MAASE Finance and Legislation Minutes
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Committee Members:
Wayne Abbott
Angela Telfer
Kathy Barker
John Bretschneider
Menhem Aouad
Michael Ghareeb
John Cloft
Daris Delsi
Jan Weckstein
Kathy Fortino
Paul Dymowski
Rachel Fuerer
Diane Heinzelman
Laurie VanderPloeg
Laurie Jefsen
Paul Zimmer
Mark King
Tom Koepke
Greg LaMore
Laura LaMore
Jay Raycraft
Jennifer Scott-Burton
Elaine Smiley
Carolyn Smith-Gerdes
Tony Thaxton
Abby Cypher-Kitchen
Concetta Lewis
MDE Representatives:
John Andrejack, Sheryl Diamond, Diane Easterling, Teri Johnson
Agenda Items:
1. Update from MDE on State and Federal Finance (Andrejack, Easterling) (10 minutes)
a) State Update
Diane provided an update on the State Aid submission process on claims for forms 4096 & 4094. Only 1 local district and 1 PSA did not submit.
b) Federal Update
John provided an update on ARRA Section 1512 reports. The last section of the 1512 report for ARRA is due January 5, 2012. Districts only report during this cycle if they made qualifying vendor payments after October 5, 2011 reporting cycle. (seems like I missing something in regards to the end of November final expenditures?)
2. Update from MDE OES-EIS Program Accountability Unit (Diamond, Winkleman, Oczepek) (10 minutes)
a) The MARSE
Sheryl reported the rules promulgation has completed the 15th Joint Session days. Office of the Great Seal is in process of reviewing and approving the rules. Once of the Office of the Great Seal approves the rules, they will be official. OSE-EIS will providing a summary of next steps and/or one pager for districts to be compliant with the new rules, as well as possibly provide a webcast. The next SEAC meeting as well as the OSE-EIS / ISD Directors meeting on November 10th will review the changes. Some of the changes include Part 2 evaluation timeline changes and the new Part 10 for Part C & B.
b) Document Production
Sheryl reported the following guidance documents are being reviewed for potential updates as needed: REED, Discipline, Notice of Consent, Evaluations, Monitoring Standards, Surrogate Parents. No other new documents will be produced at this time.
c) Due Process
Sheryl reported there will be a new database for Compliants, Due Process, and Mediation.
3. CASE Updates (Jefsen) (10 minutes)
Laurie provided an update on the new Seclusion and Restraint proposal from U.S. Senator Harkin. The proposal aligns with the MAASE Seclusion and Restraint Position Statement. Kym Himes, policy analyst from CEC, indicated ESEA proposed legislation will be coming soon. Tony Thaxton will be provide us information as he receives it. November 9-11, 2011 will be the CASE Fall Conference: Focusing on the Future at Williamsburg, VA. Registration and details can be found: The Spotlight during Wednesday’s MAASE meeting will highlight the work done in Washington DC during the CASE Educational Leadership Seminar in July 2011 with MAASE members.
4. Other items:
a) Maintenance of Effort (Fortino)
Kathy handed out the MOE Issue document that was discussed in DC at the CASE Seminar with our federal legislators. The current MOE exceptions do not allow for situations such as cost-cutting measures employed by districts such as the state law imposed health care benefits. The stringency of the exceptions could potentially have districts repayments from local funds due to MOE shortfalls. There have been initial conversations with members of MASA, MAISA, MSBO and MDE in regards to potential solutions in sorting out LEA MOE calculations using local expenditures only rather than a combination of local and stateas well as exploring the percentage of districts that may face this issue this year. Potential IDEA reauthorizationlanguage changes may be needed, and if so, what are the language recommendations that can be made that assure no changes in services to students and yet provide districts relief. John Andrejack added that he is having conversations at the federal level in regards to if other states are wrestling with this issue and how can state departments of education work together with NASDSE to reframe reauthorization language. Working with advocacy groups to educate on the issue will be vital.
b) Medicaid Parental Consent from IDEA Proposed Regs. for Public Comment(Scott-Burton)
Jennifer reported that on September 28, 2011, OSERS posted a proposed regulation in the Federal Register that will change the IDEA regulation requiring schools to obtain parental consent prior billing Medicaid for health-related services. The 60 day comment began on September 28, 2011. Comments must be received on or before December 12, 2011. A sub-committee will work to craft draft comments for MAASE membership to respond.
c) Part C and Early On (Koepke)
Tom shared handouts from the MAASE Summer Institute presentation on Part B and C activities and corresponding timelines for referral and initiation of services as well as Prior Written Notice (PWN)/ Written Prior Notice (WPN) for Part B and C. Part 10 will address the differences between special education and Early On; and merge Part B & C. Part 10 will include MET requirements, forms, Notices, transition, REED and consent requirements.
d) Other?
Tom shared the changes with the speech and language pathology licensure. The changes are in review/approval process with the Office of Great Seal. Speech pathologistsand/or TSLIs (Teachers of the Language Impaired)without their CCCs will be eligible on a limited licenseand be "grandfathered" in licensure for the purpose of working in the schools; however, this does not resolve the issue with the colleges and universities enrolling a limited number of students.The application for licensure should be available soon on the MDCH website. Tom will notify MAASE when the application is posted.