Faith United Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2012
Meeting called to Order: Janet Peterson
Members in attendance: Pastor Krehl, Amy Johnson, Janet Peterson, Barb Etter, Sue Ollila, Rachael Grotberg, Judy Ricker, Elaine Santi and Jim Takala New members: Dana Hilde, Hugh Etter, Steve and Joyce Brunette
Member excused:
Devotions: Barb Etter
Others Present: Candice Maki
Secretary’s Report: Barb Etter provided a written report for members to read. Amy Johnson made a motion to accept as written. Elaine Santi seconded. Motion carried.
Correspondence: None
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Currie No report
Financial Secretary’s Report: Candice Maki provided a written report (report included). Joyce Brunette made a motion to accept as written. Rachael Grotberg seconded. Discussion. Motion carried.
Pastor’s Report: Provided written report (report included). Any questions were gone over by Pastor Krehl on (Pastoral Tallies & Reimbursements). Pastor Krehl would like more time to go over the Template for Renewal (A “Team - Ministerial” Approach to Congregational Renewal) (A response to the Church Council Retreat on Feb. 3 - 4, 2012) and Theology #713, dates will be Feb. 26 at 12 noon and Feb. 29 at 7pm.
Ministry Reports
Mutual Ministry: Met in January 9, 2012. No report.
Executive Committee: Written agenda.
Christian Education: Liaison: Janet Peterson, Chair Cindy Hohenstein and Linda Currie Haven’t met. Will meet in March. VBS will be July 9th - 13th, 2012.
Youth Ministry team Update: Linda Currie
Lay Ministry: No chair
Finance: Chair: Jim Takala Jim Takala went over the transfer to checking for taxes and the checks that have come in. $1000.00 from endowment fund for high school graduate scholarships from Faith United. Jim Takala made a motion to accept as written. Barb Etter seconded. Motion carried.
Memorial: No chair. No meeting.
Personnel: Chair Lynette Zupetz Haven’t met.
Stewardship: Amy Johnson No meeting.
Property: Lynn Hilde No meeting.
Hope Garden: Chair Sue Ollila No meeting.
Worship/Music: Chair Elaine Santi Written report (report included). Ann Terhark has offered to gather a choir and music together for Easter.
Evangelism: No chair
Social Ministry: Liaison: Candice Maki Provided written report (report included). The congregation will be asked to help with the Easter food baskets with donations of food and/or monetary donations. 13 food baskets are anticipated.
Family Fellowship: No chair. No Meeting. Cherrie Luukkonen would like to start
an adult group: Faith Mates.
WELCA/Piecemakers: President Maureen Arola and Sue Ollila.. No report.
Attended Habitat for Humanity dinner and silent auction. Fun day.
Unfinished Business:
1) Reports are due Friday before Council meeting. Submitted electronically.
2) Please make sure your committee places any meetings/events on the calendar in the office. This helps keep the Beam updated. Thank you.
3) Council Retreat: When and where - 2013.
New Business:
1) Discussed succession of Vice President to move up as President, to make sure there is some experience and knows what is going on. Election of officers: President: Janet Peterson, Vice President: Hugh Etter, Secretary: Barb Etter.
2) Breakfast for Easter Sunday: Hugh Etter will check with men’s group.
3) Judy Ricker: Liaison for the Boy Scout Troop made a motion Re: a request to have a potluck March 11th, 2012. Barb Etter seconded. Motion carried.
Adjournment: By time.
Next Meeting: March 13, 2012
Devotions: Joyce Brunette
Respectfully Submitted: Barb Etter