Sculpture No 1 on the Sculpture Trail Leaflet
- Op Mobile No 10 by Nechemia Azaz
Sculpture No 4 on the Sculpture Trail Leaflet
-Dark at Heart by Peter Randall-Page
What steps did the Sculptor take to make the sculpture?
Put these in the correct order – Put a number 1 next to which you think the sculptor did first, a 2 next to what you think they did second and so on.
MADE A MODEL (also called a Maquette, a miniature sized model of the sculpture)
Sculpture No 5 on the Sculpture Trail Leaflet
– Grown in the Field by AvtarjeetDhanjal
How do you think this sculpture was made? Have a really close look at the sculpture, touch it, look for clues, then circle the correct picture below
Was it carved?
Was it cast?
Was it modelled?
You might have noticed that the five different parts of the sculpture are all different heights. The heights correspond to the changes in height and width of a tree over five years so the smallest one is the tree after year one, the tallest at year 5.
If you had to think of a new name for this sculpture what would you call it?
Sculpture No 6 on the Sculpture Trail Leaflet
- Needle of Knowledge Obelisk by Stefan Knapp
Circle all the colours you can see in this sculpture
Is this sculpture smooth or rough? ______
Sculpture No 7 on the Sculpture Trail Leaflet
- Let’s Not be Stupid by Richard Deacon
Can you draw a picture of Let’s Not be Stupid in the space below?
Can you measure how wide Let’snot be Stupid is using your family? Start at the left hand side, everybody stand next to each other with your arms stretched out wide fingertips touching. If you need more people send the first person round to the end but don’t forget to keep count.
How many people did you need?______
Sculpture No 8 on the Sculpture Trail Leaflet
– 3B Series 1 by Bernard Schottlander
Have a really good look at this sculpture walk all around it and through it.
- How many separate forms is this sculpture made from? ______
- Can you name any of the shapes? ______
- Knock on the Sculpture gently with your knuckles, what do you think it is made of? Circle the correct picture below
Now, all the family get together and try and create 3B Series 1 with your own bodies. Think about the sizes of the different forms and the sizes in your family.