Notes: Jail bars open and close, but are NOT removed.
There is a firepole SR for Chad to slide down on his initial entrance.
The wagons are now 14’ long and 3’ front to back. The brick walls ride on top.
The proscenium is painted to look like the same brick.
Chad’s jailbar opening in the proscenium will have a plug that closes over it after
this scene. Sylvia’s Honky-Tonk is preset behind this for the next scene. The
wagons simply roll offstage right and left to reveal it.
Act 1, Scene 1.

Notes: There are three tables and chairs. I have asked for round tables, 30” in diameter, 30” high. The bar stools can be moved. It is a little tight behind the bar. The bar and the UR table revolve on. The DR and DL tables are moved on by either actors or crew, at Michael’s discretion. This setting revolves into Main Street for the next scene. The dart board shown is painted.
Act 1, Scene 2

The jukebox lights up on cue. Each of the four buildings has a functioning door. There is a statue of venus on a pedestal that rolls with the SR revolve.

Act 1, Scenes 3, 5, 8, 9, and 11.

Tools on the wall of the garage will be painted, unless we need them to be practical. There may be some dimensional detail, but it will be low-profile. As actors enter the garage fro m Main Street, the SR revolve turns and reveals the inside of the station.
If we need practical tools, these can easily revolve on in toolboxes or on tables on the actual revolve platform.
Act 1, Scene 4.

The SR revolve is open a little wider here to show more of the background, as if we are at the edge of town. There is a cutout of a bus. It is 8’ tall and about 14’ long. From behind it, people can appear in the windows as passengers.
Act 1, Scene 7

We start this scene in front of the shoe shop. As we move inside, the shop revolves to give us the interior. I have asked Schrader for a spindle-backed, wooden bench to sit on the revolve. We need to check with Michael as to whether we really want it.
Act 1, Scene 9

This is the museum garden. Schrader: There will be no physical prop statues in this scene. Actors will be playing all of the statues. There will be four. We will want two marble columns about six feet high for the far right and left ends. We will also want four or six silly looking topiaries. This is the same brick wall we used in Jailhouse Rock. The openings are now plugged with brick facades to make them look like alcoves.
Act 1, Scene 10

Act two has a lot of scenes set in different parts of the fairgrounds. I still have to finalize a design for this roller-coaster looking thing in the rendering, but there will be two of those: one from either side of the stage. We will alternate for different scenes. Scenes 1, 3, and 5 will be as shown here. Scenes 2, 4, and 7 will have a unit on SR. I am willing to swap some of those at Michael’s discretion. Act 2, Scenes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7

The Tunnel of Love will have one boat. A design for the is forthcoming. I would like to see litter here, which will be on the revolves. The dark arches SR and SL are painted, and are not actual openings. The UC opening is real. The curvature of the bricks is only painted detail. The walls are flat as shown in the plan view. The doors shown UC will be open all the way for this scene – the audience must not see them. They are the same doors that will be in the Church in Scene 8.
Act 2, Scene 6

The church has functioning doors. The windows are painted – they might include some sort of reflective material that will read more like glass.
Act 2, Scene 8.