents
▪Next Meeting- at Kristen’s house August 18th, Breezy Point, 6:00 PM