Arthur Gerald Noske
Missing since February 4, 1977 from Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio.
Classification: Endangered Missing

Vital Statistics

· Date Of Birth: March 25, 1968

· Age at Time of Disappearance: 8 years old

· Distinguishing Characteristics: White male. Red hair.

Circumstances of Disappearance
Noske was last seen on February 4, 1977, in Cleveland, Ohio. Initially his mother claimed he had wandered away from her in a store. She later admitted that her boyfriend, Dr. Stuart Kutler, beat him to death. He tried to burn Noske's remains in the fire, but was not successful. He later disposed of the body in an unknown location. He was convicted of second degree manslaughter. Kutler died of pneumonia in prison in 1978. Searches were conducted but Noske has never been found.

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:

Cuyahoga County Coroner

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