Paramus Board of Education

Discussion Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2010 7:30 PM

1.CALL TO ORDER – President Feorenzo opened the meeting at 7:30 pm


The NEW JERSEY OPEN PUBLIC MEETING LAW was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Business Administrator-Secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be sent to the following announcing time and place thereof, agenda, etc:



Notice of this meeting has been posted in the lobby of the Board of Education Office, at all Paramus Public Schools and on the district’s website. This is an official meeting of the Board of Education.


Those in attendance pledged allegiance to the flag.


Present:Trustees Antonio, Bergmann, Bower, Criscione,

Straka, McCausland, Feorenzo

Absent:Trustees Amato*, Balestrieri

Also Present:Dr. James Montesano, Superintendent

Gary S. Lane, Asst. Supt/SBA./Bd Sec.

Dr. Joseph Lupo, Asst. Supt. For Supervision and


  • Trustee Amato arrived at the meeting at 7:33 pm.

5. AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS – Discussed; they will be presented at the 5/24/10 meeting

A. Eagle Scouts (5)

B. Thank you to Dickinson Tree Service

C. National Teacher Appreciation Week (5/2-8/10)

D. 35- and 45-Year Employees (1 each)

E. 25-Year Employees (11)

  1. Special Education Week (5/16-22/10)
  1. Asian/Pacific/Islander American Heritage Month

Dr. Montesano reported that we received another application for the Bergen Regional Charter School, K-5 and that we have an opportunity to response. The communities included are Paramus, Glen Rock, Ridgewood, Fair Lawn. The last time we dealt with these, we had a different Commissioner and Governor.

The Elementary Report Card committee will make a presentation of findings at the June meeting. We may also hear a proposal regarding weighting of courses at the high school at that meeting.

The May 17th board meeting is for the purpose of interviews with elementary principal candidates.

Dr. Montesano reported that on Thursday, he will be in Trenton at the Senate testifying regarding the bill to address out of state students who attend private schools in NJ/Paramus for whom we must pay for Speech, OT, PT, evaluations.

7. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – Agenda Items-NONETime: 7:37 pm


Approve Items EP-1 and EP-2

Moved by: Trustee CriscioneSeconded by: Trustee Bergmann.

EP-1. Approve application for 2010 Summer School dates & Fees.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Paramus Board of Education hereby approves the application for the 2010 Summer School dates & fees. (Attachment)

EP-2. Approve Revised Community School Summer 2010 Music and Arts Program Offering.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Paramus Board of Education hereby approves the Community School Summer 2010 Music and Arts Program. This program has been extended to include additional course offerings. (Attachment)

NOTE: Courses for students will only run if there are an adequate number of paying students to cover all expenses.

Roll Call Vote: 8-0

Items EP-3 through EP-10 will be approved at the 5/24/10 board meeting

EP-3. Review budget for Afternoon Adaptive Recreation and Physical Education Program for 2010-11 in the amount of $12,572.98 (Attachment)

EP-4. Review Special Education Tuition Agreement with Bergen County Special Services for the Summer, 2010. (Attachment)

EP-5. Review summer studies for 2010 (Available 5/24/10)

EP-6. Review Senior Class Pool Day, June 7, 2010 (rain date June 8th)

EP-7. Review Kid’s Corner (extended school year for special ed)(Available 5/24/10)

EP-8. Review participation in the NJSIAA

EP-9. Review list of obsolete textbooks (Attachment)

EP-10.Review revised 2010-11 School Calendar (Attachment)

(Change: May 9th, Minimum Day/Staff Development, has been

changed to May 2nd due to NJASK testing on 5/9)


All F&B items to be voted on at the 5/24/10 meeting

F&B-1. Review tentative tuition rates for 2010-11 (Attachment)

F&B-2. Review contract with Rickard Rehabilitation Services, Inc. for the 2010-11 school year. (Attachment)


Approve items IBG-1 and IBG-2

Moved by: Trustee BowerSeconded by: Trustee Feorenzo

IBG-1. Award bid for Roof Repair & Maintenance

WHEREAS bids for roof repair & maintenance were received on April 22, 2010 and evaluated;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Paramus Board of Education awards this bid to the following entity:

Clifton & ClarkSee Attachment

IBG-2. Authorize rejection of all Bids for Preventive Maintenance, Fire, Security, Clock, Intercom.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Paramus Board of Education hereby authorizes the rejection of all bids received on April 22, 2010 for Preventive Maintenance, Fire, Security, Clock, Intercom, due to inconsistencies. This item will be re-bid at a future date.

Roll Call Vote: 8-0

(Items IBG-3 and IBG-4 to be voted on at the 5/24/10 meeting)

IBG-3. Review agreement with South Bergen Jointure Commission Transportation Services Agreement for 2010-11. (Attachment)

IBG-4. Review continued participation with insurance placements for the district employees’ medical benefits, including Blue Cross/Blue Shield, NJ Delta Dental, Vision Services and Benecard.


