Sefton Local Pharmaceutical


The Meeting of Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee will take place at The Royal Clifton Hotel on March 12th 2pm


Present and apologies

1 / Minutes of previous meeting
2 / Matters arising
3 / Secretaries Post / LM
4 / CCG/NHSE/LA/ Guests
5 / Chairman’s business / GB
6 / Members business
7 / Treasurers report / LB
8 / Any other business
9 / Date of next meeting - AGM / 9th April 2pm

G Batten Chairman

Sefton Local Pharmaceutical


Chief Executive Officer Dr Lisa Manning PhD, M.R.Pharm.S.

Chairman G BATTEN B.Pharm M.R.Pharm.S.

Vice Chairman N Beckingham B.Pharm. M.R.Pharm.S

Treasurer Laura Benyon B.Pharm. M.R.Pharm.S

Tel 07912043872 Fax: 01704 833346 2 Redgate Email: ; Formby, Liverpool, L374EW

Minutes of the meeting of Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee held at the Royal Clifton Hotel on Wednesday 11th February at 7.00pm

Attendees: Messrs Worrall, Khan, Benyon, Batten, Manning, Beckingham,

Apologies: Blundell, Brennan , Harding, Lightfoot

1. Minutes from previous meeting – 8Th January 2014- Accepted

2. Matters Arising

2.1 Palliative care LES- LM reported that 5 to 6 sites have been identified and letters of interest for those chosen have gone out or are going out shortly. The providers have been chosen based on accessibility and opening hours.

2.2 Prescription Direction – GB discussed how he and LM have met with the LMC and are awaiting a follow-up meeting. LM reported that further evidence has been collected from a contractor in support of the complaint and worries around EPS2 nominations, as Churchtown surgery are due to go EPS2 live 19/2/14. It was noted that EPS2 nominations can be audited very easily from surgery IT systems which could be beneficial.

Members felt it is the superintendants responsibility to have documented his concerns regarding Rx direction to the surgery and at company board meetings. Members also queried if we could look into standards of conduct of superintendants to ascertain if these were being upheld.

All members agreed local resolution would be the preferred outcome

2.3 Regarding EPS2 LM discussed information from other LPCs around Pharmacy2U who are reporting to find out local surgeries going live and have been sending out advertisements to local residents. Connecting for Health have advised this is legal and have urged contractors to collect their patient’s nominations as soon as possible.

2.4 Alan Woodcocks dinner – it was agreed for the celebratory dinner to be rescheduled for 21st March and partners are invited but will have to pay for dinner

2.5 NSP- Contractors are unhappy with the new proposed payment scheme from Lifeline. It was felt that contactors could be doing 3 months work and only get reimbursement of £32. Other factors have to be taken into account hence the retainer fee that was in place for storage space, ordering time, staff training, effect on their other business, health and safety risk etc. Also as new recording systems are proposed then extra time will be required

Also noted was that it appears that contractors have to pay for advertising

The SLA also stipulates pharmacy teams to attend 2 training events =- contractors queried who will pay for this?

Contractors advised it would be better to reduce the number of equipment items that could be ordered as there was often duplication, to reduce costs

Members queried that as was minuted at the LPC meeting that Lifeline attended that no changes to payments would be made until a new SLA was signed off.

All contractors felt they are financially worse off and that the service is at risk of stopping

LM To contact GPHC, RPS, PSNC to look into superintendents responsibilities

GB/LM to contact the LMC again to reschedule a follow-up meeting

LM to write to Lifeline to let them know the LPC position on the proposed SLA and to get clarification that payments are currently remaining as they have been prior to lifeline taking over.

3. Secretaries Business

3.1 Flu debrief meeting- to be held on 26th Feb by NHS England , LM and LB to attend and give feedback

3.2 Training matrix – was distributed for members to document their training needs

3.3. PSNC training event- coaching and mentoring it was felt that as the elections are underway and a new committee would be in attendance from April 2014 then it would not be appropriate for certain members to attend. It was noted that UH will be a committee member from April 2014 and should be asked if she would like to attend.

3.4 LPC leads meeting – LM gave feedback on the initial LPC leads meeting and asked for confirmation that members were happy for the LPC leads to meet. This was confirmed.

3.5 LM asked for confirmation from the committee that for contractor performance issues they would like either Jeremy Clitherow or an officer of the LPC to represent Sefton contractors. The committee confirmed they would like a S

efton LPC officer to represent Sefton contractors at various performance related meetings e.g. performance steering group

3.6 EPS update – There had been issues from Churchtown surgery as the MMT had advised the surgery was not ready, but discussions have taken place and it is confirmed that it will be going live on 19/2/14. Three alternative sites have also been identified within Formby. A risk to the project are the lack of IT trainers, CfH are looking into this

Action – LM to contact UH to see if she would like to attend the PSNC training event.

4 Chairman’s business –

4.1 GB attended the call to action event held by the pharmacy LPN. Noted was the lack of referrals from GPs, hospitals and HCP.

CATC was mentioned and how this service could be improved. LM advised that a new formulary was due to be relaunched and queries had been made as to whether the patient has to be present to supply the service. It was agreed by the committee that a disclaimer should be added to the current contract so that pharmacists can use their professional judgement to supply a medication if the patient isn’t present and that ideally the patent should be present not must be present.

Action – LM to write LPC response for Call to Action

LM to Email CCGs regarding CATC to ask for disclaimer to be added to new contract.

5 Elections –

5.1 Currently underway, CCA nominations have been submitted, and all independent nominations received. A vacancy for an independent contractor has been noted.

6 Call to action –

See 4.1

8 Treasurers Business

8.1 LB to circulate a list of uncashed cheques. Bank account is now working successfully.

Action – LB to circulate uncashed cheques.


9.1 Committee agreed that an annual prize should be in place to commemorate both deceased members Andrew Tickle and Christine Cross and awarded to the best Pre Reg student nominated.

10/ Date of next 12thMarch 2pm

9th April 2pm ,

20th May 7pm

18th June 2pm

24th July 7pm


Secretaries Update March 2014


Call to Action meeting – 6/2/14

Meeting with LPC officers -6/2/14

Sexual Health meeting PH – 10/2/14

Diabetes network event – 12/2/14

Primary care strategy meeting –13/2/14

Flu debrief meeting-26/2/14

PLPN – 27/2/14

PNA steering group 28/2/14

Diabetes network event – 6/3/14

Met with Joanne Ball- 20/2/14

Met With Public health re: alcohol – 10/2/14

EPS meeting 3/3/14

To Attend

Meeting with Chair – TBA

Meeting with LMC - TBA

Diabetes network event – 17/3/14

Meeting with CCG- 13/1/14

Primary care transformation group – 13/3/14

PLPN – 20/3/14

Public Health – Joanne ball – 2/4/14

ISIS – Lynne Hindle –TBA

Appendix A - Expense Claim from Sefton LPC

Sundry Expenses

Date / Description of Expense / Amount / Receipt?
Cheque payable to:

Locum Expenses

Date / Hours and Hourly Rate / Amount
13/11/12 / LPC Meeting / £120
Cheque payable to:

I declare that the expenses claimed have been incurred whilst on

LPC business and are the responsibility of no other body.

Please submit completed forms together with any available receipts to the Secretary