Chapter 8S Supplement The Transportation Model
Chapter 8S
Supplement The Transportation Model
1.The transportation model assumes similar, homogeneous goods.
Answer: True
Difficulty: Medium
2.The transportation model assumes shipping cost per unit is the same regardless of the number of units shipped (there are no quantity discounts).
Answer: True
Difficulty: Easy
3.The transportation model is a special type of linear regression model.
Answer: False
Difficulty: Medium
4.For a transportation model to be used, more than one location must be considered.
Answer: True
Difficulty: Medium
LearningObjective: Ref
5.The linear programming model of a transportation problem has one goal - the maximization of its objective function.
Answer: False
Difficulty: Medium
6.Dummy rows or columns to equate supply and demand are available but not required in linear programming models of transportation problems.
Answer: False
Difficulty: Medium
Multiple Choice
7.The transportation model method for evaluating location alternatives minimizes total:
E) shipping cost
Answer: E
Difficulty: Medium
LearningObjective: AS
8.An automobile manufacturer who has eight assembly plants and thousands of dealers throughout Country A can find the optimal distribution plan by using:
A)linear programming model
B)transportation model
C)weighted factor rating
D)either A or B
E)Global Information Systems
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
LearningObjective: CA
9.Which of the following is not information needed to use the transportation model?
A)capacity of the sources
B)demand of the destinations
C)unit shipping costs
D)unit shipping distances
E)all of the above are necessary
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
10.The transportation method is a linear programming technique. Linearity is present in the following way:
A)The cost of goods shipped from any source to any destination is a linear function of quantity shipped.
B)The cost of goods shipped from any source to any destination is a linear function of the cost per unit.
C)The total cost associated with a given plan is a linear function of shipping costs.
D)Cell evaluations require linear horizontal movements through the matrix.
E)Cell evaluations are linear.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Hard
11.Which of the following are assumptions or requirements of the transportation method?
(I)Goods are the same, regardless of source.
(II)There must be multiple sources.
(III)Minimum quantities must be shipped from each source.
(IV)Shipping costs per unit do not vary with the quantity shipped.
A)I and IV
B)II and III
C)I, II, and IV
D)I and III
E)I, II, III, and IV
Answer: C
Difficulty: Medium
12.Which of the following is not an assumption of the transportation model?
A)Actual supply and demand must be equal.
B)Shipping costs per unit are constant per unit.
C)Items to be shipped are homogeneous.
D)There is only one transportation route between each source and destination
E)There is only one transportation mode between each source and destination
Answer: A
Difficulty: Medium
13.Which of the following is the information needed to use the transportation model?
A)A list of the sources and each one's capacity
B)A list of the destinations and each one's demand
C)The unit cost of shipping items from each source to each destination
D)All of the above
E)None of the above
Answer: D
Difficulty: Medium
The following information is for 14-16
A campaign manager for a political candidate must arrange the shipment of 150 cartons of campaign buttons from three button producers to three campaign headquarters. The supplies and demands, and the per-carton transportation costs, are shown below:
14.Which of the following is an objective function for the problem?
A)Min 50X11 + 50X12 + 50X13 + 20X31 + 70X32 + 60X33
B)Min 2X11 + 5X12 + 6X13 + 9X21 + 3X22 + 7X23 + X31 + 8X32 + 4X33
C)Max 2X11 + 5X12 + 6X13 + 9X21 + 3X22 + 7X23 + X31 + 8X32 + 4X33
D)Max 20X11 + 70X12 + 60X13 + 50X31 + 50X32 + 50X33
E)None of the above.
Answer: B
Difficulty: Hard
15.Which of the following is a constraint for the suppliers (button producers)?
A)2X11 + 5X12 + 6X13 = 50
B)9X11 + 3X12 + 7X13 = 50
C)X11 + X12 + X13 = 50
D)X11 + X21 + X31 = 20
E)all of the above
Answer: C
Difficulty: Hard
16.Which of the following is a constraint for the customer (campaign headquarters)?
A)2X11 + 9X21 + X31 = 20
B)5X12 + 3X22 + 8X32 = 70
C)X11 + X12 + X13 = 50
D)X12 + X22 + X32 = 70
E)all of the above
Answer: D
Difficulty: Hard
17.Which of the following is an objective function for the problem?
A)Min 7X11 + 4X12 + 8X21 + 3X22 + 9X31 + 3X32
B)Max 7X11 + 4X12 + 8X21 + 3X22 + 9X31 + 3X32
C)Min 35X11 + 50X21 + 10X31 + 160X22 + 80X32
D)Max 160X11 + 80X12 + 35X21 + 50X22 + 10X32
E)None of the above.
Answer: A
Difficulty: Hard
18.Which of the following is not a constraint for the above problem?
A)X11 + X12 = 35
B)X31 + X33 = 10
C)X11 + X21 + X31 = 160
D)X12 + X22 + X32 = 80
E)all are constraints
Answer: E
Difficulty: Hard