All Consent items to be voted on at the 5/24/10 meeting

  1. Resolved by the Board of Education that it has received and accepts the report of the Secretary for the month ending April, 2010. The report of the Treasurer ofSchool Moneys for the month of March 2010 has been received. The Board certifies that the reports indicate that no major account or fund is over-expended in violation of NJAC 6A:23-2.11 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s obligations for the remainder of the school year.
  2. Authorize the Assistant Superintendent/Business Administrator-Secretary to make the necessary transfers with the Current Expense Account for the 2009-2010 school year.
  3. Approve purchase order lists for the 2009-2010 school year, said lists to be kept on file in the Office of the Assistant Superintendent/Business Administrator-Secretary and considered a part of the Minutes.
  4. Authorize payment in accordance with bills listed for the 2009-10 school year, said lists to be kept on file in the Office of the Assistant Superintendent/BusinessAdministrator-Secretary and considered a part of the Minutes.

5 Approve Special Education Placements in accordance with list submitted by Superintendent of School, said list to be kept on file in accordance with the protection provided by public Law IDEA.

6. Approve Home Instruction in accordance with list submitted by the Superintendent ofSchools, said list to be kept on file in the Office of the Assistant Superintendent/Business Administrator-Secretary and considered a part of the Minutes.

  1. Approve attendance at conferences, etc. per attached.
  2. Approve Minutes for April.

9. Refunds & Reimbursements April 2010


The Superintendent received a request from the Athletic Director to provide two buses on Sunday, June 27, 2010, to football camp. Dr. Montesano would like to look into this for our next meeting.

13.OPEN TO THE PUBLICTime: 7:48 pm

Beth Shaw questioned the use of buses to football camp. Other teams may be coming forward for similar use requests.

Ted Sutton spoke in support of Coach DiPasquale. He read a letter.

The following people all spoke on the DiPasquale matter:

Krista Salanard, Garry Pablowski, Julia Sutton, Victor Cortez, Carl Tutoro, Evonne Gurrino, Mike Dalomonte, Louis Iiulla, Kathy Lannigan, Stephanie
Barbard Daminano, Popaluous, DeLuise, Peggy Doyle, Greg Hodgens, Mike Mordaga, Jenny Zimet, etc.

Dr. Montesano responded that the administrators have reviewed the incident from a number of different angles and have carefully, comprehensively considered these matters.

Meeting closed to the publicTime: 8:48 pm


Moved by: Trustee AntonioSeconded by: Trustee Bower

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paramus Board of Education move into closed session to review personnel matters including vacancies, resignations, new hires and other confidential concerns as listed on the closed agenda dated May 10, 2010. It is anticipated that the closed session will last approximately 45 minutes and that action will be taken thereafter on the matter(s) discussed therein.

Voice Vote: UnanimousTime: 8:48 pm

  1. Reconvene from Closed Session

The meeting reconvened with all previous members present Time: 10:18pm


Moved by: Trustee StrakaSeconded by: Trustee Antonio

Approve Items ER-1a-c.

ER-1a. Review personnel action – hiring of new employees – recommended by Superintendent as listed in personnel packet dated May 10, 2010.

BE IT RESOLVED, that in compliance with Chapter 116, P.L. 1986 and in accordance with the State of New Jersey Department of Education memorandum dated October 29, 1986 that all new personnel on the attached personnel list dated May 10, 2010 shall be considered to be provisionally hired; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed to comply with State Department directives concerning the State and Federal criminal history background checks of these employees; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said new personnel shall be considered provisionally hired until such time as the Department of Education has indicated that they have completed the criminal history background checks of prospective employees and that said employees have satisfied the requirements of Chapter 16, P.L.1986 at which time said employees shall no longer be provisional; said lists and contracts shall be considered a part of the Minutes of this Meeting; the Business Administrator shall be hereby directed to employ the personnel contained on the attached list.

ER-1bReview personnel action - re-hiring of employees - recommended by the Superintendent of Schools as listed in the Personnel Packet dated May 10, 2010.

BE IT RESOLVED, that in compliance with Chapter 116, P.L. 1986 and in accordance with the State of New Jersey Department of Education, the Paramus Board of Education hereby approves the rehiring of employees as listed in the Personnel Packet dated May 10, 2010; said lists and contracts shall be considered a part of the Minutes of this Meeting.

ER-1c. Authorize the emergent hiring of staff pending completion of the criminal history check.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board authorizes the emergent hiring of staff pending completion of the criminal history check pursuant to provisions of NJSA 18A:6:7-2 et seq., NJSA 18A:39-17 et seq., or NJSA 18A:6-4.13 et seq.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution along with all applicant’s attestations be forwarded to the County Superintendent for approval as required by law.

ER-2. Appoint Dr. John Campione at a per diem rate of $700, not to exceed 3 ½ days per week, September through December 2010, including three days in July and three days in August.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Paramus Board of Education hereby approves the appointment of Dr. John Campione at a per diem rate of $700, not to exceed 3 ½ days per week, September through December, 2010, including 3 days in July and 3 days in August.

Roll Call Vote: 8-0


Moved by: Trustee BergmannSeconded by: Trustee Bower

Voice Vote: UnanimousTime: 10:23 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Gary S. Lane

Assistant Superintendent

School Business Administrator/Board Secretary