Date: 3/05/12
Teacher: Linzee Garrison
School: AEEC
Grade: Kindergarten
Focus: Kicking
Sub-Focus: Spatial Awareness, accuracy, force
Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. kick a stationary ball from a stationary position so it travels along the ground
2. kick the ball with the left and right foot
3. kick the ball with the inside and toe of foot
4. kick the ball so it will knock over a target
Cues: 1. watch the ball
2. step next to ball with non-kicking foot
3. shoelaces forwards and shoelaces out
Equipment/ Materials: Small soccer balls (1 per child)
Masking tape
Hoops (6)
Protocols: Red light, green light, 1 2 3 all eyes on me, criss cross applesauce
Set Induction: Today, we are going to pretend like we are professional soccer players. We are going to do some things that will help us practice for the Olympics.
Content Development:
· I want everyone to sit criss cross applesauce on a piece of tape.
· Okay, whenever I say 1,2,3 all eyes on me everyone needs to be quiet and look at me so you can hear the directions and return to your personal space.
· I want everyone to stand on your “X” and put your arms out to the side of you and twist around. This is your personal space.
· Let’s try that: 1, 2, 3 all eyes on me
· Now, I will start, and we are all going to tell our names and one thing we like to do after school.
· Today, we are going to learn some different ways of kicking a ball.
· When I say green light, I want everyone to go to the red hoop and get one ball.
· After you have your ball, I want everyone to return to his or her personal space, which is the piece of tape you were sitting on.
· Everyone hold your ball against your chest like a teddy bear.
· Right now we are just going to pretend like we are kicking the ball.
· Now, Miss Courtney is going to show us how to kick with the inside of our right foot while holding our teddy bear very tight.
· First, you step next to the ball with your non-kicking foot.
· Then, you kick the ball with the inside of your foot.
· Remember that your shoelaces should be facing out
· Next, Miss Courtney is going to show us how to kick with the inside of our left foot.
· Now, I want everyone to practice what Miss Amy just showed us with your right foot, then your left foot.
· Remember to keep your shoelaces facing out as you kick the ball
· Make sure that you are still hugging your teddy bear.
· Okay, now we are going to practice actually kicking the ball.
· I want everyone to put their ball on the ground in front of them.
· When I say green light, I want you to step with your non-kicking foot and kick the ball against the wall in front of you with the inside of your right foot.
· After you kick the ball, go get it and return to your personal space.
· When I say green light I want everyone to kick the ball against the wall again with the same foot.
· Remember to watch the ball and keep your shoelaces facing out
· Now, go get your ball and return to your personal space.
· Now, I want you to put the ball on the ground again and try kicking it with your left foot.
· Try kicking the ball with your left foot until I say red light.
· When I say red light I want you to return to your personal space with your ball.
· Hold your ball real tight in your hands.
· Now Miss Courtney is going to show us how to kick the ball with the front of our foot.
· First, you step next to the ball with your non-kicking foot.
· Then, you kick the ball with your shoelaces facing forward.
· When I say green light, I want everyone to put their ball on the ground and try kicking the ball with our shoelaces facing forward
· First, try kicking it with your right foot 3 times, then try kicking it with your left foot 3 times.
· Remember to keep your shoelaces facing forward when you kick the ball.
· After the kids are done kicking, say red light.
· While Miss Courtney is laying out hoops in front of each child against the wall, explain to the children that they are going to kick the ball slowly so that it will stay in the hoop.
· Have teaching partner lay out hoops in front of the wall so that each kid has a hoop to aim at.
· Let them place the ball on the ground and try kicking it with the inside of their right foot 3 times and then their left foot 3 times.
· Next, let them try to kick the ball with the inside of their left foot 3 times.
· Keep reminding them that the goal is to try to kick the ball so that it stays in the hoop each time.
· Also remind them to watch the ball
· After they have kicked the ball a few times with the inside of their feet, say red light.
· Tell them to start kicking the ball with their shoelaces forward.
· Have them do this with each foot 3 times.
Closure: Okay, Criss-cross Applesauce:
--Can someone:
· Show me how to kick with the inside of your foot
· Show me how to kick with the front of your foot
· Tell me what we do with our eyes while we kick
· Tell me what foot we step next to the ball with
1. Do the children understand the two different ways of kicking the ball?
2. Are they actively participating in all of the activities?
3. Are they ready for a more complex activity?