Name: ______
Abiding Savior Free Lutheran Church Confirmation
New Testament Survey: Lesson 6—Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
This lesson is due in class March 24th and April 7th. After completing the lesson, the student will be able to:
a. Describe what the phrase “justification by grace through faith” means.
b. Know who the head of the church is.
c. Know what is meant by the phrase “works of the law.”
f. Know all the books of the New Testament in order.
Galatians is a grand statement of the doctrine of justification by grace through faith. Justification can be understood as being made right before God, that is, being forgiven and declared “not guilty”. This is possible only because Jesus has done this on our behalf. This forgiveness comes to us graciously, meaning it is not earned by us, but given to us. We receive this forgiveness as we believe (have faith) in Jesus. The book was written to counter false teachers who believed a person must keep the Jewish law in order to be right with God. Salvation is nothing of the work we do, but all of the work Christ has done for us. Salvation is received, not earned. The Mega Theme of Galatians is that salvation is not found in obeying the Old Testament law, even the Ten Commandments. Works of the law refer to those things that God sets forth for us to obey; because of our sin however, no one is able to fully live according to God’s law (with the exception of Jesus!) The law is a guide for us and points us to the knowledge that we need to be forgiven because we have broken the law. Other themes in Galatians include receiving salvation through faith, our freedom in Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life.
1. What does the phrase “justification by grace through faith” mean? (we will discuss this further in class).
2. What is the Mega Theme of Galatians? Read Galatians 2:16. How does this apply to the Mega Theme?
Ephesians is written to make Christians more aware of the riches they have in Christ and to motivate them to draw upon these spiritual resources in their daily living. Again, the Holy Spirit emphasizes through Paul that salvation is all of grace and not of any work we do. In this book we also see the unity of the Church emphasized, as well as the fact that Christ is the Head of the Church. Ephesians also includes words on how a Christian is to live in their family, community, and church.
3. Read Ephesians 2:8-10. How are we saved? What does it mean to be saved? What is the gift of God?
4. What are some of the themes of the book of Ephesians?
In Philippians Paul urges the church to have unity and joy. In this book he also gives words regarding practical Christian living, unity, and self sacrifice.
5. Read Philippians 4:4-9. List 2 things we can apply or are to do from this passage (there are several you can potentially note, but you only need to note 2)
In ColossiansPaul writes how Christ is the head of all, and all authority and power is His. In Colossians Paul again urges living a life worthy of being called a Christian.
6. Read Colossians 1:16-17 & 2:9-10. What theme of the book do they show?
7. Read Colossians 3:17. What does this verse tell us?
1st and 2nd Thessalonians offer words of encouragement to a faithful but struggling church, and they focus particularly on the encouragement offered by the Second Coming of Christ. Persecution and Christ’s return are emphasized in both.
8. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. How do these verses show us the theme of both the books to the Thessalonians?
In 1 and 2 Timothy, the aged and experienced apostle Paul writes to his much younger companion Timothy, a young pastor facing heavy responsibility. While serving the church in Ephesus, Paul wrote letters to provide Timothy with encouragement in ministry and with detailed instructions for church organization and life. In these letters Paul speaks to Timothy regarding the importance of teaching right doctrine, opposing false teachers, caring for the church, and to be bold in the face of persecution.
9. Read 1 Timothy 2:3-6. What is the right doctrine Timothy is to preach and teach?
In Titus Paul is also writing to a man who was left in charge of a church as his representative. Titus served on the island of Crete, and in this book Paul also speaks of the organization of the church and also includes a word regarding duties within the household and godly living.
10. Read Titus 2:11-15. What has appeared to all men? How is it to impact our lives?
In Philemon we Paul’s shortest letter. It is a personal plea to a man named Philemon to forgive and restore Onesimus, his once runaway slave, now converted through the ministry of Paul.
11. Read vv. 4-9. Paul bases his appeal to Philemon to release Onesimus upon what? (v. 9)
Write out the books of the New Testament on the next page.
12. Continue to work on your memory of the books of the New Testament in order. How are you doing? How many can you get right?