More informations: No 163 / 4- 2008
Technology Transfer and Innovation
Two new Success Stories on the IRC Web Site
Two new partnerships built up with the help of the IRC Network developed knowledge and processes in order to improve our environment. With a new generation of windows saving energy and safer water monitoring systems, everyone could benefit from these two successful collaborations.
With the help of IRC Austria and IRC SOFRAA, two companies improved window industry in order to comply with zero emission, energy-efficient housing.
A Window of Innovation"Wood, regal, warm, glorious wood. As a building material it's the pièce de résistance, the crème de la crème. It is irreplaceable, always fashionable and considering today's focus on energy savings, somewhat sinful to use."More details
Thanks to IRC Catalonia and IRC Denmark two companies have found each other and are producing a viable solution that will alter water monitoring using the latest technologies.
Tapping into IRC resources for safer water"Water monitoring systems are a little more complicated than most people realise. A good system not only assists in ensuring good water quality, it also serves to assist in water analysis and direct pollution control."More details
A new IRC Good Practice
The Good Practice Database is the tool enabling knowledge sharing among the 71 IRCs. No less than 37 Good Practices have been recorded in it to date, which concern IRC services to client companies, IRC management, or networking. This wealth of experience is available to all IRCs that wish to improve their daily practice.
One of the newly validated Good Practices comes from IRC Slovakia - BIC Bratislava:
Involving clusters in the company missions’ organization The good practice is based on a technology mission commonly organised by IRC Slovakia (BIC Bratislava) and IRC Austria (CATT, Linz) in September 2006.The GP could be used whenever an IRC organises a technology mission of companies to another IRC Network partner's country.More details
Bilateral meetings during CERAMICA INNOVA, 5-9 February 2008, Valencia, Spain
The event will be held with the ocassion of CEVISAMA (The International trade show for ceramic tiles, surface coverings, bathroom and kitchen equipment, raw materials, glazes, frits machinery) which is the second most important fair in Europe in the ceramics field, after CERSAIE.Next year will be held the 26 edition being all the machinery companies present. (
The companies, associations and technology transfer entities can take part in the event participating in the bilateral meetings based inpreviously inserted profiles oftechnology offers or requests,and/oras a speaker at the technology forum,talking abouttheir technologies.
TECHA2008 – Brokerage event “Technologies exploitation for the Cultural Heritage advancement”, Rome, Italy, 10-11 March 2008
On the occasion of TECHA2008 (international event dedicated to the study of present and future perspectives of new technologies applied to cultural heritage - the IRCs organise a brokerage event.
TECHA2008 intends to represent a reliable window on the most excellent innovations in the sector of heritage conservation and valorisation with the purpose of encouraging meetings and co-operations projects.
On the 1st day a conference on the under mentioned topics will highlight the state of art of technologies applied to cultural heritage and on current needs and future perspective for their enhancement.
On the 2nd day, the brokerage event will allow experts coming from the European countries to meet each other to exchange expertise, know-how and needs, and to start international cooperation.
During the two days, companies selected by the Scientific Committee will also have the opportunity to expose their innovative products in a permanent exhibition. The event will be focused in particular on:
• Survey, diagnostic and monitoring
• Materials and techniques of intervention
• ICT for the Cultural Heritage
• Sustainable energy for architectural heritage
More … For profiles, please contact
Registration and insertion of TO/TR profiles can be made up to February the 1st.
In the download section of the webpage you can also find first information concerning Venues of TECHA2008 (conference, brokerage event and expo) and a List of Hotels with a limited number of rooms reserved for you at a special price up to the first week of January. To book a room, please use the "hotel booking forms".
