Welcome to 2011. A big welcome to our new parents and to those returning to our great school for another year of exciting learning, cultural immersion and great sport!

It was great to see so many parents at the Stage meetings on Monday evening. I look forward to meeting with Kindergarten parents next week.

I would like to welcome the following new staff members. Julie Stark is our new school administration manager, Debbie Whang joins our stage three team, Rachelle Stokes our stage two team and Steve Russo and Lynda Gerrand both rejoin us in fulltime teaching roles. We also welcome Grant McKell, head teacher from the Northern District Learning Centre; he will provide a valuable extra layer of support and knowledge to our school executive.

Students are all in their classes now and it would appear from our number that there will be no or minimal changes to the classes. We have again chosen to form Stage based classes to maximise learning and leadership opportunities. All classrooms have students with a range of abilities and the teachers at Ryde work professionally to provide work to meet the needs of all students. Below is a list of classes, teachers and administration staff.

Main Office

School Administration Manager: Julie Stark

School Administration Officers: Nancy Chester and Gail Day.

Kindergarten and Stage 1

Team Leader Assistant Principal Anne Baltrop (Release from face to face teaching and Enrichment)

Glen McAnally KM

Sally Spencer KS

Shirley Low KL

Monika Dolan JD

Toni Stoyanoff JS

Lynda Gerrand JG

Angie Taylor JT

Stage 2

Team Leader Assistant Principal Alice Mee (release from face to face, teaching music and student learning assistance.)

Rhonda Manners MM

Steve Russo MR

Rachelle Stokes MS

Stage 3

Team Leader/Assistant Principal Ann Arnott (Opportunity Class SPAM)

Tristan Carruthers SC

Scott Ross SRO

Debbie Whang SW

Jenny Pocknall SPAM (Monday- Wednesday)

Megan Lee SPAM (Thursday, Friday)

Specialist Classes

Team Leader/Assistant Principal Robert Ryan SR

Tracey Davis SD

Alexandra Bright SB

Nadia Morcom LM

School Learning Support Officers

Vicki King

Margaret Short

Nalini Diaz

Library: Steve Lawson

Community Language: Ping Liu

English Second Language : Jo Goodchild and Cathy Tall

Reading Recovery: Roz Barrett

Student Learning Assistance: Libby Miller

General Assistant: Ken McAndrews

In each newsletter I will introduce you to one of the special programs we have within the school. Many families are not aware of some the great extra things we have at Ryde Public School. The first program is our enrichment program.

This year our enrichment program will change as a result of a review of practice last year. Anne Barltrop who heads our mainstream gifted and talented program will work in a consultative mode, with all classes. Gifted and or talented students will be identified through a rigorous three part process that includes parent, teacher and student input. Once identified individual learning plans will be coordinated, providing activities to enrich, extend and challenge. These will be reported on in our normal reporting cycle twice yearly. We think this program will reach and meet students needs better and also provide valuable professional learning for our teachers.

Like all years we will be enjoying lots of activities both in school and out of school. Most of these activities require money to be brought to school. In the past money has been taken to the classroom teacher this year we have a new procedure you will bring all money to the office and the permission note will go to the teacher. This will allow our teachers to get down to the important job of teaching and not have to act as classroom bankers!

All newsletters will be available electronically on the web site from this issue on. Paper copies will still be available in the office. Please collect from the office if you wish to have a paper copy. This is the last issue to be circulated to all students in the paper format. My contribution to saving trees!

Michelle Collyer



Our School Uniform Shop will open again this Friday 11 February 2011 from 8.30am till 12 noon. If you are unable to attend the shop to purchase for your child, please send in the attached order form with payment and we will fit your child with the correct sizes. Please be aware that receipts will be sent home the following week.

Our next opening day will be Thursday 17 February 2011 from 8.30am till 2.00pm.

Beginning 24th February 2011 the Uniform shop will open each fortnight from 8.30am till 10.30 am. The following dates appear below:





Prior to the school holidays the Uniform shop will open for purchase of winter uniforms on Friday 1 April 2011 and Friday 8 April 2011 from 8.30am till 2.00pm

P & C

Welcome back to all our Ryde Public School families and staff and a warm welcome to all our new families and teachers. Hopefully, you have all had a relaxing holiday and are ready for an exciting year ahead.

The P&C is committed to raising money to help the school buy resources which will benefit your child's learning. This year we have many fun days planned as part of our fundraising efforts. We will be having an Easter Raffle, Mothers Day stall, Cake & Jelly Days and much more. If you would like to help or contribute your ideas please let us know.

Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 at 3.30pm in the School Library

Alice Khatchigian

P & C


Ryde Public School Hall

Principal: Michelle Mestousis

For enquiries phone: 98025446 - 0419203200

Or email:

Northern Sydney Local Network

Parenting courses are again been held in Term 1, 2011.

Courses on offer are:

Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)

Communicating with Kids

Communicating with Teens

Courses begin from 15 February 2011.

For further information call 9887 5830.

Advertisements placed in this newsletter are not necessarily endorsed by the school

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