Indiana University South Bend
Student Government Association
Meeting Minutes
Friday September 16, 2016
Called to order at 9:00am.
Executives: President Stephen Salisbury (left meeting at 9:47a counts as absence), Vice President Leah Klopfenstein, Secretary La’Zhane Chaffer
Senate: Senator Stuart Settle, Senator Victoria Correll, Senator Lois Kassem, Senator Chanyuan“CheChe” Zhao, Senator Rhonda Redman, Senator Andi Trowbridge, Senator Levi Klopfenstein, Senator Caderia Strickland, Senator Katie Edlen
Cabinet: Director of Campus Affairs Jesse Camper
Tardy: Senator Fardoaws Al Shareef (arrived at 9:03a.), Treasurer NargizaAmirova(arrived at 9:05a.) Chief Justice Craig Johnson (arrived at 9:17a, counts as absence)
Absent: Advisor Scott Strittmatter, Senator Charles Jackson, Chief of Staff ShailBhagat
Proxy Votes: Senator Lois Kassem will have Senator Charles Jackson’s proxy vote.
- Approval of Minutes.
a)Senator Kassem motions to approve the meeting minutes from September 9th with the change of adding on times for individuals who were tardy.
b)Senator Redman seconds.
c)All in favor. Senator Trowbridge, Redman, Kassem (Jackson Proxy) Al Shareef, Zhao, Klopfenstein, Correll, Strickland, and Edlen
d)All opposed: Senator Settle
e)Abstentions: None
f)Motion passes.
- Voice of Constituents
a)Senator Klopfenstein motions to move the “Voice of Constituents” section until the speaker, Chief Justice Johnson arrives.
b)Senator Trowbridge seconds.
c)All in favor. So moved.
- Executives Report
- President’s Report
- President Salisbury met with Chancellor Allison yesterday. The Vice Chancellor of Administration & Finance will be meeting with senate members and discussing a 24 hour study space, parking permits, and other topics. We are making great progress.
- Appointed to University Faculty Council, all of the SGA Presidents have this opportunity but only two are chosen to sit with the President of the University.
- Search and Screen Process: Monday the application will be available and the link is open on Tuesday. If you’ll be a student during 2017-2019 you can apply to be a member of the Board of Trustees. They meet on a monthly basis, they are appointed by the Governor.
- Votes required to pass legislation or motion. Accord to constitution on legislation we need a 51% majority of senate. If senate is 12 then 7 people, if senate is 11 people then 6 votes. The U.S. Senate requires a 50% plus 1 vote vs our threshold which is 51%. President Salisbury would like to take a straw poll for operating on the principle we need 51% of votes cast. Asks for input of the senate.
a)Senator Settle points out we would only operate on this for the next 2 weeks.
b)President Salisbury wants to state that when we get into funding requests and the votes are close we want to make sure the voting process is clearly defined. President Salisbury also added that at 10a, will head over to the senate meeting.
c)Senator Klopfenstein strawpoll with doing majority vote and staying with how the constitution currently explains it.
d)All in favor. So moved.
- Vice President
- Robert’s Rule: Per Robert’s Rule and parliamentarian procedure, raise your hand if you would like to speak and wait to be addressed.
- Funding Request: We had a funding request come in from the Chi Alpha group, it was not accepted, but we are working with them to get it filled out properly. Their trip is September 30th, if you know someone from this group and want to help let us know and we will get you in contact with them.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Please submit direct deposit forms to Treasure Amirova.
- The budget report from last year is currently still being worked on by the previous Treasure.
- Secretary’s Report
- No update.
- Voice of the Constituents
a)Senator Klopfenstein motions to hear Chief Justice Craig Johnson speak on recent Greece trip.
b)Senator Redman seconds.
c)All in favor. So moved.
- Senator Kassem states that for the record, has sent an email to Chi Alpha to offer help in filling out funding request.
- President Salisbury thanks Senator Kassem, and mentions there weren’t many details given on the funding request, the older version of the form was used, and the request was not submitted in the correct way.
- Senator Kassem mentions that if the Vice President receives a funding request with the basic requirements of having 2 advisors, contact information, and submitted on time, it should still go before the senate so the senate can give their input.
- President Salisbury restates that the club submitted a hard copy of an old version of the funding request, and was not submitted properly, but agrees with Senator Kassem.
d)Chief Justice Craig Johnson presents on Greece trip. Chief Justice Johnson shows pictures from the Greece trip and talks about the class it was for. Chief Justice Johnson asked if there were any questions, there were no questions.
- Cabinet Report
- Advisor
- No update.
- Chief of Staff
- No update.
- Director of Campus Affairs
i. Director of Campus Affairs Camper mentions theofficial hiring of a staff assistant in housing, the staffer’s name is Adam.
