Stafford and Surrounds Health and Wellbeing Group

Thursday9th January 09:30am

Present / Apologies
Andy Donald (chair)
Howard Thomas
Andrew Thompson
Ian Thompson
John Fraser / Kate Harrold
Hester Parsons
Debbie Emmitt
Cllr Frank Finlay
Mike Calverly / Alison Teale
Wendy Woodward
1. / WW to investigate if the schools have any responsibility for obesity via the pupil premium funding / WW
2. / Add Andrew Bailey to the distribution list to receive papers for this Group and to invite Priority Leads to Pre Scrutiny Meetings / KH
3. / KH was asked to map KPI’s across the action plans and align Priority Leads with Group Members as Mentors / KH
4. / MC to develop a process to the Group to use when commissioning Public Health Grants and scope current contracts and links to specification of new funds. / MC
5. / WW to look for other funding pots which impact H&Wb which could be pooled with the Groups she as Troubled Families / WW
1. / Minutes of the last meeting and actions arising
  • The minutes were agreed as an accurate representation of the meeting.
  • The Group welcomed back John Fraser who returned from long term sickness absence, and welcomed the new Group member Andrew Thompson from VAST
  • The Group agreed the set dates for 2014 of the second Thursday am
  • KH spoke to Tracy Redpath with regards to locality grouping for evidence and data profiles to assist targeted work. She said Tracy has used the model of Stafford, Stone and the Rural in the past. MC added data could be split any way we wanted, DE added there were issues with obtaining data at Ward level for some priorities such as mental health. AD said mosaic data should also be utilised which breaks down to street level. KH has set up a meeting with PH Intelligence Unit for the Priority Leads on 6th Feb, and is meeting with Rachel Caswell individually on 14th Feb to discuss further. MC added the Public Health Intelligence Unit and Staffordshire Observatory had now merged and sat together.

2 / Health Scrutiny Committee
AD met with Trish Rowlands Chair of Health Scrutiny Committee and also met with the Health Scrutiny Committee Members to develop links between them and the Group and discussed the role of the Group when monitoring the Strategy and holding Priority Leads to account. He raised the point that as the Group who is responsible for the Strategy they should be held accountable to the Health Scrutiny Committee and offered progress update meetings with them, he also added a Member should be there to support Priority Leads when they go in front of the Committee, this links to the ‘mentoring role’ of the Group to be discussed later.
IT suggested the relationship with Andrew Bailey who is the Health Scrutiny Officer needed to be developed and requested he receive agendas and minutes for the meeting, it was also discussed that Priority Leads should attend the pre-scrutiny session to prepare them. / KH (2)
3 / Priority Lead Challenge
AD asked each Group member to provide feedback from the sessions themes were:
  • Great enthusiasm and commitment to a challenging role
  • For some Priority Leads it is their day job for others it is above and beyond, and there is a range of responsibility levels within the Leads from Officers to Directors and CEOs which needs to be considered
  • More work needs to be done with our partners to ensure the Strategy delivery is every bodies business and Leads are supported when they approach external organisations and by their own organisation
  • The parameters and control of the Priority Lead role needs to be clarified
  • There is still a lot of silo working and priorities are disconnected, more work needs to be done linking to existing projects and across the Strategy
  • There are data protection and data sharing issues
  • Priority Leads need to be supported to think outside the box, their day job and have the freedom to be innovative
  • Action plans were often too broad and needed to be focused where clear impact measures could be monitored and achieved
KH was asked to map KPI’s across the action plans and align Priority Leads with Group Members as Mentors, through meetings to identify what each Group Member would be willing to offer
KH was also asked to produce a briefing sheet on the Challenge for Leads, individual feedback would be given via the Mentors
KH asked about day to day support for the Leads, she had a job description evaluated for a support officer, but Staffordshire Public Health are unwilling to make further investment than the District Public Health Development Officer role. AD responded by saying support infrastructure was essential and he would make up the different. DE agreed support for the Group and Leads was important. / KH (3)
4 / TSA
AD informed the Group there is nothing new to report, the Secretary of State has until 22nd Feb to respond to the report submitted.
5 / Staffordshire H&Wb Board Update
FF updated the Group that a housing and health report was taken to the last meeting and is an ongoing issue for the Board. Planning Charter is also an issue for the Board around planning for life and environment
6 / Partnership Work with South Staffs
AD met with Dave Haywood and is looking in to the possibility of a joint governance framework for Stafford and Surrounds, South Staffordshire and Cannock Clinical Commissioning Groups to avoid duplication of roles and free up staff to get involved in delivery at District levels.
7 / Better Care Fund
AD informed the Group that the previously titled ‘Transformation Fund’ provides £3.8 billion in 2015/16 to be spent locally on health and care to drive closer integration and improve outcomes. The Group discussed pushing local delivery, AD added the money is not new it is already allocated in services such as emergency admissions. HT spoke about the prevention and public health element being unclear
8 / Community Nutrition Programmes
MC shared the Staffordshire Public Health’s Community Nutrition in 2013/14 and Locality Based Prevention Services in 2014/15 and 2015/16 report, he spoke about Phase 1 being live, Phase 2 was for programmes currently commissioned such as walking and swimming and Phase 3 as the new prevention focused approach. He added the District level involvement would be via the Public Health Development Officer (KH) and funds would come to the Group and be communicated to the wider community via the Group. It would be for the Group to decide what they wanted to commission and deliver. He circulated a Locality Based Funding paper and the Group discussed potential issues and conflicts of interest for Group members allocating funds to projects they are responsible for delivering. IT and JF added previously the Council received a substantial fund for preventative work, under the ‘Choosing Health’ grant but in these new arrangements where pots are split across the Districts and based on need and population, contributions will be significantly reduced having major implications on the current work delivered. In Stafford the funding supported the Leisure Centres but also enabled a Health and Wellbeing Team to be created which is why Stafford is further forward than other Districts, all contracts for the staff end in 2015. AD said a clear process would need to be developed for the Group to ensure equality.AD asked MC look at a process and to produce a report to show the total resource available, what is presently committed and implications of cutting the funds, the specification for the fund, and future need.
MC added the nutrition fund would be a pilot to test the Group and prepare them for larger sums in Phase 2. MC also added in other Districts DCLs have pooled other budgets into the Group such as Troubled Families, WW to look into options. / MC (3)
WW (4)
KH informed the Group that Staffordshire Public Health had not yet published the 2013 Health and Wellbeing Profile, but she was meeting with them next week and plans to publish the updated EJSNA using locality based data in March 2014.
10 / Veterans Mental Health
DE circulated poster for information
11 / AOB
HT informed the Group of the Warmer Homes Stafford launch event on 17th Jan at 8am
KH informed the Group that Tony Bullock has approached District Councils to nominate a representative for a new drug and alcohol executive group, the preference is for a West locality group which she is already involved in with MC and would make an ideal platform. KH would make sure District level groups such as the Strategic Partnership Locality Delivery Group Tracy Redpath developed.