Take action on stroke and join us at the first UK Stroke Assembly, Wales. This new, one-day event will bringtogether those affected by stroke to have their say and influence future campaigns, share experiences and hear the latest developments in stroke care and research.
The event starts at 10.00am (registration from 9.00am)and finishes at 4.00pm on Wednesday 15 November. Accommodation is available on
Tuesday 14 November, should you wish to stay the night before.
The event will take highlights from past UK Stroke Assembly eventsand be aimed at people affected by stroke from Wales. The interactive and inspiring conference includes talks and workshopsdelivered by stroke survivors and stroke professionals, an exhibition, and lunch.
View the draft programme at
“It was so helpful to be together, hear positive experiences and to be encouraged by others who understand and experienced a ‘life changing’ stroke.” UKSA delegate 2016.
The programme has four themes running throughout.
With you in mind
We know that attending a conference might not be easy or something that you have done before. We have carefully chosen a venue that is accessible to suit your needs and designed a programme that allows you time to rest. We ask for the views of those affected by stroke when making these decisions.
Thanks to the support of the Stroke Association, ticket prices are kept as low as possible. However, if you need support covering the costs of attending, please contact us for more information about bursaries (contact details on page 4).
Ticket prices
Ticket type / Stroke survivor / carer / family member / Professional / staffOne day ticket / £10 per person / £40 per person
Tickets include:
- All talks and workshops
- Lunch and refreshments
- Access to the exhibition.
The venue
Copthorne Hotel Cardiff
Copthorne Way
Culverhouse Cross
The 4 star Copthorne Hotel Cardiff is conveniently located just 5 minutes away from junction 33 on the M4.
You can read more about the Copthorne Hotel Cardiffon their website at
Accommodation on Tuesday 14 November
Copthorne Hotel
All bedrooms are ensuite with a bath with shower over. There are two semi-accessible bedrooms, available on a first come, first served basis. These have handrails, a lowered sink and lowered bath. A hoist is available on request.Please only request a fully accessible bedroom if a standard room would not meet your needs.
Alternative Accommodation
Alternative accommodation is available nearby at a Premier Innand Travelodge. Both have a limited number of accessible bedrooms.
Please contact the UKSA admin team on 02920524407 or email for further information about accommodation and prices.
How to book and pay
Ways to book:
- Complete the online booking form at page
- Complete the booking form below and return it to us via post or email
- Call 02920524407 or email to request a form to be sent to you by post or email, or to complete the form over the phone
- Accessible format booking forms are available for people with aphasia on request.
Ways to pay:
- Pay online by debit/credit card at page
- Call 02920524407 during office hours and pay by debit/credit card
- Post a cheque made payable to the ‘Stroke Association’, with your booking form to the address below. Put your full name and the reference ‘UKSA Wales’ on the reverse of the cheque.
Booking closes on 23 October 2017.
Once we have received your booking form and payment, you will receive a confirmation by email. A pre-event information pack will be sent to you in early November.
Contact details
Post: Matthew O’Grady, Stroke Association, Unit 8, Cae Gwyrdd,Greenmeadow Springs Business Park, Tongwynlais,
Cardiff, CF15 7AB
Cymraeg: If you would prefer to receive information in Welsh, please contact us via the details above.
Complete and return the following pages to book your place at the event.
Frequently Asked Questions and full Terms and Conditions can be found at
BOOKING FORM Method of payment Due/Received DEL REF NO:
UK Stroke Assembly, WalesWednesday 15 November 2017
Copthorne Hotel Cardiff, CF5 6DH
Pleasecomplete this form and return pages 5-8 viapostor email.
All information will be kept confidential by the UK Stroke Assembly team.
If you have any questions,or need this form in an accessible format, pleasecontact us:
Post: Matthew O’Grady, Stroke Association, Unit 8, Cae Gwyrdd,Greenmeadow Springs Business Park, Tongwynlais, Cardiff CF15 7AB
Phone: 029 20524407Email:
Delegate ticket typeStroke survivor / carer / family member / volunteer - £10 per person
Professional / staff -£40per person
Cheque enclosed
I will pay online at
I will pay over the phone02920 524407
Delegate details
Full name (as will be shown on your badge)
Email and telephone. Confirmation of your booking will be sent by email.
Landline phone: Mobile phone:
I am a:
Stroke survivor Year of first stroke / TIA ______
Carer, friend or family member Date of birth ______
Volunteer Professional / staff
Will you use awheelchair / scooterat the event? Yes No
If yes please give dimensions:
Do you have aphasia? / Yes No
Do you have any other disabilities?
Do you have any other accessibility requirements? If yes please give details.
Do you need a special diet? If yes please give details.
In an emergency, what medical information should we know and pass on to a paramedic, including any allergies?Please use a separate sheet if required.
Please provide details of two emergency contacts
Name: Name:
Relationship to you: Relationship to you:
Phone numbers: Phone numbers:
Accommodation – we will contact you to discuss requirements and prices
See page 3 or visit for further details about accommodation.
Room type:
Standard room with shower over bath
Standard room with shower
Accessible room
There are a limited number of accessible rooms. Please only request an accessible room if a standard room would not meet your needs.
I will not be sharing a room
I am sharing a room with (insert name)______
and we would like twin beds double bed
If you are sharing a room, the other person must complete their own booking form.
Room requirements(we will do our best to accommodate your requests):
room near (insert name)______
Because they are my carer / a friend or family member
room near reception
room near a lift
Any other room requirements:
There are two workshop sessions. Please choose one workshopfor each session you would like to attend from the list below. If a workshop is over subscribed you will be moved to another one. Choices will be printed on your badge.
The programme is very busy. Please take time to rest. You do not need to attend all workshops, even if you have booked a place.
Workshop 1 –11.30am
a. What did politicians ever do for us?
Hear about the work of the Cross Party Group on Stroke in Wales and find out how you can get involved in this work.
b. Living with fatigue after stroke
Understand the causes of fatigue, the impact it has on people’s lives and tips to help manage it.
c. Navigating the benefits system
This session will contain practical advice about what support is available, tips for completing forms and attending assessments, and advice of what to do should you want or need to appeal a decision.
Please note:This is an information session. We will not be able to help with individual cases.
Workshop 2 – 1.45pm
a. Hidden effects of stroke
Taking a look at some of the hidden effects of stroke that can have a huge impact on the physical, cognitive, psychological and social impacts of recovery after stroke.
b. The magic of music and rhythm
Looking at how music, rhythm, and movement can stimulate the brain and improve mood, cognitive, motor and speech functions.
c. How the Stroke Association can support you
Find out about the work of the Stroke Association and what campaigns and policies we are working on. Come along and have your say and help shape our work.
What do you hope to gain from attending the event?
What is your language preference? English Welsh
We would like to keep you informed about future UK Stroke Assembly events. If you’d rather we didn’t write to you again, please tick this box
Have you attended a UK Stroke Assembly event before? Yes No
How did you hear about this event?
Please return pages 5-8of this form via post or email – see details on page five.
Page 1
UKStroke Assembly Wales 2017- Event information and booking form