- Committee Reports
- Spirit Week
- President Salisbury says the reason for moving spirit week was because the original spirit week didn’t have any athletic events. The first week in November has 3 athletic events. A tentative schedule of the events for Spirit Week are as follows: Oct 27th dance, Monday Oct. 31st Boo-to-You event 6p-8p in the Grill, Nov 1st interactive murder mystery event with Titan Pro. Where the theme is an 80s high school reunion and students need to R.S.V.P Nov 1st is also banner making in Fireside from 11a-5p,Nov. 2ndthe Student versus staff/faculty game will take place at 5p.m. followed by “Wish with the Chancellor” at 7p. on Nov 3rd the Nearly Naked mile will start at 5:30p along with tailgating and a pep rally before the Volleyball game at 7p. Students are encouraged to wear red to the game it will be a red out. Men’s basketball will start on Nov. 4th and Women’s basketball will start on Nov 5th. There will be flyers that will be distributed across campus, cups, and shirts with the Spirit Week schedule to promote Spirit Week.
- Senator Settle asks are we publicizing the clothes drive to all clubs.
- President Salisbury responds yes.
- Senator Al Shareef asks if there is a sign-up sheet.
- President Salisbury says yeah and we will make sure you’re aware.
- Senator Trowbridge suggests maybe incorporating a food drive with the Titans Feeding Titans food pantry.
- President Salisbury explains that the main focus is a clothing drive but we can mention it. Also, part of the competition with the clubs is to see which clubs can collect the most clothes to donate to the homeless shelter.
- Vice President Klopfenstein mentioned last time we required people to bring a non-perishable item to enter the event and that went well.
- Academic Affairs Committee
- Vice President Klopfenstein is appointed to the committee. The Committee expressed they wanted a representative who has served before, and there will be intricate reports coming up. They added that they wouldn’t be affiliated a committee trying to figure out retention maybe the academic affairs committee not the senate. Senator Kassem if you want to form a committee dealing with retention or fees get in touch with Vice President Klopfenstein and it’ll be a great committee.
- Senator Kassem adds that the senate needs to approve the appointment
- All in favor of appointing Vice President Klopfenstein to the Academic Affairs Committee.
- All in favor. So moved.
- Senator Kassem adds that for the record it’s not their choice it’s our choice for the senate, to appoint someone. Thepurpose of SGA is to protect students and be a voice of students it’s a checks and balance system.
- Search and Screen:
- Vice President Klopfenstein reports at least 6-7 applications have been submitted, and we have great candidates. After 5p today the committee will interview and bring the top 3 picks to SGA and the senate will be able to ask questions.
- Senator Kassem asks if the email from Jenna Early was received. There have been technical difficulties with the application.
- Vice President Klopfenstein says yes, and emailed Jenna the application. Vice President Klopfenstein takes a straw poll of how many people think we should extend the deadline for the application until Tuesday at 5p.m.
- All in favor. So moved.
- Senator Kassem motions to extend time for discussion for 10 more minutes.
- Senator Trowbridge seconds.
- All in favor. So Moved.
- Vice President Klopfenstein will have Advisor Strittmatter put something on the Daily Titan and work with Senator Settle about updating Titan Atlas.
- Intimate Partner Violence Awareness:
- Senator Kassem says this is something that would be good for SGA to be a part of. A few senators have reached out about their clubs wanting to collaborate, but would like more people to reach out. Senator Kassem reminds everyone this is a visual display with clothes lines. A funding request will come before the senate, but Senator Kassem has not heard any feedback from the people that have been reached out to for it. The event will take place on Oct 10th, if anyone wants to be involved email Senator Kassem.
- Old business
- Titan Success Center:
- Vice President Klopfenstein mentions that this is President Salisbury’s section but he left for a meeting. Vice President Klopfenstein asks if there are any question, and there is none.
- Senator Klopfenstein motions to table discussion.
- Senator Correll seconds.
- All in favor. So moved.
- New Business
- Senator Trowbridge mentions that voter registration week is coming, it’s the last week of September. Would like for SGA to host a table.
- Senator Al Shareefasks when the Halloween party is.
- Vice President Klopfenstein responds Oct. 27th.
- Senator Kassem wants clarification that the haunted house and the children’s activities are both in the Grill.
- Senator Settle says we are not sure if we thought it was best or not.
- Vice President Klopfenstein suggests for people concerned to email President Salisbury because he is the chair. Also that last time the haunted house was at Riverside and was perfect but even that was cramped.
- Senator Kassem expresses concern with the location, the Boo-to-You event is an event that SGA has had a big part in building up and it’ll be hurt this year.
- Senator Redman adds this is a fundraiser as well.
- Vice President Klopfenstein repeats, having people email President Salisbury if they are concerned because there may be information being left out, causing everyone to over react.
- For the Good of the Order
- Senator Redman asks the senate to watch the side conversations during the meeting because it’s difficult to hear the speaker who has the floor.
- Senator Kassem is blown away by the SGA this year. Senator Kassem applauds the SGA, says there are so many values being upheld, that it’s nothing against past SGAs because they were good, but to keep up the amazing work. You’re the leaders of the campus, and students elected you all for a reason.
- Senator Kassem motions to adjourn the meeting.
- Senator Klopfenstein seconds.
Meeting Adjourned at 10a.m.