Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
May 23, 2009 – Fraser Valley Institution for Women, British Columbia
1. Identification of Participants
a) Voting Members
Jennifer Harrington, Vice-President Cathie Penny, Treasurer Ailsa Watkinson, Past President Dana Hickey, Sudbury Mollie Both, Kamloops Kelly Anderson, Sudbury
Chickadee Richards, Manitoba Aimee Thompson, Central Okanagan
Tracy Booth, Manitoba Amanda Donaldson, Central Okanagan
Stacey Soldier, Manitoba Toni Sinclair, Edmonton
Louise Richards, Kamloops Bonnie Parker, Edmonton
Colleen Minnabarriet, South Cariboo Sonja Krug, Edmonton
Denise Fiddick, South Cariboo Leanne Kilby, Hamilton
Jo-Anne Wemmers, Quebec Cindy Chaisson, Yukon
Dominique Larochelle, Quebec Darlene MacEachern, Cape Breton
Ruth Gagnon, Quebec Regional Advocate Bryonie Baxter, Ottawa
Priscilla Turingan, Calgary Diana Majury, Ottawa
Yvonne Wesley, Calgary Kathi Heim, Prince George
Tricia Haggarty, Calgary Denise Durette, Saint John
Carley Parish, New Brunswick Marianna Stack, Saint John Shawn Bayes, Vancouver Caroleen Wright, Saskatchewan Susan Witter, Vancouver Ailsa Watkinson, Saskatchewan
Marni Zeigler, Vancouver Nancy Poon, Saskatchewan
Joanne Prince, Toronto Deborah Riddle, Peel-Halton Michelle Coombs, Toronto Barbara Darby, Nova Scotia
Barb Ryner, Simcoe County Donna Phillips, Nova Scotia
Terri Soukup, Simcoe County Nicole Farmer, Nova Scotia
Paula King, Simcoe County Judy Garneau, Kitchener-Waterloo Ruth Schaeffer, Peterborough Sarah Caroll, Kamloops
Linda Slavin, Peterborough
b) Regrets
Sue Dunlop, Secretary and Board Member – Ontario Region
Lucie Joncas, President
c) Staff
Kim Pate, Executive Director
Candice Pilgrim, Administrative and Research Assistant
c) Observers
Joan Winchell, Vancouver Brenda Fontaine, Manitoba
Elizabeth Treidler, Manitoba Isabell Day, Manitoba
Olivia Fielding, Central Okanagan Arvinder Lalli, Central Okanagan
Robyn Ocean, Prince George
2. Reading of Mission Statement
Jennifer Harrington read out the Mission Statement of CAEFS in English and Dominique Larochelle la lit en français.
3. Motion to Approve the Agenda Appendix I
Motion: That the agenda of the Annual General Meeting be accepted as tabled.
Moved by Diana Majury; seconded by Cindy Chaisson; carried unanimously.
4. Motion to Approve the Minutes of the May 2008 AGM Appendix II
Motion: That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on May 24, 2008 in Ottawa, Ontario, be adopted as tabled.
Moved by Darlene MacEachern; seconded by Joanne Prince; carried unanimously.
5. Annual Report 2008 – 2009 Appendix III
a) President’s Report
Jennifer Harrington welcomed and acknowledged the AGM participants. As the Vice President of CAEFS, she explained that she is chairing this AGM in Lucie’s absence. She also indicated that our President, Lucie Joncas, sends her regrets. She is in the 17th week of what was supposed to be a 5 week murder trial involving six co-accused. The jury is currently deliberating, so she cannot be at the AGM. She thanks Jennifer for so graciously stepping in to chair the meetings in her absence.
On behalf of the entire Board, as well as the membership of CAEFS, Jennifer thanked the Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver for hosting the AGM and congratulated them on the occasion of their 70th Anniversary.
Motion: That the President’s Report be accepted as tabled.
Moved by Dominique Larochelle; seconded by Dana Hickey; carried unanimously.
b) Treasurer’s Report Appendix IV
Cathie reviewed her written report and the audited financial statements for CAEFS with the membership.
i) Approval of Financial Decisions and Payments of the Past Fiscal Year
Motion: That the membership accept the Treasurer’s Report, including confirmation and approval of all financial decisions and payments made on behalf of CAEFS over the past fiscal year, and the audited financial statements for CAEFS for the fiscal year 2008-2009.
Moved by Cathie Penny; seconded by Kathi Heim; carried unanimously.
ii) Appointment of Auditors
Motion: That Moore Vallance Chartered Accountants be appointed as the auditors for CAEFS for the fiscal year, April 1, 2009–March 31, 2010.
Moved by Cathie Penny; seconded by Carley Parish; carried unanimously.
c) Executive Director’s Report
In addition to her written report, Kim reported orally.
Kim thanked Shawn, Susan, Joan and the rest of the EFry Vancouver team for inviting the membership to Vancouver, as well as for organizing the AGM. Kim also thanked the CAEFS’ membership and the students and part-time staff in the CAEFS’ office for their work in making the work at CAEFS run.