European Partnering Event „EnergyEfficientBuildings and Renovation” at the international trade fair CLEAN ENERGY POWER® 2008, 8th March 2008 in Stuttgart
The fair is a merger of two successful regional fairs “erneuerbare energien – Böblingen” with “Passiv-Haus” and the international fair Clean energy power® from Berlin. More information:
Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, IRC Stuttgart-Erfurt-Zürich, Innovation Relay Centres IRC, REECO GmbH and further networks and stakeholders will jointly organise a European Partnering Event in Stuttgart on 8th March 2008. SMEs, research institutes in the field of energy efficient building and renovation including architects, engineering companies, producers of related products and technologies will have the opportunity to meet potential cooperation partners during pre-arranged appointments on one day.The Event is the environment for companies to:
– Meet relevant companies and institutes with a similar or complementary core competence
– Establish cross-border contacts with European actors
– Observe new and innovative technologies
– Look for expertise and know-how in the areas of production, marketing and distribution
– Offer and/or use innovative technologies/know-how
– Select and be selected for future collaboration in research and product development
– Meet international partners
The Partnering Event will focus on:
- Passive House(self build house modules, wall and roof constructions, ecological building materials, windows, doors, facades, house ventilation and heat recovery, house and heating technologies, services for quality management)
- Heating and cooling technologies,
- New materials
- Supporting ICT in the are of construction,
- Renovation (new technologies, materials, ICT support)
For further information about the Partnering Event please visit:
IRC: Technology transfer services / All reasonable models of co-operation will be considered
You are un inventor; do you have technology to transfer; do you have new products, technology based on innovations to offer; do you need news technologies; do you need technical assistance in technology transfer…
Please contact IPA CIFATT Craiova, e_mail: ; web site:
Copyright and the Internet ; General rules concerning copyright protection on the Internet
The rules concerning copyright protection apply to the Internet in the same way as to other situations. This means that each work on the Internet, insofar as it is original and expressed in a particular form, is eligible for copyright protection. To enjoy copyright protection, no formalities (e.g. registration) are required. The “copyright” notice or the (©) sign is absolutely not mandatory for work to be protected by copyright. It can, be very useful in case of a dispute, since it can create a presumption that the person indicated is the copyright owner on the work. Existence or absence of copyright notice does not guarantee existence or absence of rights on a work. If there is no copyright notice or the (©) symbol on the work, it does not mean that the work can be freely used.
© IPR-Helpdeskis a constituent part of the IP-BASE project which is financed by the CIP Programme, DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission
Course: SMEs Development & Management – Galillee College, Israel, February 7 – 25, 2008
I would like to invite you to take this last opportunity to benefit from one of the few remaining tuition scholarships that our college is offering for qualified candidates from transitional countries upon their acceptance to the programme. Due to the fact that the programme will start on the February 7th, applications must be received before Monday, January 28th, 2008.
Contact: Mr. Raz Gelber, Programme Director, International Department, Galillee College, Nahalal, Israel, Tel. (+972)-4-6428888, Fax (+972)-4-6514811, ;
Broadcasting Communication
Revision of the Communication from the Commission on the application of State aid rules to public service broadcasting - Questionnaire for public consultation ; Deadline for comments: 10/03/08
bg cs da de et el en es fr it lt lv hu mt nl pl pt ro sk sl fi sv
Interested parties may submit their replies to the questionnaire to the following address:EC, Directorate-General for Competition, State aid Registry, HT 963, B-1049 Brussels,
Fax (32-2) 296 12 42, E-mail:
Note that all comments/submissions will be made public on the Commission website. If you consider that your submission contains confidential information please indicate so clearly in your submission. In the absence of any indication to the contrary the Commission will consider that submissions can be published as such.
Explanatory memorandum regarding the questionnaire (en)
European Research Council Calls for Proposals’
It is up to the applicant to choose and decide on the most appropriate ERC peer review evaluation panel and the corresponding deadline. Applicants must submit their proposals before the deadline of the selected ERC Panel. Details on the ERC Panels is provided in the Guide for Applicants.
Additionally, the ERC may call for proposald on so-called "Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) which are focused on selected issues where the ERC is seeking for external support, services and expertise.
For more information please consult the corresponding Guide for Applicants.
It is foreseen that from 2008 onwards, calls for proposals will be published annually for both ERC grant schemes (see below the indicative call schedule 2007-2010)
Call for proposals ID / Type of Grant / DeadlineERC-2008-AdG
ERC-2008-CSA / Advanced Investigator Grant
Advanced Investigator Grant
Advanced Investigator Grant
Coordination and Support Actions / 28/02/2008
More …
9th International Conference on current research information systems, June 5-7 2008, Maribor, Slovenia
Quality and reliability are key factors for achieving the European Research Area (ERA).
