Updates from DPG Nutrition
Last meeting 19th August 2015
Topic / Detail / Way forwardSector updates / The TWG – MNCH provided opportunity to the DPG nutrition to provide nutrition inputs to the National Road Map Strategic Plan to Improve Reproductive, Maternal, New-born, Child and Adolescent Health in Tanzania (2016 – 2020) – One plan II by 17th August. DPGN members including Irish Aid, UNICEF and DFID provided inputs through DPG-H to ensure iron folate, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, maternal nutrition and integration of nutrition into services including for adolescents and in the community. It is unlikely that all the recommendations will be taken up as much was dropped from HSSPIV and basket fund tracker. / TFNC working with TWG MNCH & Dr Msemo to ensure recommendations taken forward.
Global Food fortification summit in Arusha to be held on the 9 – 11 September, 2015. Preparations are under way. / Side sessions on Tanzania lessons including focus on sustainability (enforcing regulatory aspects)
WB P4R, Power of Nutrition, GFF – implication on nutrition / Dr Vincent Assey (MOHSW) and Dr Yahya Ipuge (World Bank) presented the Tanzania RMNCAH investment case in relation to the Global Financing Facility in Support of Every Women and Every Child. The Tanzania investment case focuses on one plan and other related plans.
The Tanzania investment case has a capacity building portion that may be programmed to support nutrition capacity building interventions. / Ensure nutrition indicators tracked in HMIS (feed into scorecards)
Ensure nutrition captured in capacity building strategy.
Partners to ensure that CCHP’s reflect nutrition and take the opportunity to use the LGA budget to support CBO’s
Joint Multisectoral Nutrition Review (JMNR) / Second JMNRon 3rd – 4thSept in Dar es Salaam. About 140 participants are expected from national level relevant ministries, nutrition relevant institutions, the Research and Academic institutions, DPs, NGOs, private sector entities as well as regional and district representatives from both Mainland and Zanzibar. As part of the preparation for the JMNR-2, a technical group from LGA’s and TFNC with support from UNICEF compiled district implementation progress reports in a workshop that was held in Tanga from the 10th – 14th August, 2015. / Preparations underway
AOB / World Vision Tanzania supporting a 5 year micro nutrient program to be implemented in 2 districts of Shinyanga and 1 district in Singida region. / WVT will share details by email
Next DPG nutrition meeting will be held on the 22nd September, 2015 at WFP.