Kim gave various examples of the strength and leadership within our network and encouraged the membership to continue to take strong, positive positions and to hold accountable the politicians who are making short-sighted and irresponsible decisions. She also highlighted the collective experience and expertise of the women involved in the CAEFS network, all of which she encouraged the membership to reflect upon, when considering the incredible richness and diversity of our network. She also thanks the women and staff at FVI for their invitations, assistance and unparalleled hospitality in the lead up to, and throughout our conference and AGM.
Motion: That the Annual Report be accepted as tabled and presented.
Moved by Paula King; seconded by Terri Soukup; carried unanimously.
e) Regional Reports Appendix V
i. Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge
Caroleen Wright indicated that the region is recruiting a new Healing Lodge Representative, but the Executive Directors in the Region will continue to visit and assist women at the Lodge in the interim.
ii. Prairie Regional Report
In addition to her written report, Caroleen Wright, the Prairie Regional Advocate, highlighted the current situation at Edmonton Institution for Women (EIFW) and the work of the newly formed Human Rights in Action Committee. Caroleen Wright also reported on the situation at the Regional Psychiatric Centre (RPC) in Saskatoon. They still do not have a visitation contract, but keep in touch with the 10 women in the Churchill Unit, the segregated maximum security unit for women in RPC, and are partnering with law students in the community.
iii. Pacific Regional Report
Mollie Both, the Regional Advocate for the Pacific Region, presented her report and identified the number of issues that the Human Rights in Action collective and the Regional Advocates are working on in conjunction with the women at FVI.
iv. Ontario Regional Report
Leanne Kilby, the Regional Advocate for Ontario, elaborated on her written report. Leanne also discussed the post-October 2007 limitations in terms of the Regional Advocate’s access to living units. Leanne also expressed regrets regarding closure of the Isabel McNeill Minimum Security House (IMH).
v. Quebec Regional Report
Ruth Gagnon reviewed her report in English for the membership. The membership expressed great appreciation to Ruth for her presentation in her second language.
vi. Atlantic Regional Report
Darlene MacEachern presented the Atlantic report on behalf of the Atlantic Advocacy Committee.
Motion: The Regional Reports be accepted as presented.
Moved by Diana Majury; seconded by Cindy Chaisson; carried unanimously.
f) Committee Reports
i. Social Action
Louise Richards, chair of the Social Action Committee, reviewed the work plan for the Committee. She thanked the membership for the work they do in their communities.
ii. Diversity
Sue Dunlop, chair of the Diversity Committee, sent her regrets. There was a death in her family, so she was unfortunately unable to attend. The work of the Committee will continue in the future.
iii. Membership, AGM and Bursary
Marianna Stack, chair of the Membership, AGM and Bursary Committee, thanked the EFS of Greater Vancouver for their sponsorship of the AGM this year.
There is a new Elizabeth Fry Society developing in Prince Edward Island. Marianna met with the new group this spring and she has requested that Kim follow up with the group this summer.
Marianna also reported that the Committee received a number of bursary applications from women. Marianna thanked the membership for the additional funds donated to the Elizabeth Fry memorial Bursary Fund by the membership, as well as for the funds raised from the silent auction and the resources brought in by the Executive Director, all of which allowed the committee to award the following women Elizabeth Fry Memorial bursaries:
Atlantic – Crystal Dawn Struthers
Michelle Myra
Quebec – Natalie Tessier
Ontario - Karen DeSilva
Natalie Williams
Prairies - Kim Regier
Misty Shingoose
Tanya Renee Desjarlais
Pacific - Alex Young
Linda Green
iv. Regionalization
Yvonne Wesley will assist the Board to review the Committee work plan at the meeting of the incoming Board of CAEFS.
v. Governance Committee
Dominique Larochelle requested that the membership review the Code of Ethics and provide feedback to their regional representatives in advance of the October meeting of the CAEFS’ Board.
vi. Housing Committee
Paula King reviewed the work plan of the Housing Committee and reported more generally on the very positive nature of the meeting and the enthusiasm for the plan.
Motion: That the committee reports be accepted as tabled and presented.
Moved by Darlene MacEachern; seconded by Ailsa Watkinson; carried unanimously.
6. Board of Directors for 2009-2010 Appendix VI
The CAEFS’ Board bid farewell to Ailsa Watkinson, Marianna Stack, Nicole Farmer and Yvonne Wesley and welcomed Carley Parish, Denise Durette and Nancy Poon.
7. Ten Year Volunteer and Staff Announcements Appendix VII
The names of volunteers and staff listed in Appendix VII were referred to and certificates were distributed.
8. Date and Location of 2009 – 2010 Annual General Meeting
The CAEFS’ membership welcomed the offer of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Cape Breton. The CAEFS Board thanked Cape Breton and will consider the logistics and economic feasibility.
9. Adjournment
Motion: That the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies be adjourned at 11:53 a.m. Pacific time.
Moved by Tricia Haggarty; Celebrated unanimously.
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