Activity I: Work It Out
Work it Out PowerPoint Talking Points
Slide 1 - title page
Today we’re going to talk about the difference between the terms “job” and “career”. You’re also going to think about what you might be interested in doing for a career, and why going to work is important to you.
Slide 2 – Wait a minute...
No additional talking points
Slide 3 – Definitions
No additional talking points
Slide 4 – Is this probably a job or a career?
Stimulate conversation and ask participants “why?” if they identify it as a job or a career.
Slide 5 – Answer
No additional talking points
Slide 6 – Is this a Career, or a Job?
Is this person’s job as a Doctor a job or a career?
Slide 7 – Answer
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Slide 8 – Look at this picture
[This is a picture of spongebob cooking crabby patties]
Slide 9 – A Job can also be a Career
Let participants respond to this “trick question” – this is spongebob’s career because he LOVES doing this job and wants to do if for a long time. Emphasize that not everyone goes to school for a long time (like a Doctor) to find a career.
Then pose the question about Squidward and let participants answer.
Slide 10 – Probably not
So why would this be only a job for Squidward?
Do you think he will stay in this kind of work forever?
Slide 11 – Careers and YOU!
[Ask participants to break into small groups (3-4 participants each group) and answer each of these questions]
You guys only have 3 minutes for everyone to answer these questions, so make sure everyone has enough time to talk!
Slide 12 – Why is working important to you?
While still in your small groups, explain to each other why working is important to you. You only get 2 minutes for everyone to answer this question! Again, there are no right or wrong answers (everyone has a different reason for wanting to go to work…)
Slide 13 – Why work?!?
[Pull everyone back together as a large group]
Here are some reasons people often want to work in a job or a career. Some of these you guys may have mentioned, but what do you think about these additional reasons. Do you agree that these are also important reasons to work?