For immediate release:

Accolades for volunteers helping transform their local community

(First pic shows seven of the ten winners with their awards: from left to right Lynn and Ian Taylor, Mike Givens,Anthony Campbell, Cedric Atherton, Warren Dodd and Billy McLaughlin. Standing at the back is Otto Malone. Second pic shows Warren Dodd with Mike Givens)

Ten local heroes from communities in Salford and north Cheshire have received richly deserved Community Awards at an event hosted by charity the Hamilton Davies Trust (HDT).

Grass roots grafters from Irlam, Cadishead and Rixton-with-Glazebrook, who ranged from a club secretary at Irlam FC to the coordinator of the local Royal British Legion, were given trophies at the third annual awards held by HDT, at the Black Swan in Hollins Green on Wednesday, 15 June.

More than 100 people attended the event, which also celebrated what HDT had achieved in the previous 12 months.

Since last year, the charity has supported over 52 different projects – the equivalent of one every week – and provided more than £1.2m support to the local community.

Notable achievements include setting up an arts centre and a programme of community art, a new clubhouse for Irlam FC and further developing the Station House, transformed just over a year ago, along with a range of regular programmes.

HDT founder Neil McArthur said: “These volunteers have shown an outstanding level of commitment to the local community and prove how strong the community spirit is becoming in our local area.

“The whole concept behind HDT’s work is community-led regeneration, which relies on our army of over 100 volunteers and working with our partners, to deliver projects.

“Thanks to them, HDT has achieved a huge amount and delivered significant social and economic improvements in the local area over the past few years.”

Notes for editors

HDT was founded by Neil McArthur - a founder of the Talk Talk group - and wife Anne in 2004, with the aim of supporting the local communities of Irlam and Cadishead in Salford, with additional support given to Rixton-with-Glazebrook (Warrington).

With a strong leadership with local roots and working closely with local people, it has invested £6m of private funds in total since then.

This includes distributing over 450 grants to local organisations and projects and, with partners, funding a number of major, high-quality infrastructure projects such as the building of a new sixth form college, the refurbishment of the local leisure centre and the transformation of Irlam Station.

Winners of this year’s HDT Community Awards were:

  • Billy McLaughlin and Geoff Blackburn who were recognised for their hard work and unstinting commitment to producing local magazine the Irlam and Cadishead Times.
  • Anthony ‘Canis’ Campbell whose award which marked more than 15 years at Cadishead Sports JFC.
  • Mike Jenkins was thanked for his contribution to Irlam and Cadishead Royal British Legion, of which he has been co-ordinator for more than six years. Mike continued to drive forward fundraising by introducing the lamp-post poppy scheme which was the most successful across the country because of his commitment and dedication.
  • Ian and Lynn Taylor received an award for re-establishing FIRST (Friends of Irlam Station) in May 2015 and their ongoing volunteer work, litter picks, gardening etc.
  • Warren Dodd, club secretary at Irlam FC was presented with his award for his crucial role in delivering a smart new clubhouse and car park, as well as overseeing promotion to the NWCL Premier Division at the end of 2016. The award was in relation to the amount of work he has done over the years for the club, the promotion is a consequence of his hard work and tenacity.
  • Otto Malone’s award recognised the dedication and generosity of spirit he has demonstrated since February 2014 when he became the areas Manchester United Foundation (MUF) hub officer and the relationship he had with the children who looked up to him.
  • Cedric Atherton received his award in recognition of his tireless work to help prepare the local Community Shop for business. He continues to support the shop now so his volunteering work is ongoing
  • Local builder Mike Givens was presented with his award for making his skills available to numerous community group projects that needed help to build or renovate premises, thereby helping HDT construct, refurbish and improve more than 55 buildings.

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