CarolinaForestHigh School

700 Gardner Lacy Road

Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

Phone (843) 236-7997 ext. 62417

Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),

I am looking forward to having your child in my Algebra 1 class this semester and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking a part in your child's education by reading the attachments.

Classroom expectations

I expect students to come into the classroom prepared to do their personal best every day. This means that they will:

1.)Respect themselves, the teacher, and others.

2.)Be willing to ASK FOR HELP when they don't understand, and to give help to others when they are asked.

3.)Understand that the "I can't" attitude is counterproductive and unacceptable.

4.)Have ALL of their materials each time that they come to class.

5.)Understand that their education is THEIR responsibility; it is their job and should be one of the most important things in their life at this time.

6.)Obey all district, school, and class rules.

I would like to encourage you as parents to be a part of the year by working with your child and encourage them to live up to their full potential. Learning will take place everyday and there is little time to reteach missed lessons. Poor attendance usually tends to reflect poor grades, as does inappropriate behavior. There's an old saying… you play, you pay. Please help me in the struggle to stress to your child that their education is the key to their success.

Your child will have homework everyday. It may be in the form of readings, finishing classwork, studying notes, or drill and practice sets. If your child needs extra help, I encourage them to contact me to set up a time for tutoring. If you need to meet with me or speak with me at any time, please call the school at (843) 236-7997 ext. 62417 to set up a conference. Please leave your name, phone number, and a convenient time after 3:25 p.m. that I can return your call.

After reading the attached course syllabus, please sign the student/parent agreement and have your child return it to me. With your help, I believe that this can be a rewarding year for your child.


Marta Royals

Teacher of Mathematics

Classroom procedures

All students are expected to be in their seats before the tardy bell rings. Any unexcused tardies will be treated according to school policy.

Students are to remain in their desks during instruction. Pencil sharpening should be done before class begins and trash should be saved until the end of class.

Students will be expected to go to the restroom before or after class.

Dress code will be enforced in my classroom.

There is no eating or drinking of anything other than bottled water.

Your behavior and actions in my classroom will be addressed according to the Horry County School District Discipline Code. Please remember: No one has the right to interfere with any one else's education. So please, think before you act. We are here to learn!

Classroom Rules

  1. Do not interfere with anyone's learning.
  2. Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell.
  3. Bring all necessary materials to class.
  • Textbook
  • Loose-leaf notebook (three ring binder)
  • Pencils
  • Paper
  1. Be attentive and participate in class
  • Stay on task
  • No sleeping or lying head down
  • Work only on this class’ work
  1. Refrain from eating and drinking. (water is permitted)
  2. Be considerate of classmates and teacher
  • Raise your hand to be recognized
  • No put downs or insults, no profanity
  • Help keep the room neat and clean
  • No talking when someone else is addressing the class, including the intercom


1st offense –Verbal warning

2nd offense –Parent notification and/or discipline referral

3rd offense – Discipline referral and administrative action

Severity Clause - If a student is a severe disruption, I will send for an administrator to remove the student from the classroom.

A severe disruption is defined as overt refusal to obey teacher’s instructions, fighting, vandalism, an explicit threat to the safety of the teacher or student or other behavior which stops the classroom from functioning.

Student Agreement

I have carefully read and understand the classroom procedures, rules, and requirements for Mrs. Royals’ Algebra 1 class and enter into this student agreement to abide by these standards to the best of my ability.


(Date)(Student Signature)

Parent Agreement

My child has shown me the classroom procedures, rules, and requirements for Mrs. Royals’ Algebra 1. I understand that I can call CarolinaForestHigh School for an appointment with Mrs. Royals to discuss any problems that my child may have at (843) 236-7997 ext. 62417.


(Date)(Parent Signature)