Florida Gold Coast LMSC

Annual Meeting - December 2, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Cavanaugh at the Coral Springs Aquatic Center, in the meeting room after the swim meet.

In attendance were Debbie Cavanaugh, Cav Cavanaugh, June Krauser, Andrea Woodburn, Jonathan Olsen, Chris Digilio, Matt Hooper, Marty Hendrick, Barb Protzman, Chela Devanney, Bill Korey, Randy Nutt, Ken Nemet, Dick Brewer, Rose Lockie, Carl House, Vanessa Aron, Barb Bertram, John Grzeszczak, Scott Woodburn, Tommie Cuticchia, Tim Erickson, Carolan Cross, Birgit Lohberg and Phil Lustig.

1. Roll Call was taken by the secretary, Jonathan Olsen. Voting members present Debbie Cavanaugh, Jonathan Olsen, June Krauser, Phil Lustig, Andrea Woodburn, Chela Devanney, Marty Hendrick by proxy for Comets, Barb Protzman, Chris Digilio, Randy Nutt, Scott Woodburn, Cav Cavanaugh, John Grzeszczak, Ken Nemet, Vanessa Aron, Carolan Cross and Matt Hooper..

A proxy by the Comets to Marty Hendrick was accepted.

Barb Protzman was appointed to the position of Registrar and Matt Hooper as Assistant. June motioned to approved the appointments, John Grzeszczak seconded the appointment and there was unanimous approval by the board.

Presentation of a thank you gift to June Krauser in honor of her term as Registrar of the LMSC.

Introductions of attendees around the room.

3. Reports of Officers -

A. President - Debbie Cavanaugh, reported that we are a strong LMSC, FLAQ was second at Nationals in the Men, Women and Combined categories, GOLD as Team Florida won the IGLA World championship meet in Paris, John G was named USA coach to the World Championships in Perth, Australia in April 2008, Cav C. was honored with the Dorothy Connelly award for service at the recent USMS Convention, and we had 170 swimmers at this last meet of the year.

Convention Summary reports were distributed.

B. Vice President - Geir Ingolfsrud was not present and did not submit a report.

C. Secretary - Jonathan Olsen, reported that the date of the last meeting, May 5, 2007 was incorrected listed as 2006. This amendment of the meeting minutes and approval was unanimously accepted.

D. Treasurer - June Kraser, reported and distributed the Swimmer registration of Club Population, Income and Expense Statements and Financial Balances. Cav C. motioned to approve the reports, Phil Lustig 2nd the motion and were unanimously approved.As final duty as Registrar, she handed out the club lists to the clubs.

4. Committee Reports -

A. Registrar - June Krauser, handed out the club lists to the clubs.

B. Top Ten - Cav Cavanaugh, reported that all courses were submitted for the year.

C. Sanctions - Andrea Woodburn, reported six meets were sanctioned, two with recognitions and two open water events were sanctioned. It was reminded that meet directors need to send results to Sanctions and Top Ten Committe Chairs.

D. Open Water - Bill Korey, reported that the 5k nationals had 7 local swimmers participate and the miami mile, 5k,10k had a good turnout, with some safety concerns

The swim around key west were actually two events, one sanctioned and one not. This caused problems, saftey issues and both events were stopped.

Randy Nutt advised the Bonaire and Bermuda swims are great boutique swims and please join next year.

The ISHOF is planning their annual mile swim, Meg Marvin is looking for input locally. The Delray mile should go early Jan. 08 and Tampa Bay is April '08.

It was reported that Bill Korey swam around Manhattan and Scott Coleman was the Cook Staight. Congrats guys!

E. Website - no report

F. Fitness - Phil Lustig reported the hosting of the 4K posta with 2 swimmers and Barb Bertram is hosting a postal soon.

G. Safety - Chela Devanney was very lucky to report nothing.

5. Unfinished Business

A. Convention reports were handed out. ACSA card issue arose, where USMS coaches are not required to be ASCA coaches, however, at SC Nationals this past year, coaches were asked to show their ASCA card for proof of status of coach. USMS allows any USMS registrant to be a coach.

B. Policy concerning $5 club fee reimbursement/non involvement of local teams in running of LMSC. Randy Nutt presented text, read proposal, Bill Korey motioned to approve, Phil Lustig 2nd the motion all all approved. It will become policy.

Will update the current policies.

6. New Business

A. Awards Banquet coming up, please get ideas.

B. Sacntion fees, Discussion about increasing the $5 per day/$25 per open water event sanctioning fee. Ken Nemet motioned to change to $30 flat fee for both meets and open water events, Phil 2nd the motion and it was approved.

- One Day USMS registration was discussed. It was motioned to increase this fee from $10 to $20 by John G., 2nd by Jonathan Olsen and approved with one opposed.

- YMCA of Boynton Beach, BarbBertram has an indoor meet on Jan 13 9am warmup, 10am meet.

C. Elections

President, Jonathan Olsen nominated by Bill Korey, Phil Lustig 2nd. Duffy Dillion offered to run if no one else wanted to do so. Phil made a motion by acclamation to approve nomination, all approved.

Vice President Randy Nutt was nominated by Scott Woodburn, Bill Korey 2nd, Phil made a motion by acclamation to approve nomination, all approved.

Treasurer, June Krauser nominated by Cav Cavanaugh and 2nd by Phil Lustig, unaniomous approval.

Secretary, Chris Digilio nominated by Jonathan Olsen, 2nd by Cav Cavanaugh, by acclamation, all in favor, unanimous approval.

D. other

-Committee Member list will be put together and distributed.

-Policies and By-Laws should be updated/posted.

-Webmaster - Phil Lustig motioned to fill the position with Dale LeClair and if needed have Jarrod provide set up and training for a fee, Randy Nutt 2nd, motioned passed with no opposition.

-LMSC name change to "South Florida", Bill Korey motioned to approved, Phil Lustig 2nd, motion approved. Marty Hendrick will draft as legislation.

-June Krause is being inducted in Broward Co. Sports Hall of Fame, Scott Woodburn motioned for the LMSC to purchase a table of 10/$500 in support of June. Andrea Woodburn 2nd and unamimous approval.

-John Grzesczcak was selected to represent the USA at the World Championships in Perth, Australia in April 2008. It was motioned by Scott Woodburn to support him with $500 from the LMSC for expenses, June Krauser 2nd and was approved.

-Open Water challenge, May 30-June 2, Florida Gold Coast LMSC vs Florida LMSC competition suggested. Details to follow.

-Cav, Top 10 chair, suggested to all about the Top 10 results offers for $15/year or $7/issue.

-FINA rules re: relay participants, it's OK to make changes prior to the start of the race

-Debbie distributed a handout from USMS on tools available to clubs/workout groups/teams.

7. Adjornment was motioned by John G. and 2nd by Cav Cavanaugh.Unanimously approved. The meeting adjorned about 4pm.

Submitted by Jonathan Olsen, Secretary