ESE: Effective Use of Technology

60 Pointsper Certificate



General Objective

The purpose of this component is to provide exceptional education teachers with an overview of the use of computer hard/software in the Exceptional Student Education Program. Upon completion of this component, participants will be able to demonstrate computer-operating procedures, utilize record keeping, and integrate technology into the curriculum.

Specific Objectives

Upon completion of this component, participants will be able to:

1. Demonstrate skills in starting, loading, running, and shutting down the computer and its peripheral devices.

2. Label and define the parts of a computer.

3. Use and define common terms in computer technology.

4. Demonstrate an understanding of the role and function of software and languages in computer technology.

5. Connect and disconnect computer cables.

6. Discuss the concept of memory, memory expansion, and installation of memory.

7. Discuss the care and storage of floppy disks.

8. Define and give examples of peripheral devices.

9. Discuss the care of hardware and peripheral devices.

10. Write an evaluation of a sample of software, noting educational design of software, reading level, graphics quality, ease of modification, instructions provided teacher and student, and appropriateness for intended users.

11. Discuss software available in mathematics for the special needs learner.

12. Discuss software available in language arts for the special needs learner.

13. Discuss software available in social studies for the special needs learner.

14. Discuss software available in science for the special needs learner.

15. Utilize a word processing program.

16. Discuss printer operations.

17. Produce a desktop published product.

18. Use the computer for the development of curriculum and measurement devices.

19. Discuss troubleshooting techniques for faulty equipment/software.

20. Demonstrate the ability to copy public domain and county licensed software.

21. Define and describe assistive and adaptive devices available for special needs learners.

22. Integrate laser disk technology in ESE curriculum.

23. Integrate CD-ROM technology in ESE curriculum.

24. Utilize authoring systems, such as HyperCard or Linkway.

25. Discuss advanced applications of technology with special needs learners.

Description of Activities

Activities designed to accomplish the specific objectives above will be carried out in a workshop setting with a sufficient number of computers available so that all participants can have hands-on time with them. Instruction will include such activities as lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and question and answer time, in order to accomplish the specific objectives listed above. Qualified consultant(s) will provide instruction and guidance throughout the course.

Evaluation of Participants

Evaluation of the specific objectives will be determined by the activity leader or designee through analysis of student performance data affected by training activities, portfolios maintained by the training participant, documented observation by administrators, rubrics developed for special area curriculum, teacher-provided test results/grade books, or curriculum alignment data.

Evaluation of Activity

An online evaluation for this activity will be conducted through the Santa Rosa Professional Growth System.