To establish an environment where researchers, technology and knowledge freely circulate and where national and regional research activities, programmes and policies are coordinated at the European level, trust in the enabling information and technology is crucial. By ensuring completeness, consistency and reliability of information and by providing dedicated services to different groups of stakeholders, current research information systems (CRIS) play an important role in the ERA e-Infrastructure.Topics:
Quality: Data management and quality assurance
Defining the scope of a CRIS (institutional, national, international; discipline-specific vs. interdisciplinary); organizing data collection and sharing (involving end users and external systems; centralized, federated and distributed approaches); establishing criteria and mechanisms for quality assurance; ensuring interoperability (ownership of data and privacy issues; authority and reliability of data; data fusion; standardization; heterogeneity of structure and semantics; data exchange and linkage between individual systems).
Success Stories: Learning from each other
Best practice examples and success criteria for CRISs uses (as evaluation and management tools; for dissemination and information services; for profile-building of researchers, organizations or regions; influencing funding and research programmes); thinking e-Infrastructures from the CRIS point of view (relation to other information systems and services); service-oriented view on CRISs allowing re-use of information and functions (describing and detecting CRISs and their services; re-usable services for e.g. data collection, quality assurance, data fusion and information extraction; adding value by combining services and systems; CRISs and the Semantic Web / Web 2.0).
Sustainability: Research information systems as a strategic commitment
Getting institutional commitment; embedding CRISs in an institution’s strategy; relating CRISs to institutional processes and systems; cost-effectiveness of CRISs; ensuring timeliness of data in the future; cooperation as a way to sustainability; change management and end-user involvement.
More ..
EU-Japan cooperation forum on information and communication technologies (ICT), 4-5 March Tokyo, The event is organised within the framework of the EU-funded CHINACOOP project.
The event is intended as an opportunity to identify, discuss and develop joint strategic ICT research projects of mutual benefit to the European Union and Japan.
More … ;
First FP7 security projects announced
The EC has released details of the first security projects to be financed under the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).
The 24 research projects, which will share some €90 million between them, were selected from proposals submitted following the first call for proposals of the FP7-ICT theme in the area of 'secure, dependable and trusted infrastructures'. Of the 24 projects, five are Integrated Projects (IPs), one is a Network of Excellence (NoE), whilst 14 are Focused Research Actions (STREPs) and four are Coordination Actions (CAs).
The overall focus of the research is on developing the knowledge and technologies needed for building a trustworthy ubiquitous information society, based on a secure and resilient network and service infrastructures.
Most of the projects started on 1 January 2008 and all will be operational within the next few months.
FP7 - ICT Programme - Challenge 1 Security:
CORDIS – Closing Calls
2008Feb.29 ::FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2008-1 -Research Infrastructures
2008March.14 ::FP7-REGPOT-2008-1 -Unlocking and developing the Research Potential of research entities established in the EUs Convergence Regions and Outermost regions
2008March.14 ::FP7-REGPOT-2008-2 - Providing evaluation facilities for research entities in the EUs convergence regions and outermost regions
2008March.14 ::FP7-REGIONS-2008-1 - Analysis, mentoring, integration of research agendas and definition of joint action plans
2008March.14 ::FP7-REGIONS-2008-2 - Facilitating the emergence of new regional research driven clusters and mutual exchange of information
2008March.18 ::FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2008-1 - Science in Society
2008April.11 ::FP7-SME-2008-1 - Research for SMEs Call 2
2008 Jun. 26 ::FP7-COH-2007-2.2-OMC-NET - Support to bottom up policy coordination initiatives undertaken by several countries and regions (OMC-NET)
2008Jan.08 ::FP7-ICT-2007-C - FET Open scheme
2008Feb.25::FP7-ENV-2008-1 - Environment (including Climate Change)
2008Feb.25::FP7-ENV-NMP-2008-2 - Environment - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
