Introduced by the Council President at the request of the Mayor:

ORDINANCE 2007-949

An ordinance appropriating $459,599 in continuation grant funding, plus interest thereon, awarded by the u. s. department of justice through the bureau of justice assistance pursuant to the 2007 edward byrne memorIAl justice assistance grant to implement and administer certain crime prevention and education programs; TO WIT: (1) $104,659 TO THE OFFICE OF JUVENILE JUSTICE AND OFFENDER-BASED INITIATIVES; (2) $126,500 TO INSIDE/OUTSIDE, INC. - TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR CERTIFIED JUVENILE FORMER OFFENDERS: (3) $45,000 TO COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS OF JACKSONVILLE, INC. – JAILED JUVENILE PROGRAM; (4) $118,440 TO INTIMATE VIOLENCE ENHANCED SERVICE TEAM (INVEST); AND (5) $65,000 AS AN ADMINISTRATIVE AWARD (CITY OF JACKSONVILLE COST RECOVERY FOR VARIOUS OPERATIONAL COSTS), ALL AS INITIATED BY B.T. 08-007; providing a carryover of funds to FUTURE fiscal years; authorizing the mayor, or his designee, and the corporation secretary to execute all agreements and other documents necessary to receive the grant funds described herein; approving temporary hours and positions, AS INITIATED BY R.C. ## 08-005, 08-006, 08-007, 08-008, and 08-009; EXERCISING AN EXEMPTION FROM COMPETITIVE SOLICITATION BY PROVIDING FOR PROCUREMENT OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES pursuant to Section 126.107 (g), Ordinance Code; PROVIDING FOR CITY OVERSIGHT BY THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT OR ITS SUCCESSOR; providing an effective date.

Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Jacksonville:

Section 1. Appropriation. For the 2007-2008 fiscal year, within the City’s budget, there are hereby appropriated the indicated sum(s) from the account(s) listed in subsection (a) to the account(s) listed in subsection (b):

(B.T. 08-007 attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by this reference)

(a) Appropriated from:

See B.T. 08-007 $459,599

(b) Appropriated to:

See B.T. 08-007 $459,599

Section 2. Supplemental Appropriation of Interest Earnings. There is also appropriated from and to the accounts set forth in B.T. 08-007, for the purposes stated in Section 4, the interest earned on the grant funding. The Director of Administration and Finance is authorized to make such necessary accounting adjustments, without further Council action, to reflect actual interest revenues received by the City.

Section 3. Carryover. The funds appropriated in this ordinance shall not lapse but shall carryover to future fiscal years.

Section 4. Purpose. The purpose of the appropriation in Section 1 is to provide funding to the following crime prevention and education programs: (1) $104,659 to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Offender-Based Initiatives; (2) $126,500 to Inside/Outside, Inc. - Transitional Housing for Certified Juvenile Former Offenders: (3) $45,000 to Communities in Schools of Jacksonville, Inc. – Jailed Juvenile Program; (4) $118,440 to Intimate Violence Enhanced Service Team (InVEST); and (5) $65,000 as an administrative award (City of Jacksonville cost recovery for various operational costs). A copy of the Justice Assistance Grant Program application is on file with the Division of Legislative services/

Section 5. Authorization to Sign Contracts. The Mayor, or his designee, and Corporation Secretary are hereby authorized to (1) execute and deliver, for and on behalf of the City, all agreements and other documents necessary or appropriate to effectuate the purpose of this ordinance and (2) take, or cause to be taken, for and on behalf of the City, such further action to effectuate the purpose of this ordinance.

Section 6. Authorization of Temporary Hours and Positions. There are hereby authorized the temporary hours and positions more fully described in RC ## 08-005, 08-006, 08-007, 08-008, and 08-009, which are attached hereto as Exhibit 2, Exhibit 3, Exhibit 4, Exhibit 5, and Exhibit 6, respectively.

Section 7. Procurement of Contractual Services. Exemption from Competitive Solicitation.

The City is hereby authorized to procure the services of Inside/Outside, Inc., Communities in Schools of Jacksonville, Inc., and The Hubbard House, Inc. to perform the services and other obligations contemplated by this ordinance. Pursuant to Section 126.107(g), Ordinance Code, such procurement is exempt from competitive solicitation. With the exception of the foregoing, all other provisions of Chapter 126, Ordinance Code, shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 8. Oversight Department. The Community Services Department, or its successor, shall oversee the projects described herein.

Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective upon signature by the Mayor or upon becoming effective without the Mayor’s signature.

Form Approved:

/s/ James R. McCain, Jr.

Office of General Counsel

Legislation prepared by: James R. McCain, Jr.
