Road Map for Personal Tutors: Level 3
Academic / HEAR & Careers / PersonalTerm 1
/ Any concerns about work this year?
How are you feeling about your dissertation (if applicable)? Have you identified a supervisor in your chosen area?
Have you thought about being a course rep? (you can get HEAR recognition for this) / Thoughts on next steps - what are you interested in doing? Employment, PG study, travel?
How is your HEAR looking - is there anything else that the HEAR could help you to evidence, e.g. extra-curricular activities that might be relevant to future goals?
Are you doing any activities that are not ‘HEARable’, but represent useful experience/skills? If so, have you thought about how you might document these, so that they can also be useful to support applications etc.?
N.B. Employers are being made aware of the limitations of Section 6.1, so will not expect the HEAR to contain an exhaustive list of extra-curricular activities.
The Student Jobshop can help you to find part-time work. See:
There is a Part-Time Work and Volunteering Fair in Week 2. See:
‘It's Your Career...’ Fairs Programme in November (
Application closing dates for internships and placements are early. If you are interested in any of these activities, start exploring your options now - why not visit the Careers Service? (
Have you written an up-to-date CV? Workshops and 1:1 help on CV writing with the Careers Service (
Could you use any term-time jobs / work experience towards achieving the Careers Service Skills for Work Certificate? (
Students doing the Sheffield Graduate Award need to submit their portfolio before Easter. / Are you settling back ok (especially if students have taken a year abroad/placement year)?
Have you moved house this year? How are you settling in?
Academic / HEAR & Careers / Personal
Term 2
/ How is your dissertation coming along? Are things going ok with your supervisor?
Exam results - warm congratulations/unambiguous and constructive advice if a student is finding something more difficult
What feedback have you received so far (on assessed and non-assessed work)? How might you use this?
( / Register interest with various Graduate Internship programmes run by the Careers Service (
‘It's Your Career...’ Industry Days in February & March (Careers Service has more information), and a Careers Fair in March (
Have you looked at local job opportunities as well as/instead of graduate schemes? Talk to Careers Service; make sure you’re registered with myVacancies (
Are you applying for further study? / Planning to stay in Sheffield?
(Student Advice Centre website has very useful tools re: accommodation if not already used them -
Are you managing to balance your academic commitments with keeping some time back for yourself and looking after yourself during exams? Are there any significant impacts on your time other than your studies?
Academic / HEAR & Careers / Personal
Term 3
/ Dissertation hand in - bear in mind printing and binding time.
How are you feeling about your final exams. Do you have any revision concerns? / Plans for post-graduation?
You can still use the Careers Service for up to three years after you graduate. Make sure you’re registered with myVacancies.
USE Summer School still available for recent graduates (
Student Advice Centre will look over employment contracts if unsure (
Have you identified and approached staff who could provide references for job applications? / Are things all set for what you’ve got planned next?