2008Feb.26::FP7-ENERGY-NMP-2008-1 - Joint Energy NMP Call
2008Feb.26::FP7-ENERGY-2008-1 - Energy Call Part 1
2008Feb.26::FP7-ENERGY-2008-FET - Energy FET Call
2008Feb.26::FP7-ENERGY-2008-RUSSIA - Energy EU-Russia Call
2008Feb.26::FP7-KBBE-2008-2B - General call 3
2008 Feb.29 ::FP7-GALILEO-2007-GSA-1 - Transport (including Aeronautics)
2008March.06::FP7-NMP-2008-LARGE-2 - Theme 4 - NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
2008March.06::FP7-NMP-2008-SMALL-2 - Theme 4 - NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
2008March.06::FP7-NMP-2008-SME-2 - Theme 4 - NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
2008 Apr.08 ::FP7-ICT-2007-3 - ICT call 3
2008Apr.24::FP7-NMP-2008-CSA-2 - Theme 4 - NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
2008Apr.24::FP7-NMP-2008-EU-India-2 - Theme 4 - NMP - Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
2008May.07::FP7-SST-2008-RTD-1 - FP7-Sustainable surface transport.(SST)-2008-RTD-1
2008May.07::FP7-SST-2008-TREN-1 - FP7-Sustainable surface transport.(SST)-2008-TREN 1
2008May.07::FP7-TPT-2008-RTD-1 - FP7-Transport (TPT)-2008-RTD-1
2008May.07::FP7-AAT-2008-RTD-1 - FP7 - AERONAUTICS and AIR TRANSPORT (AAT) - 2008 - RTD-1
2008Aug.12::FP7-ERANET-2008-RTD - ERA-NET / ERA-NET PLUS Call 2008
2008 Apr.15::FP7-Fission-2008 - Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection
2008Feb.28::ERC-2008-AdG_20080228 - ERC Advanced Grant (Physical Sciences & Engineering)
2008March.06::ERC-2008-Support - IDEAS Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
2008March.18::ERC-2008-AdG_20080318 - ERC Advanced Grant (Social Sciences & Humanities)
2008April.22::ERC-2008-AdG_20080422 - ERC Advanced Grant (Life Sciences)
2008March.05::FP7-PEOPLE-NIGHT-2008 - Researchers' night
2008March.13::FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-3-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)
2008March.25::FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2008 - FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2008
2008March.28::FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-2008 - FP7-PEOPLE-IRSES-2008
2008April.03::FP7-PEOPLE-IRG-2008 - FP7-PEOPLE-IRG-2008
2008April.03::FP7-PEOPLE-ERG-2008 - FP7-PEOPLE-ERG-2008
Genomica: The 2nd annual Proteomics Europe conference and exhibition, Lisbon
This year's event will take place in the historic city of Lisbon. The conference will be co-located with the European Biomarkers SummitandAdvances in Metabolic Profiling.
Registered delegates will have access to all three meetings ensuring a very cost-effective trip.
Call for Papers ; Deadline: 27 February 2008
Genomica: World of Health IT 4-6 noiembrie 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark
This event aims to connect leading health information and communication technology experts from Europe and beyond in educational sessions, vendor exhibitions, interoperability demonstrations, exchange of experiences and other professional development opportunities. A call for papers has been launched (deadline 31 January)
More ...
Genomica: 'Micro and Nano Technologies for Food - a healthy and safe option?' 17 January 2008, The Royal Society, London
Drinks reception: 6.00pmLecture: 6.30 - 8.00pm
The 2008 Albert Franks Memorial Lecture will be given by Dr Frans Kampers, currently director of BioNT, the Wageningen biotechnology centre for food and health innovation. His wide-ranging lecture will cover - the benefits and risks of nanotechnology as applied to foods and healthfoods; the opportunities nanotechnology offers for improved safety; and how nanoadditives are providing enhanced nutritional and health benefits. He will also discuss the responsibility of food manufacturers to demonstrate that new applications are safe!
Register for the Albert Franks Memorial Lecture FREE ; For further information:
5thInternational Seminar on quality management in higher education 12-14 June 2008, Tulcea, Romania,
The event is organized by Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania,
The deadline for Abstract submission is January 25, 2008!
For further information:
Events in the field of Information Society
The Future of the Internet - 31 March 2008 Bled, Slovenia
This open conference identifies the long term societal and economic trends of future on-line societies, how they will impact the underlying network and service technologies and how they subsequently drive research and technology requirements towards a "Future Internet", hence defining future actions at European level in a domain that has now become a global issue, with bold initiatives started in the US and in Asia.